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Everything posted by ratch

  1. agreet, hope you all have a safe and fun time - cheers for ff03!!!!
  2. man was it hot last night! anyways, u ever notice how things go along all nice and dandy, and then disaster of some sort hits, and then all of a sudden there are hundreds of experts on TV screaming about how this problem has been an issue forever and ever and they have been preaching about it and what not... if things like this powergrid issue were such a concern, why wouldn't you fix it before it broke??? stuff like this tinklees me off to no end. the power outage was a minor inconvience for me (other than being exhausted today from sweltering last night and not sleeping) and i am sure its much worse for others. but i guess i just hate it that i know the morning after some incident like this power thingy, there will be boatloads of experts launching bitter diatribes against anyone who might be responsible... just my .02 cuz i am bored
  3. ratch


    woke up around midnight to power, thank god, had been really hot all day and was off around 4 pm. it was about 90 degrees last night and i don't think i was going to get any sleep... shows how dependent our superpower nation is huh?
  4. ratch

    weird problem

    san i am in mid MI as well and yesterday all of a sudden i was pinging 220 constantly when i usually am <50. i unplugged my cable modem and then plugged it back in while i rebooted and had no problems... happens to me sometimes but that usually cures it!
  5. ratch


    in college i was a b student and a pothead my first two years, then i made a decision that if i really wanted to go to graduate school someday i had best change my life and habits a bit. so i stopped smoking so frequently and changed my outlook a lot. i set goals for myself that would be difficult to attain, but reachable nonetheless. just so happens that i averaged a 3.9 my last two years of school, with my hardest classes, and although i owe it to a change in mental attitude, i couldn't have completed that epic little journey without cutting my weed habit nearly completely. stuff really does dull your senses and perception, and its not that perceptible whilst you are in its grasps. stopping smoking weed was very simple, there is no withdrawl. and the effects are very pleasurable very fast. so i guess i am trying to say that pot effects everyone, from people at their lowest points in their lives to people living life and having fun in college. i agree that there are many who use weed and thats it, its no gateway. but for others it can be a gateway, because of the culture that surrounds its use. anyway, just my story and two cents.
  6. i know mags i know, but it just ain't gonha happen... unfortunately heading off to my folks house to say goodbye before i enter the perils of school. the cool thing though is that my dad is handing me down his doctor bag from when he was a student, along with some really nice tools of the trade like his otoscope, a nice stethescope, etc... so it'll be kinda cool to use his stuff and feel like i am carrying on a new tradition. but i'd still like to play cs and go out with a bang at fragfest!!!
  7. ratch


    i found her comment pretty inane as well
  8. ratch


    seems to me this kid obviously had some outstanding issues in his life, regardless of what the neighbor three doors down had to say about him being a nice kid. i have been around these drugs (not something to be proud of but not something i would ever care to necessarily indulge in again) and most people react in a manner that is nonviolent. the only person i ever knew that was a bit over the wall was one who was pretty strange to begin with. i think the situation is very sad, and whats even sadder is the banter of the people encouraging him to do it on webcam and what not. i hope those people rot in hell. as for the boy, well, hopefully he can be forgiven for his mistake(s) and not judged for his moment of chemical induced insanity, but hopefully for the better person i can only hope he was...
  9. does the occurrence of fragfest mean i cannot play on the trop server this weekend???
  10. just as an fyi, magruter is NOTORIOUS for clogging up bathrooms. he has even challenged legendary toilets such as the 5000 gallons per flush rest-stop toilets (the ones that will take your arm off if you stuck it in there and flushed), and he has won. heck, he put one on my old apt to shame so add to your list of things to bring: One plunger Heavy duty incense @ mags
  11. ratch

    Color challenge?

