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Everything posted by Flitterkill

  1. Just a heads up that the server has been patched - toss those link guns with abandon! -Fk
  2. Mitchell's Hilltop I usually hit the Friday fishfry the every time I get back to Point Just gonna miss ya too - will be back there sometime next week but head back to Bloomington, IN before New Years. If in Appleton, as you leave towards Stevens Point on Hwy 10/37 (whatever it is called) - make sure you stop at the Jansport Factory Outlet - a *true* outlet in the sense that the manufacturing facilty is right next door. -Fk
  3. http://www.ataricommunity.com/forums/showthread.php?t=506073 Click on through then click some more - if some of the pics have exceeded bandwidth, give it a try the following day - worth it. Hope to hell the "year away" bit is in regards to the PS3 port... -Fk EDIT: Even more new screenshots and art! http://1up.com/do/media?cId=3140086
  4. Plover? LOL - hardly the wilds though I do have a rather skewed perspective on the matter seeing as how I spent the first 25 years of my life in Stevens Point... What company we talkin bout here that you have facilities in Plover? -Fk
  5. I have a separate copy of UT2004 on my notebook (HP ZD7000) but the bottom line is even though this is a desktop-caliber notebook, it ain't got squat for onboard video and the refresh rate of the LCD is just a tad slow. And of course, dial up from the wilds of WI, even though close to Chi-town, yeah... not happening. Yeah, sometimes you ping fine to us, othertimes your pings to us are really bad Gorg - How many hops do you have to us anyways? -Fk
  6. *cough* Members get reserves on all GC servers... *cough* Just sayin' And hey - welcome to the forums Gorgonzolla! -Fk
  7. 1) ONS-Flurry in the mix Sort of a different take on Frostbite with more nodes and a very vertically orientated map. Look for the jump boots! 2) Santa hats for all 3) Candycanes are your seasonal weapon lockers 4) Presents randomly strewn across the map. Pick one up - see whatcha get - some of the powerups are not typical for ONS... Also, ONS-Crossfire-Unbound back in rotation by request (same as regular Crossfire but with an additonal node path between the cores) along with a newer map - ONS-Maelstrom-NV - we'll see how Maelstrom shakes out seeing as it has no vehicles... Holiday Loadout remains active through X-mas, prob near to New Years. 'Tis the season for giving, so, please, GIVE RIDES! -Fk
  8. http://www.popvssoda.com/ -Fk
  9. Bubbler of course More fun - Pop vs. Soda vs. Coke http://www.popvssoda.com/ -Fk
  10. 100% now that you requested it Just need to alter the ini file to select that node config. See if I can't do that later this evening. -Fk
  11. As far as I know, nothing has leaked regarding the Necris vehicles - that's half of the 18 vehicles in the game - gonna be fun seeing what's up with those. Surfboards - nice touch for those who do not get rides - I wonder if the drawback is that while you are surfing to a new location, you can't shoot - I can see that. Note the interesting hint that the warfare stuff may be round based - and how you do one round affects what vehicles you can get the next? Interesting. I also wonder whether or not the console and PC versions will be unified on the internet (i.e. PC gamer can play with/vs. console player) They need to release more screenshots. -Fk
  12. Gotta read all of the first post - so much there. This can drop anytime now... http://www.ataricommunity.com/forums/showt...threadid=505437 -Fk
  13. Unfortunately, I had to pull Chain out - played it last night and with all those mines flying around on that small map, even our Opteron 252 is begging to be shot - very choppy at times so for performance reasons.. Might throw it in the mix every now and then as a one off. Map selection at the moment is all standard - need to find at least one non-std. and throw it on there for a change... -Fk
  14. Well, when I said CS admin will be here to help you shortly, what I really meant to say is that it's Sunday, football is on, etc. CS admin will be here to help you "soon" - as in, in a couple of hours, or less... If you were playing UT2K4 you'd be unbanned by now.... *cough* -Fk
  15. Hang loose - my bet is that the ban lists across all GC servers were merged recently and then sent back out to all the servers (banned on one, banned on all though the lists aren't merged every day so you can see where the delay comes in) Solid first post - welcome to the forums - CS admin will be here to help ya shortly -Fk
