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Everything posted by ZeroDamage

  1. If your mobo will not go to 1.8, then I would look at replacing it for something that can do 1.9 or above (or whatever your mobo can do. Memory can die pretty easily)
  2. Stay.. Away.... from.... the....SimAquarium 2... widget! So... addicting!
  3. My issues with Opera are as follows: 1. I live and die when browsing with the use of my "NoScript" addon. It prevents all scripts from running without explecit permission. 2. I click the control-enter to automatically do .com addresses, shift-enter for .net and both control+shift for .org addresses. So when I type in gcftw, all I have to do is hold down control and press enter. Opera does not do that.
  4. I like this site for these types of questions. The guy is a personal finance guru. Used to listen to him when I lived down near NC. http://www.clarkhoward.com
  5. Wait until later this month on the Intel CPU's. Many will be dropping as much as 50% in price. Buy now and you will be kicking yourself later. I am talking just a couple of weeks (April 22 I believe is the date).
  6. From what I've learned, a few credit cards with 0 balances looks really good on your credit report. But you do not want too many due to the fees that some can incur over time from none use, etc.
  7. If you are looking to upgrade and would like to save $250 or get a free $250 (however you want to look at it), this may be the way to do it. Of course if depends on your credit history and whether you want to apply for a credit card or not. There is no annual fee or anything and after one purchase, you get points that are worth a rebate of $250 dollars. You can spend $250 on memory and get it back later for example. Or you could put it towards that Cure 2 Quad processor that should be around the $400 mark later this month. http://forums.slickdeals.net/showthread.php?t=490743 Or just go here: http://www.chasefreedomnow.com/?CELL=6L3J&v=credit250n
  8. I've noticed that the server can be full and then a map such as Lost Temple, Contra or Russka can come on and the server will empty. I like these maps but they are not good maps for middle of the day play. Just a heads up from what I've seen the past couple of weeks. Also, is there a reason Aztec and Nuke are not on the rotation? Aztec will typically fill a server and Nuke is just great fun when the server is full (in the evenings).
  9. I had it on pre-order thinking this game would be great. It has some coolness too it but comes off as an uninspiring MMO trying to be something it isn't by latching onto the LOTR license. I am disappointed.
  10. That's exactly what I did. (And I removed the quote. No intention of starting a debate)
  11. This should be nice and I hope we see all manufacturers take this route. (Although I doubt they will since they will lose money to those who prefer to only upgrade one part rather than buy a whole new laptop) http://gizmodo.com/gadgets/laptops/asus-c9...ppie-249934.php
  12. He was a pretty good painter. Too bad he is known as the most evil person of our time and times past. http://mostinterestingblog.blogspot.com/20...od-painter.html
  13. Why not turn it into a full time Gun Game server. It seems to be quite popular.
  14. It's his business if it is happening right outside his house. If someone kills another down the street and you see it, do you not call the police because it is not your business?
  15. My metabolism is pretty good and I run a few times a week. I am not too worried about it nor do I plan to drink a lot. Just once in a while perhaps. Wife and I drink some wine or what not every now and then.
  16. I will be in Memphis in two weeks on a business trip. Anyone live in the area?
  17. I plan to start at the top and then work my way down. I may have had it before when I was in the Navy but I honestly do not remember. It was like 10 years ago. I am getting old and my tastes have changed in regards to food and what not. Why not beer?
  18. Cujo is right about all that. I also want to point out that you can have a DX8 based video card like a Geforce 4 and still have DX9 installed. Most any game made for the foreseeable future will be backwards compatible down to DX8-9 even if they support some extra features for DX10. Do not worry about it, everyone with a modern system should be fine (X800/6x00 based cards).
  19. Ok. I have not tried any yet. I was seriously under the weather yesterday and did not want to ruin the experience. Anyway, there are quite a few imports to choose from around here. My question is this: What Guinness should I go for? There is... (I am trying to recall since I was feeling quite sick when I stopped yesterday)... Extra Stout and Draught. Those were my two options... so which should a noobie be trying first. I have to buy a 6-pack, there is no mixing and matching and at 9 bucks a pop, I have to go with the best odds with this. Oh yeah, and the Draught came in a can as well; I assume bottle is preferred? They have Magic Hat but Guinness is what I will try first. Oh yeah, any recommendations on Sam Adams type I should try out? I am a little in the dark on beers where mixed drinks and the like I know fairly well (I was in the Navy after all). Oh yeah, anyone live nearby wonna come by and share in a six pack? Even if I like it, I do not see myself drinking it all gone this weekend.
  20. The original Fable is playing on the 360 by the way. And it looks great on the 360 as well due to AA and AF working on it.
  21. There is one in the works apparently. According to David D. anyway. http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,5-2005030474,00.html http://www.scifi.com/scifiwire/index.php?c...=0&id=40745
  22. Nah, I am honestly not asking due to peer pressure. That kind of stuff doesn't work on me. I just want to try out a few. Maybe I will be more pleasurable in game. :-P
  23. Yeah, I live in Christiansburg now. Only been here a couple of months. Work at the same place as Dweez although I have yet to meet him. Yep, I work at VT. Anyway, I remember seeing Magic Hat when I lived in Maine. Yep, I miss the place since that is where most of my friends are. I miss Moxie too but that is a story for another day. (try mixing that with some vodka. yum) I will take a look for that as well, the hefeweizen stuff.
  24. So, before I get home tonight, I plan on stopping and trying out a few of these to see if I like any of them. Having grown up in Maine and having greatly enjoyed the taste of "Moxie" I am fairly sure I can find a beer or two that can be enjoyable. Sounds like Guinness is on the top of the last as is: 1. Guinness if I can find it around here. 2. Sam Adams Boston Lager 3. Newcastle I guess I will give these 3 a try first. I am sure since this is a college town that there is a liquor store or two somewhere around. Thanks for the input everyone. Keep them coming if you have any recommendations.
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