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Everything posted by Johnny

  1. Another ROOKIE hunter! P.S. Hax enabled.
  2. Otra victima por la entrepierna! Lol Dark...
  3. Death Smoke III Part III - Bad Heroes Die Too
  4. HAHAHA Carlos.. You are the King! "El Rey de Los Novatos" ajajajajaja
  5. Increase SI damage and/or hp across the board by like... 15%, with some classes like 30% such as jockeys and smokers. Survivors too OP on the servers. On maps with tier 2 weapons given in saferoom, it's basically SI massacre until someone good ( like me ) gets enough points for a tank + 2 heals to stop them. Some people ( again, such as I ) have lasers before even leaving the safe room! Buff SI! Edit: more ranting
  6. SNC, 5-20 footage! http://gamrs.co/forums/index.php?/topic/45413-johnnys-hall-of-fame-shame-fun-times-and-lolz/?p=564738
  7. Welcome to the forums, xl0rd! Thank you for the kind words and compliments. GC is one of the last bastions for fun, friendly, and cooperative L4D2 gaming. Regarding your ban, you used a graphical bug or glitch of some type to get up to that area. We don't condone exploits of any bugs and/or glitches to gain any unfair advantages on our servers, or inadvertently give the infected team unnecessary points. It can possibly get you killed because one can help you. Remember that this is a modded points server, and you dying from full health can gain an infected at least half of the points required to buy a tank, or earn a potential tank enough points to buy a heal. This is the difference between all survivors making it to helicopter or only a few or none at all. Please stick to the standard pathing, and avoid any bugs or glitches in this map or any map. I'll lift the ban. Happy gaming! Also note you were not able to help us pinned in the back...
  8. Left 4 Dead 3, Portal 3, Half-Life 3 will be announced E3 2017!

    1. looneypumpkin


      Good god Johnny, you gave me a startle.

  9. Granted. Thanks for playing with Gamers Coalition.
  10. Cooked mommy her favorite dish, says I make it better than her :)

  11. You were helping Hard? Ok, I increased the ban length to 3 months. See you then.
  12. SNC, 5-13 footage! http://gamrs.co/forums/index.php?/topic/45413-johnnys-hall-of-fame-shame-fun-times-and-lolz/?p=564634
  13. Welcome back to the forums, Soda. Peanut has gone out of his way, spending much time and effort to talk to you about all the past and recent "issues"; he has made a long post on these issues, a post that you have replied in a few times, so I assume you have read and acknowledge that post. Peanut and the other admins have discussed these "issues" with you rather extensively, so I will not beat that dead horse here. So you will find that actions and comments such as below will no longer be tolerated. See you when you get back. Also, please notice that your last ban was a week and this one is a month. The next one...
  14. Watching you type gives me all the /facepalms. So much wasted potential...
  15. You can never get rid of me! Also if you have some fun ideas for customs night, post here: http://gamrs.co/forums/index.php?/topic/46896-saturday-night-customs-with-johnny/ Be quick though! The first one is this Saturday. I was thinking something like ... jockeys only with baseball bats and 1 pistol lol. I wonder if JC can make it happen.
  16. What: Custom Campaigns Who: Everyone, except Dixie Where: Server #2 When: every Saturday night, 9 PM (EST) until Midnight-ish starting 5-13-17 until 8-5-17 (converter: http://www.timeandzone.com/) How: type “connect” in console Please bring your skillz for a few hours of fun. Mad at Johnny? Well, here’s your chance to beat him up. Bring some friends to help you! Make sure he dies in the most ridiculous ways possible. We will have a lot of laughs and/or sweet, salty tears. List of customs maps available here: http://gamrs.co/foru...02015/?p=540746 _______________________________________ Disclaimer: Your (more likely mine) epic fails and/or triumphs may will be recorded and uploaded for the entire interwebs to judge and ridicule.
  17. Soon™, likely first weekend of May Further details TBD
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