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Everything posted by zad

  1. please change my order to (2) shirts size large for my kids, and bill me.
  2. golly gee! swoops that is hilarious. i bet i we could go through the picture and find even more celebrities in the crowd. i see stone cold, bill gates and bluto (brutus) just to name a few.
  3. had a good time. first ghetto bomb is on me next year.
  4. i have a 15A 125V 30 outlet rack mount power strip i'll give to mom thurs. night.
  5. hi...my name is zad....and i've been cs free for 4 days now... could we get a poll on whether fatty is a punk? just wanna see if it goes anywhere near
  6. zad


    i would appreciate credit for the use of "zero to hero" in the future.
  7. finally! a forum worth reading. i think ur both right! don't stop now.
  8. why does telling the truth have to hurt so much?
  9. zad

    You like Cats

    not that you guys are trying to over analyze this video or anything.
  10. im gonna make you search for my wonid, although it is probably in some Mmmm bunker database already.
  11. Real Name: Zad Zadstein
  12. HI, my name is zad, and i've been hax free since i started playing cs.
  13. did anyone but me notice the large mirror fatty has so readily available. on the catwalk, on the catwalk...
  14. when is the deadline. i will enter at the last minute to avoid any copycats.
  15. zad

    Cheating Death?

    i strongly support C-D. it is a win win program. i love to here all the whining about it. you can script it in game to tell newcomers what it is. bottom line: C-D stops most hax. if it means that much to one of these idiots to play on trop with their hax, they will find a way.
  16. zad

    bunny hopping

    old schoolers don't bunny hop. it was all the punks and wannabe "pro gamers" that did (do) that carp. pubs are for deathmatch with a little teamplay thrown in from time to time. if you wanna get better. rush, rush, rush, and use a "lousy" weapon i.e. m3, mac, tmp, or pistol. these weapons force your aim to the head. and as far as a nub gettin the awp. let him. just pick it up when he dies. if i see 3 or 4 awpers on my team, my favorite thing to do now is block my them out of the double doors on aztec. especially when they say "don't block me, i'm awping double doors". thanks for the advance notice i also think making an awp kill worth -2 kills would help that weapon fade to oblivion where it belongs. please remember no animals were harmed in the making of this post.
  17. make C-D Cheaters-Death mandatory. that should weed out most of them. the amx_script should be special.
  18. from w1lco's "Wall-o-Music".
  19. zad

    bunny hopping

    if the game was intended to be realistic, there would only be ONE (1) awper, per team, at any given time. you never see a fleet of snipers in the movies. oh wait, movies aren't real. but think about it. if this game, and community, is geared towards team play, and there was only one awp at the start of a round, wouldn't you want to put that awp in the best awpers hands for support?
  20. u have much to learn in the ways of abuse weedhoppa.
  21. zad

    I like arguing

    looks like i'll be banned from this forum.
  22. thanks for the props fatty
  23. well at least you don't carry a grudge
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