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Everything posted by whitegreyhat

  1. I think the problem for newish ppl with the fireworks is the tooltip in the game says pick up the box. But yeah it seems like some people just shoot them on purpose, I mean sometimes if theres 10 people shooting up an area its clearly a mistake but 60% it isnt. Anyway about tooltips... I know most players have disabled these a while ago but I recently had to reinstall and they go on on default. I kinda like it though because it says "soandso has saved you..." when you are trapped/pinned etc.
  2. Thank you guys, yeh I was aware of the problem but specifically when you did it, my game crashed . So i am going to stop going AFK sorry :propeller:
  3. I got a message from one of the mods to stop going AFK. So i basically said I would. I didnt really understand how much it effects other players, but now I feel bad. But i just got banned, my game crashed i didnt go afk.(the game crashed then i restarted and tried connecting it said i was banned) I dont know how to check the logs to prove it but if someone could help id appreciate it. Thank you
  4. Does anyone else want this? Is it possible?
  5. I was jockeyed forward and banned for rushing for 1 day. I just got the acccomplishment killing machine right before I was banned so I dont understand, also sherphard was right next to me and witnessed it. I was at the top of the stairs at the end of the tunnel lighting fireworks and got jockeyed up toward safe room, yes there were still people in the tunnel and i was aware of that. i like to play to have fun that is why I am a member
  6. It said my membership expired at 4:30 so i renewed around 7pm. It is me joewow
  7. Yea i saw them a couple of years ago for xmas, my parents like rented a limousine and stuff and we went. I would've never gone on my own, but it was pretty awesome.
  8. thank you but still had to do it manually ! /JoeWOW# btw if u have a 64 bit machine, you have to first navigate to program filesx86--> steam-> etc
  9. Hello I was banned last night for swearing. I totally did it and I accept responsibility for it , I was just feeling frustrated (our score 500 theirs was like 3500 and it was the finale) and instead of taking a break I swore in chat. I also may have been possessed by demonic entities, resulting in a breakout of ungodly words...jk... I really love this server I have been coming to it on and off for like 5 years and I also was a member. I dislike other servers because no one ever helps you and the people are really immature, so that is why I would like to be allowed to play at l4d.gcftw.com Thank you ! "JoeW0W" STEAM_1:1:17694682 01:24 193 0 active 16000
  10. Flitterkill. Yea that would be awesome to transfer it. BC right now I am in the coast guard and headed out for 2 months but I want to play on the server!! But yea i am around sporadically that is the problem. But yes i am on the one who payed for it and would love for u to switch it asap. So can you request someone to do it please. THANKS A LOT EDIT* my account has been updated for me, thanks again guys, this is why i love playing with you. you always deal with the issues and requests instead of ignoring everything
  11. sorry to jack your thread but does anyone know if i can transfer a membership. i used to use my old roomies steam account because i played on his desktop so I never used my own steam account. but I am now using my own steam account. So this is why I want to use my current account which is STEAM_0:1:17694682 and deactivate my membership from the old one. If I have to buy a new account ill think about it, if someones on who can do it quick thanks joe(wow.WTH,etC)
  12. okay i just checked i think i am still not added as a member, bc i cant get a hat?! i mean in game l4d2 i entered the right id STEAM_0:0:21796993
  13. yay thanks jackie, looks like I did it ----- Coalition Membership - 1 Year Purchased Today, 06:10 PM also do you get perks from leveling up as member?
  14. Well i just got some extra $ and wouldnt mind donating to become a member because I really would like to have a slot because it seems I always get kicked for a member. Anyway can someone pelase inform me of the process. I know I need my id STEAM_0:0:21796993 and need to donate somehow I have MC or AMEX . Anyway thank you
  15. Okay I am trying this now as we speak. Cart is being weird... I might wait a week bc I dont have 15, well i do but I might need it until next payday. Thanks a lot guys
  16. What do you think about self proclaimed Nihilist(s). Is it a trendy belief to not believe in anything, does it make sense to you. Let me know I am interested in learning more about this idea.
  17. ok how do i buy one???? probably med unless it shrinks in first wash, then Large
  18. My steam ID is STEAM_0:0:21796993 I would like to link so I can become a member on L4D2 and join the custom server l4d.gcftw.com I would like the ability to use hats/level up/call up votes to kick, etc. My screen name is JoeWTF (I used to play on wth server from Toronto) So that would be great, I have been reading around and cannot really find a definitive answer so I would like if someone could help me out manually. Thank you Joe
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