    thats a timely post zero! i just completed a study i volunteered in for adult attention and hyperactivity disorders. for an hour straight on day i had to go through pages and pages of these colored word thingies and everytime i messed up the psych person would dock me points. its was insane. by the time i was most of the way through it, my brain was so frazzled that the word would say green, be colored blue, and i would answer red. it was even tougher when they would change the rules on you. so for ten minutes you would answer what the word said, then they'd change it to what color the word was written in. then all of a sudden they would give me a math test, then pictures to recall, then i had to draw some crazy design from memory, and then back to the colored words all over again. needless to say i walked outta there with a pounding headache... those are fun though, looks like it should be eazy but not hat much so, especially after you do them awhile.
  12. ratch

    mah id0l

    oh yeah, i am actually fatty's son but was conceived illegitamely (a bride outside the Mmmm family, if you will) so i cannot wear them Mmmm tag. its my punishment for a life of shame far beyond my control i love you dad!!! i miss you too
  13. what map will they be on? because i learned the hard way some time ago that you need to have the map downloaded prior to watching the match... thanks for any help
  14. not unless i get kicked outta school! i only have a 3 week break and xmas, then a 3 week summer break, and then its year round for the next three years...
  15. well Mmmm community, its been a ton of fun hangin' with you all this summer and i have met some really cool people. unfortunately school starts in two weeks and at that point, CS will be deleted from my CPU as i need to focus. just wanted to take the chance to thank you all for a lot of fun and even more laughs. you have a great community here (especially when you compare it to others out there) and i hope you all can keep it up. my only hope is that some other poor loser fills my spot and runs recklessly into gunfights and nades. oh yeah, they are not allowed to wear headphones either i'll be around for a little while still, but just wanted to take the chance to say thanks for a lot of fun! and as a parting wish, an someone please throw magruter into the pond at fragfest '03 (dying CS players last wish)? fatty i will leave you in charge of that
  16. man i have never seen sooooooooooo many people breaking the rules on trop today. from tking to cursing to ff and on and on and on. it was horrid! from 7 am until 3 pm that server can get really bad...
  17. lol trying to land a regular frisbee in a basket would be a heck of a challenge. you guys should definitely play that course mags mentioned that him and i played before. its a really fun course, the first nine are shorter and more obstacle-laden, the back nine more open and longer. just be sure to bring your swimtrunks in case mag throws his driver into the lake again - ROFL!
  18. i talked to him last night and he starts aug 8. Mossad: he is a professional monkey trainer
  19. **The are some things to note, from the looks of it, the panel cover will have to stay off, so we may wanna make a little barracade around the area the panel is at so people know to keep clear of it. But then again with the age of everyone in attendance a verbal should be all that is needed.** - Swoop hey swoop don't forget the few uninvited guests such as Jose Cuervo, Jack Daniels, and Jim Beam, who all have a serious predisposition to getting into just this kind of trouble!
  20. its one night of your life where you will bring a smile to the face of someone you care about. who cares what other peeps think about yourself. just remember when you get up there that there is really only one face in that crowd that you are singing to or playing for and it will be as easy calling her on the phone or singing her to sleep... good luck man, and have a lot of fun!
  21. ratch

    Wish me luck

    lol, mags can drink with the best of them, and his golf game is more or less above reproach, so he would fair well on the golf links as well i did talk to him this afternoon and he said it went really well. no hint as to if or when they would call him back, but from the sounds of it he viewed the day as a very positive experience. wish him luck again! go buddy go!
  22. ratch

    Wish me luck

    now thats what i'd call an interview! judged not on the quality of your self but rather on your ability to destruvt your liver in a professional, courteous manner!
  23. ratch

    Wish me luck

    dunno whats going on. i called him and left a voicemail cuz i was wondering the same thing; but i haven't heard back from him. maybe the interview went so well he just stayed there and started working??? one can always hope!
  24. i played a few of the cc_mission maps at mags house this past weekend, but since i got home and tried to play them i keep getting an error when loading for valve/cc_mission. anybody else have this prob???
  25. ratch

    Wish me luck

    goots his interview is at 9 am CST so he will more than likely head back to work after that. he's supposed to ring me afterwards to let me know how it went so if he doesn't post something i will
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