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Everything posted by Static

  1. I was thinking of something similar when you need to get in a elevator, other than that i think its just fine, kinda fun to charge 7 survivors off a ledge don't you think? and don't gimme that its not fair on the survivors rubbish as you get to be infected after the auto aim on the bots does seem to annoy me a bit however that's always the time i find new spawn places rather than ghost jumping etc as somebody really does need to train to boom Monkie
  2. I guess i will have to look in the dumpster when its ready then, also i reckon as is says its re-opening the first world bank im sure they would have changed the security measures and that the original codes to open the secret room would have changed xD
  3. Hey guys want to get a gc group for paday 2 started where we will absolutely thrash it also i want to be the first to unlock the secret room by finding clues, it would be awesome for gc to get the reputation for it also last time in payday 1 they game them a butt load of free stuff for figuring it out here a discussion i posted on the beta that somehow dosent work anymore Ok so we all remember when the smart players found the secret room in first world bank by finding the clues around the place on other maps and posters etc, was wondering if you have seen any clues in payday 2 beta yet? think i found a few i posted this image and people have decoded the square thing as a text saying "we love secrets" or something like that check it yourself, the website on the box isnt a website so dont worry about that but apparently all the boxes say the same thing in the beta version http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=169034438 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=169125832 It says pick up the phone... well I did hear a phone in the dumpster in bank deposit ringing in the carpark...... didnt have time to check it out but I thought id have another look at the safe house phone just in case http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=169126334 in the safehouse laundry room there is a newspaper saying that Fist world bank is re-opening, new level? hope so xD http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=169126455 & why does this lamp look like its not plugged in yet its placed next to a large plug socket adapter and stil on.. oh wait whats those papers its drawing my attention too? http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=169126574 well aprently "Whiskey Tango Foxtrot" OH YEAHH COZ THATS NOT A CODDDDEEEE http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=169126756
  4. Static

    Untitled Album

  5. yeah go on then no buy menu and no crasx for a while oh sorry meant crash it would be nice for the time being to practice with the basics of gameplay so we don't fully rely on the system
  6. does that mean no more crashes and the servers fully working now?
  7. some1 said on dota coz im english i must be happy andy murray won .. i said sorry dont know who that is i dont follow football
  8. best one yet, my mouth is sore from grinning
  9. i know at least one person who payed for membership then waited 2 days for it to activate then the server went down, people like that should be compensated.
  10. not completely worthless literally just must £0.68 by selling 2 cards from war of the king maker there are alot of people probably hackers or idiots that try and sell rare stuff for £0.03 however these either get bought right away in like a few days and because they've run out people buy the next lowest price and it continues like that its supply and demand atm
  11. right so just did a quick check and yes dota 2 has cards although the are only tradable (the ones i have) not marketable however i am selling a rare item on there for £3.00 and ive only played it for 2 days lool easy money its brilliant !! to peanut its like yugio cards without the stats it like just a picture of the special infected and nothing else lol but people are buying them to make a collection so people can see them on their steam profile edit: turns out i had a few items from dota 2 so looks like im gonna make about £9.00
  12. Okay so we've all heard about these steam trading cards by now & at first i thought it was useless just trading for a collection BUT as it turns out you can actually sell these cards in steam to other players! like you would on Runescapes grand exchange, Right now things like the boomer card are going for £0.21 and lots more the same, It asks you how much you want to charge the buyer as well as a graph telling at the average sale price to date & how much you will receive from the sale so i suggest wait till left4dead 2 has sorted out its card drops then make a decent guess as to when to sell it (predict if they will be worth more) then sell it. The funds im assuming go to your steam wallet & considering the Christmas sale will be here in a few months you will get loads of expensive games on discount for free. playing other games like dota 2 ive found can get you rare ones which are worth more. to do this look in your inventory on steam click on a card and below the view badge progress it says SELL in green. gaming just got a little better
  13. people who dont own a copy of dota can only spectate its okay avengers sent me a copy i love ittt thanks again
  14. just got addicted to dota 2 thanks alot l4d2!
  15. just got into this apparently i only had a spectator version
  16. I thought this topic was about putting the toilet seat up
  17. nah was just on it, its a campaign mode with no mods/perks its rubbish although it seems to be the only group server working but 4 isnt a group
  18. dev is lazy.. don't they know lives are at stake here!
  19. well my left4dead game just updated as soon as i started steam something to do with the beta version not being beta anymore
  20. well i don't believe there should be a thing just below admins that can insta kick when i kick somebody i a) warn them twice b)tell other players what hes doing wrong c) start a votekick and remind people that hes ignoring the rules and hurting the team this way nobody can comeback and say oh hes abusing kick privileges etc and i wont have to provide proof. the team will always rally behind you if you are kicking for the right reasons
  21. how late are we talking about here because if i was admin i could start playing from 6 am uk time and the usa is a few hours behind
  22. i remember that one from ages back i think it was "mega survival" but spent ages getting ready coz everybody wanted to build stuff, although i remember a helicopter you can fly in it and control which was pretty awesome
  23. i like how nearly all of us went on mercmans server at the same time earlier but it just wasn't the same fun tho
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