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Everything posted by dwEEziL

  1. I really liked this one film called "War of the Buttons". But it was a lonnnnngggggg time ago and I was really sick when I watched it. Don't know if would be worth anything to anyone now. It is about a couple of groups of kids who get in this big "war" where whenever anyone from one group meets kids from each other, something happens (sorry, I guess it has been a really long time since I seen it), and the loser ends up leaving with no buttons on any of their clothes.
  2. If it helps any, the occurence I mentioned was on de_inferno.
  3. Forgot something. If you mute a person, it blocks out their global and team chat too.
  4. Well, the best thing would be the attitude going but my reference was actually in the person having the attitude going. I wanted to keep it non-specific as to not single-out one person in general because I really don't know anyone yet outside of their MB presence.
  5. dwEEziL


    SwOOp is my bro (duh). SmallsGotMoxey is a long-time friend of both of us.
  6. Hmm, thought I posted this before but here goes.... SwOOp, please update me on the CJ status....PM me if necessary.
  7. My perspective is that the voice comm was added to increase the abililty of the team to work as one cohesive force. I will occassionally mute a person but prefer not to for the reasons listed above (that person might call out the enemy at a crucial time). I have seen way too many times where the voice comm is used as a chat utility. Ok, if I am dead and the other dead people are doing that...fine, it won't cause me to become "more dead" but if people are chatting it up while action is live then all it does is obscure crucial sound hints and real voice comm from teammates. Just my opinion.
  8. I don't like it when you shoot me...please stop, mm'kay? kkthxbye
  9. I was gonna switch my avatar to this but when I added it, the transparency was messed up some.
  10. Yeah, what SwOOp said. Mags was on the preceding map but no obvious admins were present at the time this was happening. Certainly seemd like a glitch. Oh, and I concur with Con, nice wordflow *snap**snap*
  11. I haven't been here long so I don't feel right in voicing my opinion about this matter but I will say that some of the attitude I have seen flying across this MB as of late has been pretty shocking to say the least. I think the community will be better off for them going.
  12. I have had the problem occassionally. I notice that some maps take a loooonnnngggg time to load and some other times, if I notice it is near to timing out, I will just type "retry" in the console to avoid it. I figured it had something to do with the server config and dismissed it.
  13. 3dfx IS OpenGL, they just have a specialized .dll for it. You select OpenGL then choose either Default or 3dfx. The video options are OpenGL, Direct3D, or Software Mode. If you have a Voodoo card, you should be using 3dfx as your mode, other chipsets, Default.
  14. Real name: Doug I got the nickname dweezil at church camp. Everyone in my youth group was giving each other nicknames. I was fairly new so they didn't have much to go on until on of the guys looked on the back of his Pop Tart box (always bring your own breakfast) and saw it had some Far Side comics. One of the comics had a picture of a couple nerdy guys wading at the beach and the caption read "Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water, the Dweezil twins, Doug and Dave...". Well, it has stuck ever since.
  15. No offense, but I have seen more spam online because of that stupid game. I mean, is the game just to see how many people you can get to click on it? Let me tell you about a game the admin on our old server liked to play. See, he would strategically place a certain goat-referenced link in his posts to see how many n00bs would go to it. It is worse than stupid outwar spamming...but not by much.
  16. Right before 8PM EST, something/someone was screwy with the server and did a lo3 about 6 times in a row....Just an FYI
  17. You just have to go into your bios and change your FSB. I am not exactly sure of the numbers (been a while since I looked in my bios) but I think yours is probably set to 100 and it needs to be set to 133.
  18. Pitch Black. Yeah I saw parts of it but everything I have heard from people is that it is a bad (meaning good) movie.
  19. Killer, [VI] use to play and partake in the G00P server and community up until March 31 at which time the University of Kentucky, who previously allowed the server/MB to be run, decided that it was a security risk and closed it down.
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