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Everything posted by Pumpernickel

  1. No Shame in My Game, Carry Me More, High Profile Escort, Misplaced Priorities or Chick Hearts Glitter. Yup. Those are my name suggestions.
  2. Take THAT Carlos. That'll teach you to try and play like a MEMBER. You need to have been a member for at least 6 months to try ballsy strats like that.
  3. I think this will lay your fears to rest
  4. Pro number one is you won't get kicked for your potato powered internet lag. You get to wear a hat. You don't get bumped for other members. You play a lot so you will get your money's worth. Oh and you have a decent chance of getting in to those special nights when we do customs.
  5. Jackie could disable infected selection, limit at 3, increase the price to buy tanks? Infected can still see survivors so there needs to be Infected nerfing, for sure.
  6. I think this needs to be a members/admin only event. You ideally want people who actively communicate and have good game sense. I foresee very short rounds and a lot of salt production. On second thought, if this does go through, someone needs to record it and put it on YouTube. Good luck. Have fun.
  7. By the way, if you just have a 1 pistol and buy a deagle when incapped, you still keep the deagle when you're helped up. So, yup. Noticed that last night.
  8. Or ask a board member to trip the system like Peanut, Jackie, stutters, flitterkill etc
  9. Okay, Max. You aren't a problem. You play when you want. It's a free server. So, that's where I am with that. Have a nice time playing on the server.
  10. He told me to go to the other team because I didn't believe in teamwork. That's why I slapped him. It was a rude accusation to say to an admin. No idea where he even got that. That's 1 and 2. As for Joe's comment, I agree. I didn't think about racial discrimination at 3:30 in the morning, tbh. It's no justifiable excuse but I slipped up in the punishment department. I admit that. I'll ban him after this. And also rereading my comment, the way I phrased my sentence could have been taken the wrong way and I understand where Max could have came to his conclusion. Dunno about points 4 and 5. Like you said, the language barrier made things much worse than they were. Thanks, Gummy. Edit. Test Character, plz. This is serious business.
  11. I think I might know what he's referring to. He might be referencing the time I told him not to pick me up multiple times over voice. Not sure if I typed it out which would have made it easier for him. This happened maybe two days ago and then I told Anzul to translate to him not pick anyone up who is requesting not to be picked up. I may be wrong on some level as I don't clearly remember the situation since refusal of being picked up is a common occurrence. Never made a racist remark, never belittled him or his nationality, never made fun of his lack of English speaking, ever. There.
  12. Yeah, this is not a new bug and it needs to be fixed. I buy deags when incapped to at least die with dignity. Needs fixing ASAP.
  13. No that was dixie, she came close to dying like 16 times, and that was just at the safe room! Not sure if you're serious but it's totally believable at the same time...
  14. You have no witnesses to back up your claims in this thread nor in the chat. If you could have gotten players from both sides agreeing to having seen the suicide, then this would be and open and shut case. People, when you get screenshots, you need to have undeniable proof that the perp is guilty of wrong doing. Take multiple screenshots of a conversation if you have to. Get witnesses in chat. Get them to post here.
  15. 25 days and counting. Log back in, plz.

  16. Man, my people laid down their lives one after another for your team, essentially. Geeeeeeet outta here, Archetype.
  17. You could have been on my team yesterday on Blood Harvest map 3. Three people spawn blocking the hallway leading out the tunnel; 4 people left to fight two tanks.
  18. Welcome to the forums. Thank you for apologizing. Never insult your team and never disrespect an admin. Be sure to brush up on the rules. Everything you need to know about our servers can be found in the L4D2 section including helpful hints and more rules. Do not make the same mistake again. You'll be unbanned now.
  19. Thug. Yes. This will make it better; anyone who has a ppm over 15 gets points earned halved for everything. Sounds legit to me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ You're going to need to take into account player greediness and self interest for the points pooling system to work.
  20. doesnt matter, give it a laser! while you are on that, give a laser to the molotov, pipe and bile. on topic, you guys should put a vote up for the laser price change, just to see how the forum feels about it. Some people need lasers to make good throws. They shall remain nameless. The answer is going to be no to anything requiring a price increase. Basic economics. What about a scaling price increase based on the gun you want to pair it with? (I'm on a phone so if that's been suggested, sorry. I don't want to have to retype all of this just to check.)
  21. Calling people out? First, you shame us with your videos and now you insult me by suggesting I am using a crutch? I have said in my previous posts that I can shoot an AK without a laser sight. (AK drawbacks here) is the reason why I pair the two. For the AK, it's a must for longer range shooting. Depending on how I'm doing, I'll even pair a SMG/Uzi with lasers and keep tier 1s the whole round... unless there's an AK. I use a static cross hair. I generally don't require the use of lasers.
  22. I played a bit really recently and people still run at you spraying to save you instead of crouching and trying to aim... That amongst other silver 1 annoyances are for another thread. Quote "12:17 AM : I dont think I am gonna be any good without laser to be honest."-long time member. See what I mean?
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