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Everything posted by linch

  1. 1 - One of the older community members 2 - Vac2 was created because of mOss
  2. linch


    Fatty = Mag wanna be
  3. linch


    LOL.... that made my day
  4. /agree with Duma.. took the words from my mouth.
  5. from CNN. Man, these people are not getting a break.
  6. I think they need to offer char transfer for only alliance on Argent... would help the server overall, and create more balance between us. Probably wont happen though..
  7. I would be up for some WC2... I was not a huge fan of 3
  8. wayfarer.. if your bringing your PC. The best thing to do is the following.. - Stop by your customs office. Last time I was there (3 years ago) you can register the component items in your PC so you dont have problems bringing the PC back into the country with out receipts. - Make sure the software is legit, I have seen customs people thoroughly check through someones laptop.
  9. TM... go into a server, open the console, type status.. Find your name on the list and highlight, copy, and paste it on the forums. That is your steam ID.
  10. linch

    Hello? Spring?

    *hands Bean back his 2 cents*
  11. lol... I love getting a laugh early in the morning.
  12. linch

    Hello? Spring?

    Sounds like a complaint to me! I know how ya feel. We just start getting nice weather, snow melts, and then another snowfall and the temp drops to -20
  13. linch


    Same here Bats! Very good movie for people who like these types of movies.
  14. Yeah... its dumb how high people are getting. I just watched my co-"worker" play. He hit 18000+
  15. Thanks for the link X... very nice. Also if you get the chance to see the episode of "Inside the actors studio" (i think thats the name) The whole cast was that, pretty fun as well.
  16. I didn't see this posted below.. Kind of funny, and dumb anime type game. http://megami.starcreator.com/nanaca-crash/
  17. About 5 or 6 years ago I was downloading stuff from Mirc.. I would just type in random names like Glitch, litch, linch. I joined Mmmm server around that time and used Linch... completely random.
  18. thats a oldie, but a goodie. Been doing that for years
  19. My wife and I watched it, I'm disappointed and I know she will be as well.
  20. linch

    Why no profanity?

    [Mmmm]Sprout perhaps? As per the discussion... Illuminaughty it's all about education. If your explanation was true then no parent could let there child watch TV. Child is watching a commercial, and observes a guy jumping from a building. Is the child going to do the same thing? A kid around the age of 10 years old know right from wrong, if they do not, they learn from parents, school, etc. If the child picks up language from our server, its kind of hard for a parent to stop him/her from using it when they are only around there friends.
  21. I've been around here a long time, and have heard that phrase almost word per word a few times.
  22. Been there... I was wondering what that was for :-p
  23. linch


    nice... gratz man!
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