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Everything posted by appalachian_fox

  1. Wow... Hey, I gotta not ever click on those links again... Hil-larious
  2. I think we can all agree to detest mosquitoes. Yay closure!
  3. I almost forgot...My mom takes Chromium supplements (I think it's called Chromium Picolinate) that she swears by. Says she's shedded a few pounds just taking them. Apparently it helps the metabolic processing of sugars and other less complex carbohydrates and it's not uncommon to suggest to insulin-dependent diabetic patients now. I tried it, I didn't notice much weight loss but I did notice more muslce mass...My exercising returned more results.
  4. All the old Sparc stations had them on NVRAMs with battery backups. If you kept the machine unplugged long enough (or when the battery eventually died) the machine would lose its MAC address. Can I tell you what a pain in the rear THAT is?
  5. Two spots I found very helpful. (1) eBay. Truly. Read the descriptions really well and don't be afraid to ask questions. Also, there's a lot of businesses who sell used or old stuff on eBay. You get the benefits of dealing with a mid-sized company and the discount of eBay auctions. I've seen several good laptops and I picked up a stereo receiver from a company who did office music installations -- Brand new in the box, just a year old and they were selling next year's model. (2) Dell's refurbished machine site, Dell outlet. Got a laptop off of them a while ago. It was older, but came with the original warranty and some new parts. I've had it personally five years now and it's still a solid machine.
  6. Hang in there, bro. It's gotta be tough now, but remember we're all here for you...
  7. Depends on what it looks like...
  8. Do it a lot and with gusto would be my suggestion. I know some people who have DDR at home and do it pretty regularly -- not a lot every day, mind you -- and have put on a few pounds since getting the pad. How's the diet (food consumed, not fad-type thing)? That could make a big difference, too. Oh, and make sure you're getting enough water. If you want to break down bigger products (fats, protiens, carbs) the metabolic process involves hydrolysis, so you're going to prevent the breakdown of these molecules if you aren't properly hydrated. P.S. -- Good luck, man! We gots your back!
  9. I know...Fortunately I don't have internet at home right now (wait, did I just say fortunately?!?) so I don't have to make that call...until next month...
  10. Yay! Ability -- Companionship!
  11. Teh h4ppy B-day! j00 1337 h4x0r...
  12. Keep us posted...Good luck! (man, that's an early exam...)
  13. Yeah, I'll say that's an impact. Understatement of the week. If we're lucky, there's someone with a lot of money who liked the job the staff did and is willing to build a rival Tech-TV style network to compete with the G4 game network. While I'm dreaming, I'd like an LCD TV. Large.
  14. Yeah...Just because Microsoft isn't going to stop supporting it yet doesn't mean it's not time to move on...
  15. Yeek! You could go at any time, man, but there's no need to try to speed things up...Make sure you keep an eye on that guy.
  16. Oooh, I'm bookmarking this for use at work right now... (Wonder if I can get paid to play with this...)
  17. I kept getting 'sploded on a DoD map...repeatedly...I played on for about five minutes, it stopped, but I was ready to move on if it didn't (I got splattered two or three times). You don't do anything to deserve it sometimes. It comes with the territory of being on someone else's server...Plus, in retrospect, it was funny...
  18. I use a St. Martin's writing handbook for my mouse pad. It's worked great ever since '98. I'm wearing a blank spot into the cover tho.
  19. Preferrably, I rarely have the patience to do short runs myself...But I do wire long runs of just about anything, so I'll keep that site in mind when I wire my housewide stereo (hehe, is he kidding? I don't even think HE knows...) edit Looks good, even has some pre-made cables...but still nothing I can't beat at the local Charter office. Who'da thunk it?
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