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Found 5 results

  1. If you were to buy an SSD, which and why? Memory size - only need to install Windows 7 and a few programs. My old, regular drive would be for games. I want to hear people's opinions on brands so I don't buy a brick! Thanks!
  2. Hi! I have SSD for 120 GB, I just re-installed windows 7 x64, hard drive shows 75 GB free of 119 GB, all data takes 15.9 GB + shadow storage with 5.9 GB (which is a lot). Question: where is the rest? There is nearly 20 GB is missing. I can't find location with old windows and files. There is information on the internet, but I'm tired of reading too much outdated stuff. I've installed CCleaner, but I don't know how to use it properly. Help!
  3. So, I splurged and bought an SSD. I have an older motherboard which doesn't have SATA 3 support which gave me two options, buying a PCI-e add-on card and then an SATA 3 SSD or I could just buy a PCI-e SSD. I decided to go the more expensive but faster route, the PCI-e SSD. Well, it was kind of more expensive, buying a good SATA 3 add-on card is pretty expensive. I bought the RevoDrive 3 240gb. It was around $550 (inorite?) and is really the last upgrade I wanted to do to my PC before I held off on updating for a while. The rest of my PC is from around early 2009 (i7 920, GTX 480 6gb DDR 3 memory), I've been wanting an SSD since then but never had the cash on hand until now. I know people are all like, "oh my, windows starts so fast!" and you know what? They are totally right! From seeing the Windows logo to my computer being done starting with all programs loaded (Steam, Skype, Logitech stuff, Daemon Tools, EVGA Precision, FiTbit tracker, Kasperksy, Nvidia Settings thing, some motherboard sound junk) It takes about 3-5 seconds. File copying is around 160mb/s, my old hard-drive copied at around 30mb/s when it was settled. Most programs start near instantly and I'm usually the first or second person to load levels in MP. The rated transfer speed is 1000mb read and 900mb write. For comparison sakes: My Old Drive My New Drive As you can see from the Transfer Rate at the bottom this makes my new drive about... ummm.... carry the one...uhhh.... A BILLION TIMES faster!
  4. Hey guys, I was Googling around trying to find ways to install my steam games onto my SSD so i would take advantage of the performance increase, and I found this program; http://www.traynier....ware/steammover . its kinda old but it works well and i was able to easily move my games over to my other SSD. basically what it does is makes a Symlink junction over to your SSD so that steam "thinks" your games are still on your normal drive, but are instead in the other faster one. Thought i'd share this with all the Guys with fast gaming rigs. nice way to get an extra 10-20% more performance with your blazing fast hardware. ~Panik I included it in my attachments in case you just wanna download it here. SteamMover_v0_1.zip
  5. Intel 320 Series 2.5" 80GB SSD for $80 through January 15th BUY IT: http://www.newegg.co...N82E16820167047 SPECS: http://ark.intel.com...-3Gbs-25nm-MLC)
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