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Everything posted by MasterTalpa

  1. Jerkoff's statement totally sold me,
  2. I forgot to exercise today. But tomorrow it begins.
  3. I hope I win that "something girly" prize.
  4. I'm on board to lose some weight, I weigh 260, and I want to drop to 205. And I'm not going to use any instructional vidoes of any kind. I'm just going to use my own weight and pump some iron.
  5. I thought there was going to be some GC guild and that we would jump in that. Also, I read that you can be in more then one guild at the same time.
  6. The Charr really don't interest me, I might not play as one.
  7. Untouchable. I was on survivor in The Passing, someone rushed out and started the round, the scrable kicked in, and several minutes later I got the achievement even though I was infected.
  8. If I mess up and want to respawn, I just by a suicide. Just like Night said, people are just exploiting this, and it just frustrates me.
  9. I agree with this, I rarely use the reghosting myself.
  10. What's the word on the custom campaign coop that was suppose to happen?
  11. No one knows his real name.
  12. That Talpa guys sucks. Just ban him, no one will miss him.
  13. I was there not as Talpa, but some other name. And yes, JyKri was hacking, I saw it with my own two eyes.
  14. I was there when this happened between Red and Yuri.
  15. MasterTalpa


    Have you heard of La Llorona?
  16. Don't tempt me Cake. I'll demolish those cakes faster then you can bake them.
  17. Cake making a cake? That's unheard of. Also, I'm in for some cake roadtrip.
  18. I want Aaron Hernandez and Wes Welker to get that Super Bowl win.
  19. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!! Oh wait, it was last week.
  20. I like the way you are handling this Maestro and really sorry this happened to you.
  21. Look darling, Johnny Ringo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1F3wYMkpovo&feature=related
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