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Everything posted by Cinkadeus

  1. You, sir, owe me a new keyboard. lol what did you do to it?
  2. Ya'll got robbed last night, Maestro... The silver should have gone to GB, not Japan. If that was a dismount, then the next time I slip and bust my arse, I'm calling it a dismount. I was genuinely happy for GB since it was yall's first team medal in gymnastics. (this from a guy from AL who watches nascar and baseball)
  3. This is the unforeseen consequence to Steam Summer Sales.
  4. I'd give my left testicle for that. I'm out in the sticks of rural AL with 6MB down / .5MB up.
  5. That sounds like some 10v10 servs I played before finding GC... Thank God for GC. Worth every penny.
  6. I join by using this page: http://www.gamrs.co/l4d/sourcebans/index.php?p=servers
  7. lol - "Give me 2 points, and I won't shoot that boomer."

  8. why not add that to the "Summon Horde on Respawn or Defib" option so that isn't such a waste of 10pt.
  9. it would make buying hordes not a waste of points if you could buy armored or fireproof ones.
  10. Even if you make it 20/25, with !sp, you can pool and purchase. Don't the survivors have enough of an advantage? Especially with free point gifts now.
  11. Steam Summer Sale is going on now!!! Get you sum.

  12. Cinkadeus


    I say we fire up another server, set the cvar to 32v32 players and let God sort it out.
  13. This. They are always in such a hurry to be first... Well no one ever remembers the guy who did it 2nd I dunno... Thomas Edison is pretty popular. /burn
  14. Yeah, and last time a particle traveled faster than light... I'm going to wait out celebrating this one for a while.
  15. I can't say much about accents. I sound worse than Ellis. I made the mistake of using a mic once and letting "Git s'more spit in 'nair." and Lookback hasn't let me live that down since.
  16. I love Rummy... He uses mic, helps organize, and knows how to play. And yes, his accent is precious. Got to be New England-ish. I'm thinking Boston.
  17. Guy was named "Deep" on around 2p CST. No admins available at the time. Constantly rushing, team griefing, and profaninitity. Generally, everything against what we game for here. Sorry I didn't grab his STEAM ID. thanks, -Cink
  18. Why is it that everyday when I want to log in during lunch that its either Hard Rain or Swamp Fever? My two most hated camps.

  19. Some people realize the dangers of Dihydrogenmonoxide.
  20. Could the gift announce the point in the console? I had no clue what picking these up was doing and didn't notice I was getting points for it. I like them though
  21. And do realize, guys, that I couldn't find an angle in order to view ALL of the witchez... There are still some out of view.
  22. Will it kick anyone or just non-members?
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