  16. Bah. Chickens...hatched.... Hate this but will not ruin my day. If you owe friends favors - pls tell them you have a car for sale *before* listing and making verbal agreements with others. Back to the grindstone... -Fk
  17. Please give rides - I'm just sayin... 1) Will try to update the server soon. The 3369 patch is fine and all, but many of the things from the patch are server-side fixes - so we need to get that on there. Hopefully sooner rather than later. 2) Chain Isle in, Nevermore LE and Tropic 32p out. 3) Xmas soon - everyone gets a hat! 4) Needing someone kicked. Look, sometimes admins are just not there to do anything about it - post up here and we can pull logs and see what went down. Also, if there is someone with a GC tag on the server, that does *not* mean they are automatically an admin - cut them some slack eh? Also also, if someone needs a kick and there is an admin present, just saying someone needs kicking is not enough for us to go ahead and kick someone - the admin will need to spec for a bit and make sure the individual needs dealing with - if that admin is actually playing at the moment - give them a few eh? Once they go spec it will still take a bit for them to get around to seeing what's going down. S'alright? 5) Spawnkilling redux. This is ONS - not much counts for spawnkilling here. And when the mantas are pounding through your base it is not fun - I know. Playing Arctic? Got the other team's primary down? Coming over the hill from the nearest corner node and throwing avrils and lightning and shock and whatever at the people and vehicles coming out of thier base? Fine - but don't blither about "spawnkilling" when someone comes around the corner and starts blowing you and your vehicles away at that locked corner node. As fair and tactically valid as the hill camping is. My advice is to get better Enjoy the weekend - Friday has started out well (had the server half-full Friday at 1pm - been rocking ever since) -Fk
  18. Well, ignoring Spuds odd ramblings about foreign vs. domestic, out of left field, comes the winner to be acquired Dec 17th. 2002 Nissan Xterra Only 2WD (no biggie) V6 (why they even made a 4 cyl is beyond me) Gots everything else 47,000 miles Would prefer dark metallic blue (get magma red) Would prefer a moonroof (not a big deal though - always aftermarket) Would prefer 4wd (again, for what I will be using it for, not a problem) Built in Tennessee FTW! Got for a price akin to highway robbery. This is *not* the one, but it is the same identical build/model/features/etc. http://www.kowalismotors.com/inventory_det...d.php?id=PM1331 I did not pay $15,000 for mine though. *Far* from it... This books between $10500 and $11000 Private Party - and through an interesting conjunction of stars and multiple sacrifices to the god of dumb luck - I pull this out of my posterior for $7800. I see a listing on cartrader that seems a bit on the low side - was just listed this morning - send email, gets back to me, asks me what I do (IUPUI faculty), I ask him what he does (Notre Dame faculty - moving to Australia in a month) "Hey - small world! So, what do you teach?" "Anthropology. What about you?" "LOL - Anthropology" And the sweetheart deal is done. I think you would be correct to call me a bastich... Keeping the CRX, will remain the main commuter (40 mpg), get a reliable backup that can cart stuff/people. The Audi TT? Will keep an ear to the ground for a nice salvage project - gotta flip the CRX some day... Thanks for the comments folks. -Fk
  19. The cpu impact of 3355 was *only* for servers, not clients. Until this patch, I was using 3355 on the desktop since, forever... -Fk
  20. For the adventurous out there - get a used Rio Karma. 20 gig. 16 hour battery. Dock has a ethernet port and is IP assignable (20 gig music server on your network when the puppy is docked) Yes, Rio is no more, yes, some folks have had a few that were not perfect. No complaints here though. But on eBay... 80 bucks if you are a careful buyer (100+ if you are not, refurb on Amazon is 150) Just a thought. -Fk
  21. Has all the stuff from 3355 already in there - no need to do one, then the other - just do this new one and you will be fine. EDIT: Plays fine but some of the fixes are serverside only so Nep and Ter will need to be patched for things like the link gun toss fix, etc. to start working. Side note - make sure your world detail is set to "low" - if you have crappy frame rates - prob will help -Fk
