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Everything posted by JackieChan

  1. I'm trying! This whole dungeon I think has taken me longer to make than the rest of the game combined. I don't want to rush things either.
  2. Update: Slowly chugging away at this. The last dungeon I've been making has more "maps" than the entire rest of the game. It has puzzles and stuff in it too. Nearing the final section of it and once I'm finished with it, I'll release another demo. Crasx made his appearance. San is going to eventually.
  3. Too bad the M4A1-S stinks now... I can't get used to the slower fire rate.
  4. You not getting your Tank? I was in lurking in the server at the time.
  5. Fix: -Finally witnessed the bug regarding someone buying a Tank and not receiving it (happened to Lookback a couple days ago). I'm wanting to say it had something to do with someone having their Tank in the queue, and then a Director Tank spawning in before that person has the chance to be selected for their Tank. Tweaked the queue system a bit so hopefully it shouldn't happen again. The queue system before relied on two things: A bool controlling if someone bought a Tank or not, and a variable which controls how many Tanks are in a queue by just adding a +1 to the queue whenever someone buys it. Now, instead of just simply adding a +1 to the queue, a function was created to now count the number of players who have bought a Tank (based off the bool mentioned earlier) and set the queue amount to that number plus any director Tanks that are found in the queue (which can be manipulated by someone using !skiptank or if a director Tank gets triggered and the Tank Limit has already been reached). Yay, backstage work.
  6. Never say it's over until it's over. Pro games are the same way. Anything can happen.
  7. Survivors are spawned based on their survivor_spawn entities in the map. Cannot be changed without using some elaborate method that I don't want to pull my hair out from attempting.
  8. As far as I know, it's not possible unless someone leaves the saferoom "nav area" even without opening the saferoom door (which can be done in c2m3, the rollercoaster level) and every Survivor client is programmed to spawn INSIDE saferoom nav areas. This is what is causing premature round starts in levels like the rollercoaster level: Every saferoom has a nav area which is labeled as "PLAYER_START" or "CHECKPOINT" and are color coded as such. Every nav area labeled as a blueish/cyan color denotes a "CHECKPOINT" nav area which means that it's a saferoom and the round hasn't started yet until someone leaves that spot to an adjoining non-"CHECKPOINT" nav area. However, in this screenshot, you'll notice the nav area I have my crosshair on is NOT blue: This means once someone steps into this nav area, they will start the round. These nav meshes cannot be fixed (actually they can, but I believe will require ALL connecting clients to redownload the nav file, overwriting the official one which could and most likely will cause connection issues). The only kind of workaround is what I mentioned earlier, but ultimately won't prevent rounds from starting if someone steps in those nav areas.
  9. The only thing I'd be able to do as an attempt to fix something like this is lock the saferoom door, and give players godmode during freeze time, then 10 seconds after freeze time is over, unlock the door and disable godmode. It's not going to stop people from triggering the round start before the door is open on some maps, but it's something.
  10. No, and no. Like I said, a Valve problem.
  11. It's because nav meshes in those maps for "non-saferoom" areas leak inside the saferoom. Can't fix 'em. Another "blame Valve" situation.
  12. such variety, very random, much difference. wow
  13. But when you verbally say a date, you say "October 14th", thus mm/dd/yy is the correct way to say it, not the backwards WRONG way to say it.
  14. Sorry tainted, servers are based in America. mm/dd/yy, bro.
  15. Yeah, I agree that she needs to be banned.
  16. Well, I guess it's good you won't have to worry about playing that atrocity ever again. gg
  17. So, a Resident Evil 2 remake is happening.

    1. LadyYuri


      just as long as i dont have to play it. i already scared on re5

  18. So, NFO is/was having router issues as of 8/10. Caused server outages and whatnot, so that would experience community-wide server crashes.

  19. Glad it was nothing more serious than that.
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