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Everything posted by looneypumpkin

  1. For those of you too poor or unwilling to pay for a membership slot, listen up. I am offering to fund an art contest that will be judged by your peers. If there is enough interest anyway. So post here if you are interested. As it is now I'd like to open it up only to those who have been playing with us a long time and aren't currently paid members. (6 months minimum.) However if there's very few of those willing, I might open it up for folks to renew as well. Idea will be some sort of art submission, drawn, painted, 3D, music, whatever -- keep it clean and tasteful. Must be gaming related. You can use members personas as long as it's in good clean fun. Interested? If so I will edit this topic with the rules and stuff as we go along. This is open to any GC forum member/server on any of the games but I will post here first.
  2. I got rekt as VIP yesterday. Charger punches are my nightmare. I think I got it recorded but would have to search.
  3. Charger and smoker points are fine, but I often wish you got some points for long distance charging. Sometimes I am charging someone and because someone shoots them before I start slamming them I think you get nothing? Or like 1 point or something. How about to balance the infected get an option to nullify the survivors buying unpin? So survivor thinks they can unpin and suddenly, "uh oh, your knife broke." or something.
  4. Tank HP increase purchase One deadly witch (not announced) 50 points? Infected pills/adren or a bad defib
  5. If the infected dies from it, would survivor get a point from it? (I would think no would be the best answer there.)
  6. That would be cool and change up the game some. Is there any way to halt the round from ending if someone is trying to self-revive with pills/adren? Sometimes I've been like a fraction of a second from being up and the round ends because someone else got incapped.
  7. Awww shucks Old Boy. I feel the same way about everyone here. Great community.
  8. I seem to have figured it out. The twitch tutorials are for an older version but I got through it. Will be nice to capture hilarious moments. I got it set up to stream/record at the same time. The only thing I need to set up is muting my mic, which I'd almost rather it be muted all the time.
  9. Yeah I'd want to record to my HDD, but Twitch might be fun too. I think I'll do both.
  10. Carlos what are you using to make videos of gameplay? I'm wanting to try it
  11. I'm just now seeing this too... I hope your mom is doing well chick. *hugs*
  12. I enjoyed it! Boo to the haters. Thanks for sharing! and congrats!!
  13. Hey I just see a guy failing to grill a steak.... oh wait. Come on Carlos... join us and bind !buy at least. You are so good, you could be a L4D2 GOD with binds.
  14. Well said Peanut. You have done a good job, done well to stay neutral and hold up the rules. You are very much appreciated for all the time and effort you have put into the server, so please don't ever think no one appreciates what you do. I think we all want to see the server around for a long time and eventually see L4D3 up on 10v10 (or heck maybe they'll allow for 20v20 by then!) I'm not bored with the game by far (even 2200hrs into it) probably because I'm extremely lucky to get an hour in a day these days and it is my escape from everything. Death charging someone (ie, peanut) never gets old. I'm trying to become a better hunter so that has given me lots of joy lately. If anyone wants to do a set time for VIP/pathing I can try to be available most nights 8pm CST - 10ish pm CST. During daytime hours if I'm lucky and my son takes a nap and I'm not covered up with work, I could have a few hours then, if only to be AFK and make sure everything is set up correctly, peek in every so often. I can even come in to change maps for folks if they're stuck with something they don't want (like the Passing.)
  15. I agree. I'd love to see custom maps back in a specific time slot again or at least hold a vote on Friday/Saturday for it. I'd be totally down for doing VIP and/or pathing regularly. I can't even remember the last time I played either.
  16. I have been PM'd for this sort of behavior as well. "I had to leave the game because such-and-such is griefing, not playing seriously, only using pistols or melee" etc. Honestly that might be the only time I would notice it is if someone complained for that sort of thing. In fact one day I was PM'd multiple times about someone in particular and they basically cleared half the server from the way they behaved. I think Maestro has an excellent point. If you're bored try another gun or another infected class. I started doing this too and it actually did make it fun for me. We can always try voting in for having VIP or asking for maps that don't get much play (Swamp, Cold Stream, Passing) We can vote for pathing as well. (As long as the server isn't full of entirely of new people obviously.) Typically I'll throw a vote up if at least 2 people ask.
  17. I frequently go deagle only if I'm stuck with a crappy weapon (tier 1) but I still take the crappy gun as a backup. I swap between the two and make sure I'm always reloaded. The point is, don't go out single/dual pistols only just to test yourself. You will get destroyed and it puts your team at a disadvantage, even more so if they have to constantly heal/save you. If you simply want to test yourself I'd be ok with someone doing this when the server is empty during the day (you vs all bots with no team mate.) You won't last long, but ok. As soon as another player comes in, be considerate and play correctly.
  18. Let me know if you need any help with picking something out. I am a hardware geek.
  19. Hope things turn around for you and your family soon! Do you have to have a laptop? Building a desktop would be cheaper and you could get more for your money that way. I know some folks love their laptops though. I tried playing on one before and it wasn't for me.
  20. lol I started out playing early yesterday afternoon and tried herding bots. Mine were hopeless. Maestro joins and his bots are pros. Server filled for a bit so that was a bonus. I love toying with bots but it's hilarious how some are so dumb at times and others headshot with pistols through walls.
  21. Ohh... I have done this when the server is empty and defibbed them so many times lol
  22. Will be out of town Friday-Sunday. Everyone have a good weekend!

  23. Neat, didn't know they graphed that sort of thing. Just means it's time for either a steam L4D2 freebie/sale or announcement of L4D3. Gee I wonder which it'll be?!
  24. Probably a little bit of everything. Though I usually see peak times around 5pm EST to 9pm and the weekends are usually always busy. It's been quiet tonight though.
  25. Hope all is well. See you when you get back.
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