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Everything posted by Cinkadeus

  1. We need a P90. Someone make it happen.
  2. Anyone else have an issue with the MP5 CS machinegun? The thing takes forever to reload and even after the reload animation, it takes another 2-3 seconds of sitting there until you can fire again. Between it and a dull butter knife I'm considering taking the butter knife.
  3. Wow, I didn't know you were tweaking maps. Cool. I'd never played that one until it was put in the rotation. I hate it as survivor... I get so lost.
  4. I still think it looks pretty good. And being that old, its capable of running on sub-par machines. At its inception, separately rendered trash objects were revolutionary. "You mean I can shoot a milk carton and it will MOVE?!?" Before then, everything was a painted texture on a solid, indestructible surface. Even an empty soda can.
  5. ROFL... I'm stealing that line. And thanks.
  6. Why do we not have Crash Course in the rotation? Having never played it til just a few minutes ago, I didn't see it as a bad map. There looked like some great choke points and death charge locations. Does it have other, server-side issues?
  7. I know most of you already know this, but its not really posted anywhere... If your name is 落水洞 or мойка or раковина I CANNOT SEND YOU POINTS. Nor can I send "Me" or "I" points. ("Send me xx points - I need xx points!!!") Thank you, and goodnight. -Cink
  8. HA.. Yeah, TImes, that took me a few seconds of looking at it too to get it.
  9. Found a new GIF for when someone requests something absurd from Jackie: http://chzgifs.files.wordpress.com/2012/04/funny-gifs-jackie-said-no.gif

  10. MPG or that "Radical" guy is usually on when i am, but not today. I occasionally say Watch the Language but I don't have a mic here at my office so it mostly gets overlooked.
  11. Well we sure weren't enforcing it today. I'm all for it.. When I signed up, I read through that and knew what was expected of me. I didn't even know we were lax on it at the time. I don't mind the occasional slip in the heat of the battle, but when you key up to specifically say nothing but "F!" multiple times in a row, then yeah, that has to end.
  12. Red Sox opening day!!! I'll be playing L4D2 while watching it on my iPad. :)

    1. samurai nightling

      samurai nightling

      Reds opening day! Best thing about the Reds is we ALWAYS get opening day at home.

  13. This is too logical and straight forward. We need something devious and sadistic like a free tank with each respawns. That's a little brutal. Now I CAN support spawning a witch on every respawn. Make that a 20 pt option like the hoard one.
  14. I don't think you can get any more awesome, Jackie
  15. I've never seen the need for it, really. I always have something open full screen and when I get up, I always lock my machine so all you get is the login screen. So my desktop is standard teal. But I did change the Win7 default to this:
  16. The Google/NASCAR one is good too. Even NASCAR got in on the deal.
  17. Our current DB is filled with tons of useless stats if its possibru to use it.
  18. Is there a list somewhere of possible achievements? GC achieves, not Valve ones.
  19. No L4D2 for me today IT'S INDYCAR WEEKEND IN AL!!! I'll be a the track til Monday :)

  20. There's even a Longshot+Headshot for 3 pts. I get them all the time. I have a 17% headshot rate.
  21. If they use C or C++ syntax, I can look into it. That's what I do.
  22. Thanks for posting those, Biggs. And yeah, there's 1 or 2 maps that switch that around for some reason. I usually buy at least 3 propane tanks on accident . And just WHAT is wrong with propane?
  23. Why not have the instructions on that welcome splash screen? Like a big red "HEY, READ THIS BEFORE PROCEEDING" message. You don't get teamed up until you pass that screen anyway and that way you won't be standing in spit while reading how to use !buy. And thanks for the macro shortcuts. I was thinking there was a shortcut to buying fireworks like lasers or ammo.
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