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Everything posted by linch

  1. lol pwned by his mommie... remember the day when your mom would just go out the front door and yell for you or your friends... Now they have to boot up the PC and send instant message to his friends
  2. Nothing like building up the drama yer...... only to leave us with a anticlimactic ending.
  3. Closing topic as it is has pretty much streamed off topic.
  4. BAH... You can't expect me to pick just ONE map do you? Well if I can only pick one, I guess it would be... backalley or maybe....oh wait...nm
  5. www.wasteoftime.com Make sure you check out this months featured site. Its <--- Miltons favorite site (if you have seen OfficeSpace, you know what im talking about)
  6. Well... I always loved playing docks, backalley, and the only vip map i enjoyed was highrise. Oldies, but goodies
  7. linch


    Hey win.. nice to see ya back again... seeing how you took the time to get a pretty avatar...I'm guessing you'll play (btw linch=6tee9 from sos days)
  8. How about doing another map contest...like Mmmm did on plat a while back. This time we do only custom maps. Top 1 or 2 voted maps get into rotation?
  9. linch


    ...or you could post this request in the right forum section
  10. he isnt unbanned yet... lol... common the guy is on here posting and stuff... its the holiday season... unban him and eat his bullets with class...
  11. You guys HAVE TO play Hambones map he made.... Grab it from our forums {click here} and request an admin to load it up.... its rather fun... and watch out for those damn exploding crates!!!
  12. Is it true you start to go bald in your 30's? It's always great when your birthday is on a Friday or Saturday... ...go out and have a few BEvERages.
  13. linch


    Hmmm seems like a lot of people sitting on the fense on this one, I won't. I've been playing off and on in this community for a few years, never once had any major issues with Fatty, and until today, I don't think I had issues with the.rev... playing cbble and one of the DLM guys I think activate the "rollthedice" plugin. Well for 10-15 minutes (could be shorter, could be longer) all rev did was whine and complain. I believe his last comment was "I remember when this server use to be fun" ... you know what, its fun when people arent whining! If it hadn't of been for the fact your a "community" player and their were regular admins their to enforce server rules, I would have kicked you myself. If this forum had been posted earlier in the day....I would have kicked ya for sure. Regardless of who is right or wrong, your not in charge of anything but your own words, so if you can't deal with Fatty's punishment, go create some new memories else where... and take Mr. Roper with you... P.S. - Please flame me back if you like... I have to work soon and would like something funny to read....
  14. I've played with and against jdc off and on the past few weeks, and I never got the feeling he was using cheats... and I'm the king of paranoia when it comes to cheats! ....or was it queen? Any who, leo did what he thought was right; as a admin doing a time-limted ban gives the accused a opportunity to defend themselfs if they feel they have been wronged. Do you like milk on your oatmeal? I do! Most people that get banned and are unaware that its a time-based ban, just simply move on because they are either simply cheating or do not consider this server as a favorite. Did you actually read this gibberish? Anyway, the matter is done.. happy fragging!
  16. BAH...just go in the server and test it out sometime... see if you can do it
  17. and they say people get smarter with age.....
  18. thirty huh? I guess thats a birthday worth mentioning... Have a good one
  19. just put one of the headphones patially over your ear so that you can hear yourself... lol
  20. Yeah, I think we are gonna have to upgrade Fatty to a new improved multi-tasking version.
  21. Fatty, check your pm on this...
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