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Everything posted by JackieChan

  1. I've been working on making it so individual admins can toggle it on and off at their leisure. The numbers will be skewed, but adjustments can be made to compensate. As of now with the amount of effort I had to put into this already, automated kicking will not be a thing. It will still be left for admins to take care of.
  2. I think I may have cracked it showing inaccurate numbers and whatnot. I made a menu panel to show everyone's map flow and whatnot. Averages look correct and whatnot. Some people have a negative number which means that they're "behind" the team's average flow of the map. Bots are ignored, dead players are ignored, so things are looking better for this. It also shows me if there are more than one player that is too far ahead of the team. For now, only I can see this information. If any admin wants to see this too, let me know. I'm making it mainly for the benefit of admins. Infected don't always inform admins who is rushing and then admins get yelled at by players because they didn't ban the rusher before they died.
  3. How many survivors were alive? If you could take a guess, how far apart was the bot from everyone else when it got charged back? When you said you were a few feet up from everyone else, was it the bot that got charged backwards, the rest of your team, then you a few feet up? I took it off the server for now. Thanks for the feedback.
  4. In those situations, are you guys a lot further ahead of your teammates?
  5. So, one of my rare "sparks" went off in my head and decided to try my hand at making some kind of anti-rushing plugin for the L4D2 servers. As of now, it's on the servers already. This is what it does: In the game, there is what is called "nav flow". It's a player's linear progress through the map. What this plugin does is that it takes the total of everyone's "flow" and averages it out. It then takes whoever is in front of their team's flow sees if it's greater than the team's average flow + a certain amount. To make things a little easier for us 'Muricans (sorry Europeans), I converted the numbers into feet since the flow bases itself on "units". Every 16 units is a foot (0.3048 meters). So let's say the average team's map distance flow is about 345 feet from the starting saferoom and there is someone way out in front. If their map distance flow is 125 feet or greater than their team's average, they will get that HINT message in the middle of their screen saying "WARNING! You're too far ahead of your team!". Admins will be alerted in regular chat who is out in front. I'm leaving it to admins to do the judgement calls at this point, but this will make it MUCH easier for them to see who is rushing in the servers. What if there are multiple people rushing? It'll skew the average numbers a bit, sure, but it will still be a good identifier to see who is rushing and who isn't. Also, if there are multiple people rushing, the person out in front will only get the warning, unfortunately. I'll have to mess around with it some more to try and include multiple people. The plugin will also ignore incapped bots too from map distance flow of the Survivor team. If there are 3 or less Survivors alive, the messages won't appear either.
  6. The differences between the shotguns is spread, pellet count per shot, and damage per pellet. If I remember correctly, chrome and auto shotguns have a tighter spread than their counterparts. Wooden shotgun has more pellets per shot. SPAS has less pellets, but does more damage. I'd have to look at the weapon scripts to be sure though.
  7. Also, ew, never get Belkin products. They're terrible.
  8. Jockey's are a bit different than vanilla: sm_cvar z_jockey_ride_damage "5" - Vanilla is set to 4. This controls the amount of damage that is done to Survivors while a Jockey is riding them. I feel this is good the way it is because if it was higher, the "GOING FOR A JOYRIDE" achievement would be a bit harder to obtain. sm_cvar z_jockey_control_variance "0.5" - Vanilla is set to 0.7. The lower this value is, the more control the Jockey has over a Survivor...which doesn't make much sense.
  9. Update: -Increased "Points per Boom" to 1.8. Up from 1.5 -Increased "Common Assist" points to 0.2, up from 0.1 -Removed height requirement for Death Charges because they wouldn't be awarded in some cases (beginning of The Sacrifice docks) -Added a check or two to the "Common Assist" function. Maybe it will be more reliable now?
  10. Give suggestions? More information? All I've been seeing is that people have been giving 1 sentence replies saying "nerf nerf nerf" or "inconsistency inconsistency inconsistency" and somehow turned into complaining about Hunter pounces again. Peanut gave a little bit of information that would help in me reworking it. Also, is simply not true at all from what I have experienced in testing in small and large scales. I cannot simply test things out in a large scale without uploading it to the server, have you guys try out the changes for me, and making adjustments to compensate...even if the change is only temporary. That's how I got the Tank limits, "becoming your own Tank", and lots of other things on there because you guys helped test it out for me in a large scale. When posting about stuff that doesn't work, please give information instead of just saying it doesn't work. That doesn't help me. Screenshots/videos would help a lot too.
  11. Little trivia for you guys - Booms used to get you 1 point each. This was when Tanks still costed 50 points. Also, feedback like "it's a nerf" and "doesn't work as advertised" doesn't help anything.
  12. =\ Well, I got it after the Tank had been alive for 2-3 minutes. Call it bad Tank or luck. But I have a screenshot, you don't. I win.
  13. screenshot or it didn't happen until then: LIAR!
  14. Hahahaha, first documented one on the server, noobs!
  15. I do want to balance out Hunters. Just haven't thought of a good enough way to rework it yet. I was banking on Common Assistance points last night, but yeah, fireworks would be something to contend with.
  16. New custom campaign added. Check the topic for more information.

  17. No. Wasn't thinking of that when coding it. Probably not in the foreseeable future.
  18. Update: Uploaded "Death Aboard 2" to test server with custom content disabled. Campaign doesn't get detected by server as campaign fails to load with custom content disabled. Most likely due to the campaign using custom materials/sounds/models. "Diescraper Redux" worked fine with custom content disabled. Will be uploading to Server #2, Link to workshop item to follow.
  19. Update: -Reduced "Points per Boom" to 1.5. Down from 2. -Added "Common Assistance" points for Boomers. For every common infected that hits a Survivor that you boomed, you get 0.1 points per hit. I've always wanted to do this, but couldn't really ever figure it out.
  20. Update: -Added second tier Untouchable: CAN'T TOUCH THIS - Don't take damage for 6 minutes after you leave the saferoom
  21. Yes. Those convars only control if that uncommon has that particular item on them or not.
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