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Everything posted by Jose

  1. I think it would be more interesting if the health slowly goes to 100%, so when they're BW and close to die the infected team can have a 5 or 10 seconds window to kill him fast before he fully heals or at least while the survivor is in BW, no?
  2. Sorry, I didn't mentioned how to fix the bad format in Firefox and other browsers having the same issue, this is how it gets fixed: CSS: .post-name { letter-spacing: 1px; position: relative; right: 3px; top: -5px; } .author_info .group_title { color: #838383; font-size: 12px; position: relative; right: -13px; top: -15px; } HTML: <div style="margin-left: 10px; float: left;"> <img data-tooltip="Offline" class="user_online" alt="" src="http://gamrs.co/forums/public/style_images/GCBLOOD345/post_offline.png"> <span class="author vcard post-name" itemprop="creator name"><a title="" href="http://gamrs.co/forums/index.php?/user/4700-yortz/" class="url fn name ___hover___member _hoversetup" data-ipb="noparse" hovercard-id="4700" hovercard-ref="member" id="anonymous_element_4"><span itemprop="name">Yortz</span></a></span> <div class="group_title">GC Coalition Member</div> <div class="post_count desc lighter leftnudge"> <!-- I moved this OUTSIDE "group_title" div --> Joined September 21, 2012 <br> 38 posts<img src="http://gamrs.co/forums/public/style_images/GCBLOOD345/userinfopanestar.png"> </div> </div> As you may noticed, you have to move the div with the post count outside the user's title div (with class "group_title"). Also I've removed two <br/> inside post_count div. That should do it
  3. I've fixed this on my end with Firebug, it's a small semanthic mistake. (Left side Firefox 24, right side Chrome)
  4. Jose

    VIP Mod

    What if the VIP goes afk in that moment? PD: Was really fun
  5. I'm new here! Seems to be a nice community

    1. walkingCat


      we are :) welcome!

    2. Madvillain


      There are lots of good people around here.

    3. turnbullTeRRoR


      get out now before its to late!

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