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Everything posted by chick82

  1. I'm not saying you are delaying intentionally at all. We all have real world stuff, and I'm sure it's more than a button and a click and bam it's done. I'm just saying I don't think we should delay it for a few weeks to find plug-ins that appease everyone if that makes sense.
  2. I think (giving the past) that it would be good if we can go with the Majority. There's no reason to keep delaying, we can then look for other alternative's like Crasx suggested. This is a GC server and between the vote & just people talking in vent, a majority would like /home & claims (with grief prevention). You say it "goes against survival mode", well I'm pretty sure an Iron Golem Farm & an XP farm if you think about it go against the whole "survival mode". If we are being completely honest. I mean really if this was truly survival, we wouldn't be able to get endless xp from a farm or endless iron. We would have to go mine it and kill stuff to get our XP. So that comment really needs to stop about "going against survival".
  3. I think this topic needs to be locked. I still don't know what Cat lost or even got damaged. This conversation has been dragged out far to long. Without saying this is what I lost how can we fix it. I think if people have an issue you should not put it out on the forums in a public forum. Why not just shoot them a message and ask. It's not really necessary to say "I saw such and such & this person needs to speak up". I get that baloosh's son was mentioned, but there's a lot of finger pointing. And just unnecessary drama.
  4. IDC either way weather there is a delay or not. I think once in the old world I did it when I feel into lava and still died at my house, but at least my stuff didn't burn up. Either way, I don't think anyone is really fighting about it. I think a majority want /home and that's fine. I think the vote was good cause there were a few that were against it, and a few who were for it in the creative world, and a few who wanted it. So it let us find what the majority wanted. I think the scroll thing Marvin posted was pretty cool. BTW do we know when claims will be back & are we going to have grief prevention? I'm really starting to worry about San's burning my wall down
  5. Maybe. Partly we are keeping things on the island to make it easy since its a bit of a way to get a horse there plus keeping it on the grounds lets us know no funny business
  6. I would totally do this!
  7. How did you get us into McDonald monopoly game! Whoa Jk. Seriously I can't even understand the question it's so bad
  8. LOL! I knew someone was going to vote whatever
  9. I just put them both up since people have mentioned them both in topic or in vent. Which ever wins its cool. Btw I put the creative only option even though you can fly so idk if it really matters lol.
  10. I put a poll up lets just see what people want. If majority want /home cool if not its cool. Some people really want it and some don't. It was on the last world, and I still ended up exploring, I mean if you look at it this way: If you decide to venture 1k blocks away or so on and get a full bag, yeah you can. /home but you still gotta go all the way back. To where you decided to dig. Lets just let the vote decide. Also, Cat just use creative and get your stuff back, since no one knows who took it or what was taken. No ones going to be mad at you for it. I had to hop into creative to rescue Radios stuff from the ender farm when he decided to throw an orb into it lol. (That was terrifying btw being inside the Enders home lol, even though I couldn't die i thought any second now they are all going to kill me lol.
  11. So I put 2 votes up. One is do you want /home in both worlds, only I'm creative, or not at all. And the other which I know a few of us talked about putting a poll up. Do you want the Survival world kept on hard mode or go back to normal?
  12. How about we just vote on /home and majority will decide?
  13. That's right over the next few weeks I will be building the Kentucky Derby along with a beautiful hotel/bungalows. What will you need for the derby? Well let's begin. Since all horses require a Jockey you must join the Derby as teams of 2 or more. Jockeys will not be provided. There will be few days on the training track you may get to know your horse and see how he rides. You may not run him on the derby other than race day. There is a 8 diamond cost required and you may request any color horse you want. As well as a name. Saddles and Diamond or Iron Armor, along with leash, and name tag will be provided (this is included in the rental fee plus deposit a 2 diamond returnable deposit after the race to ensure all is return to the derby. Half the diamond entry fee will be put into the pool for 1, 2, 3 place winners. Prize pool will be based on submissions plus betting. You may bet on as many horses as you would like but be mindful only the top 3 pay and their odds will be determined in a random draw. Also, all teams will be provided private bungalows as Casa De Diamond. There is to be no performance enhancements on the horses. This will be an automatic disqualification. Anyone found to be practicing on the track will also be out. Note: The Derby has a strict dabber clause. If you do not look Fancy at the race you may not race. All jockeys must wear the teams colors. If you make a team please post below the following: Team name: Members of the team: Horse name: Team Color: Horse Color desired: Team Leader: Team Jockey:
  14. I think it has its pros and cons. Yes you can use it to escape death though I wish I had done that in the old server maybe I wouldn't have died as much lol. Either way it's nice when people are or want to be really spread out or far from spawn. Makes it nice to visit people without getting lost (guilty! Lol). And it makes it fun if you want to venture far from home and I mean far far. As for claims, yes we are a whitelist and we would hope everyone is honest but let's be real about a few things: 1) we do have 2 kids playing and no I'm not saying they would steal (a strong word IMO) the fact is kids will be kids. 2) yeah we are all members and such but that doesn't mean everyone is honest. Yeah we all hope we all are and can trust everyone but temptation to take, borrow, or even prank/break things does happen. Leon took me to his golem farm and someone had taken or just broke 4 of the glass things that hold the water in. 3) creepers (tired of rebuilding my barns lol) Look, in a perfect world we wouldn't need claims. But the world isn't people aren't perfect. Even in building the Kentucy derby and all the entrances and extravagant entrance I worry someone's going to take a few of the diamond blocks we have up. And it's got lava behind it which means my carpet and wood wall all burn down. That worries me. Less the taking more the if a creeper appears while someone is admiring its beauty and bam all gone. Even I don't go there anymore. I built it and have basically closed it off until safety can be established.
  15. I spent a 1.23 and got All your doodles are bugged
  16. Me and Radio have been on late night. Not really during the day. Also, where is the anvil chest? And that chest next to the start of the track can we put minecarts in it? I always forget one and think man I should just put a few in this chest.
  17. Lol I was gonna say that. I have brothers who dip it's nasty.
  18. Now this is truly random lol.
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