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Everything posted by turnbullTeRRoR

  1. people like de_beroth I'm not a huge fan but its very playable. I'm a little biased but we've had 3 hotly contested server outings for de_stadium_go (Ok a LOT biased)
  2. well It was really late and thats what everyone voted for. I think when I i did piranesi vote the options were season, piranesi , Stadium (we had played just about everything else) piranesi won hands down. I've also learned to keep the vote options down. When I was doing 5 maps I would get winners with like 37% thats not cool. So I trim it to three map options most of the time/ cept when we first start I usually go D2, Nuke, Inferno, Season, I guess those are just personal preferences
  3. Yeah, definite cheater. 11.5 hours on record, 100% achievements, has VAC bans on his account. Yep I was gonna ban in game but I was trying to get a demo but he was to slick for that. Also think he had some kind of aimbot. The dude could rapid fire the deagle from approx 50 yds and kill you with the 3rd shot everytime. I assume there is some aimbots that aren't like 100% accurate / instant? they are tune-able?
  4. Thank you all Part 2: Tonight was much better more admins on for sure but less need / the crowd was much more tame. in order played: D2 bots Season bots/ turned in to 3v3 D2 filled up the server Nuke full server* via vote Inferno full server* via vote Mirage full server* via vote Train full server* via vote Piranesi falling off Stadium 5 v 5 via vote gc_mp7_beta 4 v 4 via vote gc_nova 4 v 4 BEDTIME 12:15 am * full sever- at least 9 v 9 ish - to full at times
  5. If it's fun, there will be interest. Make up a map that's functional, just to test it out, and we'll see how fun it is! Leave details for later. That was the plan. thought about just reworking an existing map I've already made IDk for sure we will see right now I'm focusing on drunkmonk
  6. "Papa Roach - Last Resort" STEAM_1:1:59735664 I forgot how to add ban / this guy was running scripts / bunny hopping / speed boost/ Jeho saw it/ Also think he was toggling some walls He toned it down when I joined spectate and stopped playing almost superhuman
  7. Dunno Having admins on helps but its hard to get them on apparently / I posted in the server admins lounge about re-evaluating the need for ACTIVE csgo admins I definitely cannot do it alone. Server fell off pretty soon after I left.
  8. YeAH I GOT ISSUES T sided like woah - back to the drawing board for beta 2 almost done with that. PS Lucky walking Greenhouse now breakable.......... note the new hallway coming into A or B or whatever I"m mixed up on sites
  9. I don't know if anything has been done like this before......... thought about making a "hostage run" map Make a kind of long and narrow map where CT's start with 1 or 2 hostages/ pick them up and have to navigate 2 or 3 different passages to the other end (where the T's spawn) Think there would be any interest for this? I'm thinking the tag hr_mapname (hostage run) Its a little like a vip map cept your running hostages FTW peddling ideas like the amout of hostages just 1? 2? 3? 1 final destination hostage rescue? 2? T's spawn all together or kinda spread out? ( I guess that would depend on size of map) Anyone got any thoughts or ideas about this?
  10. I did in the hallway intersections and around the entrances to the rooms. This actually led to me positioning the doors of the break room the way I did because of what I saw the engine doing. Helped to reduce what the game engine was drawing at times and I without them I found at specific points it would try to draw both bombsites which was bad. Yeah, I was just asking because I've been working on optimizing my maps more and more each map but the hint brushes are something I've not really delved into much. My last few maps I've focused on clean brushes and func_detail (ing) as much as can be good and possible. However my current map de_drunkmonk_betawhatever#itis didn't reach full compile in like 16 hours so I've been running on fast compile. I reckon using some hint brushes and manipulating the vis-leafs would probably help that out.
  11. Appreciated greatly. It had been a good while since we had that many people on for such a long time. I also wanted to ask that non-admin members use your admin chat ability to help admins out. Especially when there happens to be only one on as busy as we were. My eyes couldn't be everywhere and we had everything go on tonight except cheating that I know of. Just be the admins eyes and ears for your team and its not above you to let players know the rules. If they give you grief/ I or another admin can take care of it. GG's
  12. I say where were you at we had server full for 6/7 maps
  13. I will be on tonight. I 've been trying to pub every weeknight around 7:30- 8 pm eastern. If I get the server active and going good and if another admin is on I go to CMM if I want to after the pubs been thoroughly engaged or I play 4 maps with bots only and say forget this crap! On weeknights I just try to please the masses with map votes . D2 , Nuke , INfero, Season, and maybe some gc_mp7 or nova in the mix pending on voter turnout. Try to work stadium in sometimes maybe cambodia or beroth an occasional rat map if its all good. I been trying everything
  14. Last few weeks customs have started slow and the server has usually been about 75% full on average after the first map or two. Tonight was a little bit brighter though not a long run as some previous nights and we were missing some of the usual suspects but we did represent the server with an almost all GC squad one map ..... we tried to trade Gorne for Robbob but it wasn't meant to be... dang Gorne and his off the field troubles.... map line up- gc_nova gc_mp7_beta de_stadium_go 9-10 match very well played de_drunkmonk_b1 T's ran all over CT 10-3 I believe de_cambodia de_beroth de_nightfever de_rats_1337 like I said not as long a run as usual but there was some strength in there/ Had a lot of new faces. Be sure when your pubbing on week days to mention Saturday Night Customs I always make a point to do so.
  15. alrighty it was the phone jack/ line in the house its all better now I-so-happy-!
  16. yeah did that they are actually sending some one out in the morning on a Saturday of all days
  17. turnbullTeRRoR

    Mini me

    From the album: TbTeRRoR

    Mini me day 2...... things arn't improving looking more and more like me every day!
  18. turnbullTeRRoR


    From the album: TbTeRRoR

    Little girls first beach trip
  19. turnbullTeRRoR


    From the album: TbTeRRoR

    pretty self explanatory 2008
  20. turnbullTeRRoR


    From the album: TbTeRRoR

    Rocking the MVP status/ won 60+ competitive tournaments in 8 years.... no beer league stuff well... maybe a couple
  21. From the album: TbTeRRoR

    chicken and sleep for my mini me
  22. http://csgo.gamebanana.com/maps/174972 btw someone give me a heads up on how to unrestrict the awps for this awp map lol
  23. phone line from jack to modem cat5 from modem to PC but I have had the same set up for a year and a half and nothing has changed / environment wise
  24. I've gotten a new card like every day for the last 4 days and Idk what they mean there is no explanation about how I earned them
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