  22. http://www.fileshack.com/file_download_limited.x?fid=8077 Mirrors: http://www.ut4e.com/evil/ut2004-winpatch3369.exe (UT4E) http://www.outlawz.co.uk/downloads/...npatch-3369.exe (Outlawz) http://www.pcgamingleague.com/files...inpatch3369.exe (pcgamingleague) http://www.ut2006.de/Patches/ut2004-winpatch3369.exe (ut2004world) Not compatible with SafeGame at the moment it seems - no worries here as we do not run that on Nepenthe. Fine with AntiTCC and UTComp (for you competitive folks) We'll wait a bit b4 throwing it up on the server which is still at 3339 for performance reasons (i.e. 3355 patch - whatever number that was - had a not-too-pleasant CPU use bump of 10% to 20%) Note that you should be able to play just fine on the server with this patch even though the server is running with 3339. ------------------------------------------------ General Gameplay: - Fixed DriverLeft() not be called when driver dies in vehicle without vehicle being destroyed. This fixes the vehicle not resetting, and fixes effects like the engine sound not being turned off. - Fixed some vehicle weapon effects staying around when bots stopped firing them. - Fixed spider mine layer incorrectly reducing mine count when a fired spider mine immediately explodes. - Fixed manta and raptor spinning sometimes when player enters - SPMA camera explodes if it hits water. - Don't allow SPMA camera view to go outside world. - Invasion HUD radar uses the viewed pawn's rotation rather than the spectator's rotation. - Fixed low gravity not working properly in second and successive rounds of onslaught. - Moved announcements for assault energycore to ASOBJ_EnergyCore_Spawn, and made them editable by level designers. - Fixed spawning multiple energycores in Assault. - Can now throw linkgun with 1 ammo left. - Fixed exploit where shieldgun could be used to protect against lava or slime volume damage. - Fixed CTF Flags not returning exploit - Fixed stats tracking when a player switches between a spectator and active player (or vice-versa) Networking: - Various networking serialization optimizations. - Fixed issues where players would not properly be sent to the Spectating state on clients. - Fix for eyeheight getting screwed up on client - Server optimization - players don't do line of sight checks with each other - Don't replicate pawn.ViewPitch to netowner - Fixed CTF flag not properly attaching to vehicles on net clients. - Made CD key hashes sent by clients more secure. - Fixed various exploits. - Merged Michiel Hendrick's HTTP redirect code improvements. - Merged Fix for Map Vote Bug that cut off some chat text - Merged Fix for Map Vote Bug that caused the window to open twice - Prevent crash exploit (which was fixed) from being propagated to unpatched clients. Engine: - Return rather than asserting in UCanvas::WrappedPrint() if no valid font. - Fixed -Mod= to support proper exporting of headers - Convert '|' to 'I' in player names. - Fixed cut and paste error in MidGamePanel.uc that could cause crashes on level changes. (thanks Wormbo) - Fix and optimization for projector rendering. - Various changes to support 64 bit version. - Scripted texture changes so they don't render upside down on OpenGLDrv. - Fixed weather effects on OpenGLDrv. --------------------------------------------- -Fk
  23. http://www.bravia-advert.com/ Go there first If ya need it - link to QT *7* is there That's prob the problem -Fk
  24. Hells yes - one of the best RPG games ever. Did finish it - loads of fun - and damn, were those Lichs hard (if they got thier time stop off on ya....) Made my primary a paladin (liked the dichotomy) - tanked him up something fierce. Holy Avenger plus anti-magic cloak (plus the other assorted armors...) = all but literally untouchable. Loads of fun. I started on the expansion after this (where you do flip your guy into godhood) but never quite got through it all - really should revisit that. <geek mode> Wished I still had the save game when this happened - meant to save it but...oh well. The paladin with the anti-magic, etc. Yeah - so, its in the underdark, there is this mage gonna do stuff - caught me off guard the first time - no problem - reload and send the Paladin in to deal. My guy blows him away so fast, and does it with a critical blow, that the game engine doesn't quite know what to do... Why did I want to save this game (or at least get a screen shot)? The evil mage threw up an anti-magic shield of his own, but I killed him right when it went up. So picture this (for those that have played this game) An anti-magic shield on the ground, and within, spinning-twirlling gibbage (as when I sliced the mage it was a critical-turn-them-into-chunks-of-meat hit). *and* The gibbage still thinks its people and tries to cast spells (spells that do nothing as it's not people - it's gibbage) Told ya the engine freaked out. Funniest damn thing... </geek mode> -Fk
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