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Thomas Aquinas

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Everything posted by Thomas Aquinas

  1. Not so. People can have passions, things they love, they can have important or very important personal philosophies that guide them. These ideas can help them develop a core set of values and guidelines in how to treat one another. The difference is that (and take into consideration that this is written by someone who believes in God and believes also in absolute truth) there are things that are eternal truths, whether you believe them or not. This is not to say that someone who believes in God has the right to walk around and say "you non-believers are all sinners and evil people", but instead eternal truths let me know that whether another person believes it or not, if they live a certain way/make certain decisions in life they will be happier than if they make other decisions. Also, the other problem is this; any personal philosophy is simply that, a personal philosophy. It can improve and enhance a persons life (maybe), but it sheds no light on anything outside or beyond -this life-. As for me, I find it absolutely amazing that I have a Father in Heaven who loves me, and a Savior that came to Earth and died for me so that repent and truly CHANGE who I am. Beyond those little -this life- perks, I know that I can be with my family forever. That if anything ever happens to my future wife or children, I can be with them forever. That is what I mean when I say "real direction".
  2. Sometimes, when I try to imagine how Christ could have the courage and the love to give himself for all of us, I run into a wall mentally. I cannot comprehend how much love that truly is, or how deep it is. I know that God loves you Brian, and your little girl, and I would be grateful for the chance to include you, your family, and the team of professionals working to help your daughter in my prayers. You're cared about by more than just Heavenly Father.
  3. I just started the application process for a job with Ford Finance in their Asian Market group. Keep your fingers crossed that I get the job!!!
  4. Thanks a ton guys, I appreciate the feedback and I'll work on saving up/budgeting the money for my stinkin membership. Lol, my epic struggle with the reserve slot will win with me triumphant! btw- Fatty, is there any way to work up and "installment plan"? I got the $25 finally, but it'll take a while before I can scrounge up another $25.
  5. Thanks Fatty, lol, I accidentaly cut and pasted wrong, I asked Xoul to look up the SteamID for me since I don't know how to. He typed it in game, so I cut and pasted the whole line of him typing, it wasn't Xoul and I know it. <3 Xoul!
  6. You can't have him cuz I need him more! J/K But Jugg, you are commanded to resolve this problem! Maybe try reinstalling steam?
  7. Hey all, just started running into a problem tonight and I need the help of the GC crew to clear it up. I play on the server a reasonable amount. My skills don't reflect the amount of time I play, but that is irrelevant . The problem is this: At night there are serious problems with swearing/innapropriate behavior that would normally result in boots/bans but there is no one there to enforce it. This isn't a one time occurence either, it happens quite often. Now, I recognize that all of the GC crew are just normal folks like me that are either working or going to school so there are LOTS of demands on your time. The problem exists though and we need to think of some way to resolve it. Sometimes I can fool people into thinking I am an admin by commanding them to not swear, change their name, or not use a spray, but people call my bluff way too often and I'm left standing there with my pants down---not a comfortable position to be in. Anyways, love you guys. I would love some feedback or advice on how to improve the situation!
  8. appart from boosting, I've seen people jump from the boxes that are directly in line with the corner of that ledge, next to the water, onto the ledge. It's super hard and I've only done it once, but it CAN be done with one person.
  9. Info: [Evil]Xoul .gc: 100 "TITS ( * ) * )" STEAM_0:1:3874840 07:12 162 0 active Repeatedly asked to change name, failed to. Porn spray too. Thanks guys
  10. K-wix you rock man. Glad you're having fun here too. Keep comming back!
  11. Aztec is fun from either side, it all depends on whether your team has a cumulitive IQ greater or less than a Short Bus filled with "special" students.
  12. All in all, assualt is fun. Always has been, always will be. Now, camping as a T get's really borring, but if you have Jugg or Toka on your team you stay pretty entertained ^.^
  13. You know what? Not being able to play on your guy's server would be enough to keep me from playing CS at all. I can't stand all the garbage and immaturity out there in the CS community, and it is nice to just be able to have fun and laugh and not sweat about porn sprays or cursing. Keep up the good work guys.
  14. Ok, fine! I give in... I just can't take the presure anymore guys, I wana join GC. ... ... So uh.... how? I read the "Join GC" page and am still -slightly- confused as to how to get you the registration fees. Anyways, if you guys could reply to this, or email me, I'd really appreciate it.
  15. Here you go, this is "Thomas Aquinas' Guide to Weightloss and Healthy Living"... I only share this because about 3 years ago I decided that I was tired of being overweight and decided to get to what I felt was a healthy and happy weight. I went through highschool playing football and doing Shotput and discuss in track, and when i reached college I weighed 230-240 lbs. Once I realized that I wouldn't be playing football anymore I decided that I should drop down in size a bit. Here is the plan I used: 1. Exercise 6 days a week (I don't on Sunday for religious reasons, but I think it helps a lot to take a break every week). I started by running 1 mile every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and lifting weights every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Eventually you can build up distance in running to what I do now (about 6 miles). If your knees can't handle running, swim for 45 mins-1hr. 2. Perhaps even more important than the exercise; ONLY EAT 50 GRAMS OF FAT A DAY OR LESS!!!!! As you exercise everyday your metabolism will increase, so don't worry about calories TOO much (obviously stay away from soda and alcohol because of the super-high-empty-calories). Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. Eat meat and other things too! Eat lots of fiber. I.E. eat a healthy BALANCED diet. Forget about suplements and fad-diets, just eat healthy and stay away from packaged dinners and the like. 3.Stick with it and don't give up. If you miss a day, don't sweat it, just get on track. and START TODAY! DON'T WAIT TILL TOMORROW! That's it! I lost 40 lbs over about 1 year and have stayed at 190 for 2 years now. I am stronger and lift more weight than I did in high school. I can run farther, and I look/feel a lot better. Apart from me I have two good friends that followed the plan with the same or more dramatic results (one friend lost 60 lbs). If you have any questions post em! Later all!
  16. You know, it's always weird to me that people take religion for granted. I mean, a lot of people never even think about things beyond the day-to-day grind of life. I wonder how it is that people can run around all the time, doing what they do, and never try to think about WHY do anything in life. I dunno, maybe I think about church and God and things more because I was a full-time missionary for my church for a while, but I mean don't you need some real direction in your life?
  17. You guys realize that without this server being up I'll have to turn to FFXI for relaxing... really guys... I don't want to have to do that.... please...
  18. AND not to mention the fact that if you join GC you have to deal with Fatty and Lunk ALL the time... but then again you get to play with Zerodamage and Toka too.... hmm....
  19. A clean server where I don't have to deal with some dope spraying a porn scene and my parents or roommates walking in just as he does it...
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