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Everything posted by Flitterkill

  1. http://www.game-monitor.com/GameServer/216...fficacious.html -Fk
  2. In Chicago Pls give feedback regarding ping, performance, etc. - very bare bones but still - need something. -Fk
  3. The results are that you "won" 1 month of bannage. Come back then, be nice, etc. -Fk
  4. Probably becasue we ain't there flashing our leet sk1llz and the GC tag... -Fk
  5. Poll now put to the admins of GC in the GC admin forums. Your fate will be decided in one day. Topic closed until then. Please do not create a new topic, this will open back up in 24 hours (give or take) Resume teh gamings... -Fk
  6. Interjecting is bad, however, to help clarify here. We do allow a bit of latitude away from GC servers, but at the same time, if we look at the names a person is using away from our servers and they ain't nothing we'd cotton to around here for even a micro-second, why would we want to have them as part of the community? Hell, what happens when folks we know trace a source ID and come back to us laughing at our "standards" after looking at those names? The names used on that account are filled with racist, homophobic, misogynistic crap (and more) - what am I missing here? -Fk
  7. I haven't reinstalled yet; can't speak for the others. We can have a pre-lastcall tomorrow night and plan on Next Thurs and the Thurs after that as the real last calls... -Fk
  8. Figures - would save about $15 after taxes if I would have waited. Oh well... Note: They have a distribution hub/whatever in Ohio. Free or std. shipping = 2 days for me, I imagine the same for Ohio residents as well, but we get the taxes... -Fk
  9. Working this week, haven't had time to do anything. I have work to do *here* (@ GC) tonight so I'll throw up the build pics, etc. -Fk
  10. 3 hours BeyondUnreal will have a transcript up in a day or so At the very beginning they stated that a demo release date would not be discussed tonight, although a designer then said "2 wee.." And another designer hushed him - tease or truth - beats me -Fk EDIT: Someone already cleaned up and posted - see GC][Wentz right at the top! http://www.devotii.com/news/article/2007/0...tion-and-answer
  11. can we be expecting any news videos or in game screenshots in the next few weeks? =-= Mode #beyondunreal -v cory by [bU]_Lynx =-= Mode #beyondunreal +v `Lovey by [bu]hal` =-= Mode #beyondunreal +v raMp by [bu]hal` cory--> We have some cool stuff in store, yes. Yes - it's still going. 8 to 10 was structured, since then more freeform. SweetTooth pestered a designer about the orbs. Designer gave a good explanation on how the orbs can swing momentum very quickly. With the orb being an instant capture device, if you put your other folks at other nodes than your prime, the second your prime goes up with the orb capture, you are already in place to rock the other team - time it right with an orb respawn and you can flip a map just like that. Wentz's question at the beginning was about bot ai. Bot's have better ai. Yay Wentz. Are the shock combo's blast radius and damage much different from those in ut2004? everything in the game is stronger than it was except the shock primary -Fk
  12. [Epic]DrSiN> I don't think we have released mins specs yet.. but I think people will be relieved when we do.
  13. did the grapple decapitation make it in? nope Also, earlier was mentioned the shielding stuff - general, helmet, thigh, etc..If you have belt on, and a vehicle you are in gets offed, you get kicked out *safely* from the vehicle. If you have a belt... [Epic]Checker> Oh something cool: There is a coop option on servers. So humans on one side, and bots on the other, and it will add bots to fill it up. Then you can adjust the ratio too. 1 human vs 2 bots etc There will not be cross platform play at launch
  14. Manta is definately changed the manta now has less strafing ability, slightly less top speed, and on level ground cannot crush crouched players also our vehicle collision is much better so less of the engine instagibbing you because it couldn't figure it out can you ride on top of it (not on the blades) I was just about to ask that. no I think that is disabled To be clearer: On the "body" itself, not the blades. no more mantavans as far as i know not anywhere
  15. LOLS - Wentz gets the first question! -Fk
  16. 1 hour to go and there are *alot* of people already in the channel... -Fk
  17. My OCZ is all but silent - then again, I haven't done anything approaching load yet... -Fk
  18. Me, Mo, M2, and Shazz so far... not sure about anyone else. I personally think granary is great also. Windex should as well -Fk
  19. Not as old as I, or a handful of others though... Still, I bet he doesn't get carded like I still do -Fk
  20. Almost certainly. The 06 test is DirectX9 stuff to boot. Everywhere I look vista seems to be taking about a 10 fps hit over XP (not 10%, just about 10 frames give or take a bit). I won't get around to pushing this thing for a bit - need to get it loaded up and functioning asap - too much stuff - bah... -Fk
  21. My god..., this post, a post in the mauled hand thread, and one post back in 2006 about a hacker named "Walter". You should stop by more often now -Fk
  22. Looking to get a feel on how this thing is shaping up - granted, only 24 hours or so, but need to start hearing about how the game is shaping up, and more importantly, how the demo server is doing, server environment, etc. Might as well have one thread for it. -Fk
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