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Perrocal39 last won the day on April 12

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About Perrocal39

  • Birthday 01/28/1982

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    Video games

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  1. I noticed that the last time I played, should be brought back.
  2. Exciting! Can't wait to try it out this weekend. Thank you to soda and everyone involved in keeping GC alive.
  3. It's Great to hear from you again Jackie, hope all is well.
  4. new  address   is      l4d2.gcftw.com:27016


    type        connect l4d2.gcftw.com:27016         in console



  5. https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/
  6. I see that both servers are being tracked again on game tracker. Is that a sign of progress? Hopeful!
  7. Last time I played, it did seem more stable, and lag spikes didn't last as long.keep up the good work guys.
  8. I see that Jackie logged on today, was he able to look into the server?
  9. It just needs to get fixed, what's taking so long?
  10. No, but they are very laggy.been like that for a while.
  11. I believe it was a mistake, wrong button was pressed.
  12. Seems like the server is slowly coming back to life, new players joining and old players coming back.
  13. Seems like the sever is slowly coming back to life, new players joining and old players coming back.
  14. It was nice, we should do it again.
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