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Everything posted by Bewildered

  1. Thank you sir. Started with 9 mature follicles, yielding 7 eggs, 4 of which were mature, 3 of which fertilized, 1 of which developed into a blastocyst. Its not uncommon to transfer a single embryo, but considering the cost, most ppl transfer 2. Our only option was 1. All our hopes and prayers are riding on that little embryo hatching out of the egg and emplanting before Thursday. We find out in 2 days. If we fail, its not the end. Its never the end. Never never never never give up.
  2. Good luck man! We'll watch Shrek tonight in your honor j/k Hope she gets the job!
  3. its interesting to read the exploits from the cal forums. Like, quick crouching is an exploit, and they have a video of it being used on dust2 bombsite b. AWPer sits crouched behind box, covering tunnel. If you release your crouch button and immediately press it again you'll crouch much faster than if you wait to press it until you've already stood up. Doing so apparently makes it impossible to see the person behind the box.
  4. Man, I hope this comes to Minnesota. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/25464987/
  5. I lol'd http://www.journal-advocate.com/news/2008/...isis-starbucks/
  6. Please pray for our little embryos. Yesterday was the big day, we collected seven eggs. Will find out Saturday if we have two good enough for transfer.
  7. Your friend can have my seat (which is next to you) , I can't make it either.
  8. Yep! Also, we hate our neighbors Not sure what the dogs gonna think, he'll lose his ability to watch the neighbors and all the cars, but he'll gain the ability to run freely in the backyard. I think hes "on the fence" still
  9. Thanks for all the praise! We think it looks pretty awesome too, and I'm glad I took the time to bring the cement above ground level, otherwise I probably wouldn't have been able to sleep at night, wondering if the rain was rotting out my posts
  10. Yeah ... but only for software development
  11. Haven't been playing much CS:S lately, and this is why. We're installing 300 ft of cedar privacy fence. Its a cap & wrap style, so on the outside of the fence there is a 1x4 trim piece that mirrors each of the 2x4 crossbeams (with the slats sandwiched in between). Then the cap is another 1x4 trim piece on the top ofthe fence. 1st pic is of the outside of the fence, 2nd & 3rd are of teh inside. The side of the fence in the front of our house is done, (1st pic) except for the gate. So thats 4 bays completely finished (out of 39 with a ton more bays started but not complete). So I'll be busy for a few more weeks
  12. I'm soooo not an energy drink folk. It was between that or the Starbucks Mocha, and I decided to give it a try. Next time, its the SB or a drive across the street to Caribou.
  13. Lunch for 2day: a turkey sandwich (2 pieces of bread, mayo, thin-sliced turkey deli meat).
  14. Nope, it has 34 (17 x 2 servings). I found it in Bloomington, MN at the local Holiday gas station.
  15. Anyone ever had one of these? I was feeling pretty good a few minutes ago, and then something kicked in and I feel really odd. Head spinning, light headed ... Elvis walked in my cube, grabbed some peanuts, and started talkin to me, etc. Crazy stuff.
  16. I agree on the Dyson. We got the purple pet one from Target about two years ago ... and no complaints. Absolutely love it.
  17. Thats horrible ... hang in there man.
  18. Strike Mill Season Contra Russka Dust2 Inferno LostTemple Pro Fire Hazard Train Aztec
  19. I wanted to give a shout out to Bub, for the new page in progress, but it won't let me, I can't log-in to the main page -- so I think it must be broke.
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