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Blizzard Battletag



Found 22 results

  1. Upgraded to Windows 10 a few weeks ago and waited for bugs to be fixed, updated drivers, etc. Today I went to do a clean install and start fresh. I consulted a few trusted sources, did all of my backups and created the Windows 10 install USB from Micrsofts website. Everything was set. Got up this morning double checked everything and proceeded to do the install. The USB drive booted up as it should and started to install Windows 10. I wanted to do a clean install and selected my Samsung 840 EVO SSD to format. It had a message at the bottom saying that Windows 10 couldn't be installed on this ssd because it was a MBR partition table and Windows needed to be install on a GPT partition table. I thought that would be taken care of during the format. It wasn't. The Windows 10 install USB, (and subsiquently the Windows 8 DVD) won't format beyond the initial partition. It won't re-partition the drive. So, I tried to boot from the Samsung DVD. No luck. I created a bootable USB drive with the Samsung software. Didn't work. Also learned that the Samsung software won't work on another computer that does not have another Samsung drive installed. So, now I'm here waiting for my father to return to his home so I can go over and use his computer to install this drive, format and re-partition this SSD. What is most frustrating is that this particular problem wasn't documented in any Windows 10 installation guides (at least the ones that I consulted.) If I had known about this I would have prepared for it. So, I've wasted the majority of this day on this one debilitaing issue. Also, why wasn't this an issue when I originally installed Windows 8 on this drive? And why wasn't it an issue when I upgraded to Windows 10? So, if you have Windows 7 or 8 and want to upgrade to Windows 10 just do the upgrade. If you want to do a clean install please check your drives for GPT parition table. At least look up MBR and GPT tables in Google and make sure you're ready. S.
  2. I've registered a couple of new domains. One of them needs email hosting and with Google Apps no longer a free option, I am open to suggestions for alternatives. Anyone have any recommendations? I can cost something but I want it to be worth the money. Rackspace? Hushmail?
  3. So im having some problems with counterstrike source. It crashes 1-2 secs after the program launches. Last time this happened i verified the game cache and it worked fine. But not this time, i tried re-installing, updating graphics driver, verify game cache, random launch options ,reset cfg. All my other source games work fine, just css. If anyone got any other recommendations or variations of what i tried, i'd appreciate it, thanks
  4. Steam has completely stopped working. It happened since i had to back out of a dota game and closed it (Dota, not Steam). After re-entering the game you can usually reconnect. However this time it said the dota network could not be found. This happens sometimes, and at this point steam was still working (i pm'ed a teammate i wasn't able to get back in and he answered. So i decided to restart Steam then, hoping to be able to rejoin my game. Ever since i can't get it running again: It keeps saying i'm not connected to the internet (which i am) or my internet settings aren't set up for using steam (i've never had that problem before). even retrieving my account information doesn't work. It just gives me an error message saying Steam is unable to process this request at this time. Given that i'll be in low priority for at least 5 days on Dota which is making me furious, i'd at least like to be able to get Steam up and running again. Ideas?
  5. I've got Canon BJC-8200 Printer. It's in compatible with Windows 7. Latest driver is for Vista (64). Can anyone suggest anything to resolve this problem. I bet there are some universal drivers that can replace genuine ones.
  6. i cannot start left 4 dead 2. AS soon as the movie finished and goes to loading screen. i see the menu and it just crashes there. the music repeats and the game freezes I have tride intergrated the files, delete Steam app ( not the games) and reinstall it, notthing... Portal 2 seems to work perfectly and doesnt crash at all.... I've been at this for 3 almost 4 hours and im ready to delete Steam completely...but thats to drastic as i have to wait for left 4 dead 2 to download again which i dotn want to. help please so I can beat baloosh, baloosh and peanut, and maestro, jackie, chick, yoshi, meng, merc....diamond and crasx dont we all want this :3
  7. If you don't have it, get it. http://hoverzoom.net/
  8. Has anyone else tried Google's new music streaming service (the first month is free and then you get billed on the second month). It's really, really good. Especially if you have an android device, the playlist creator is way better than mediocre radio feature on Spotify. I cancelled after the free trial because I won't really have fast/if any internet or phone service in Yellowstone but I definitely plan on renewing when I'm back in the city. Seriously it's awesome. SJ do you still use Rdio?
  9. I like graphic drawing, but I really suck in digital drawing. I have GIMP, that's right I have it and don't use it. I CAN'T! I rage quit almost immediately. One of my problems is, every time I want to edit a picture all tools work incorrectly, not the way they work when I start a new one. For example, whether I click on Erase or Pencil or Brush it does the same - it draws lines and only in black or white. Can't change color, no matter what I click/choose. Maybe I am an idiot. Maybe there is a glitch, GIMP is well known for those.
  10. I had McAfee total protection, this is the worst antivirus that I ever installed. So I need to get a new one since McAfee can only consumes RAM and slows down my Internet, can't detect nothing.
  11. Apparently the latest version from the last day or two is infected with a virus. Read more about it here: http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/topic483431.html
  12. I have 2 extra keys that need to be activated by the end of January. If anyone wants them (and you are running windows 8) let me know and I will pass them on to ya
  13. Here is the deal : Past 2 or 3 days I'm getting suspicious attemp to sign into my Gmail account, which is as secondary account. The main catch is that login details provides same internet provider that I use, only the IP is different. Sometimes IP is completely different, different last 3 numbers or last 5 numbers. I do enter to my Gmail account from PC/laptop and my IP is dynamic. Is it possible that because my IP is changing, Gmail detects as suspicious attemp, which can be true/false? It most bothers me, that this never happened before when I login to my Gmail numerous times from PC/laptop, especially laptop. Thanks!
  14. Need help, how can I transfer Microsoft Office from one PC to another? Where should I look to find a product key or something like it? I searched online and spoke to friends, so far the best recommendation is just call to Microsoft ask them. There is a problem, I bought my laptop a long time ago from my friend, however he doesn't remember anything. He bought several licenses at that time along with windows 7.
  15. This looks like it will get ugly as time goes on. http://nakedsecurity...idebar-gadgets/
  16. Hey guys, I was Googling around trying to find ways to install my steam games onto my SSD so i would take advantage of the performance increase, and I found this program; http://www.traynier....ware/steammover . its kinda old but it works well and i was able to easily move my games over to my other SSD. basically what it does is makes a Symlink junction over to your SSD so that steam "thinks" your games are still on your normal drive, but are instead in the other faster one. Thought i'd share this with all the Guys with fast gaming rigs. nice way to get an extra 10-20% more performance with your blazing fast hardware. ~Panik I included it in my attachments in case you just wanna download it here. SteamMover_v0_1.zip
  17. Ran across this place for 10 minute email addresses. When you need a trash email for some websites. Figure I would share it. http://10minutemail.com/10MinuteMail/index.html Works great for places like http://www.cheapstingybargains.com/ to get your freebies without getting tons of spam in return.
  18. I simply cannot find an answer to this question. Please help. I have a iPad that I would like to copy and paste WITH colored text. When I copy and paste from anything (even snippets with all colors)to use in a document via quickoffice hd the text defaults to black. If I want color in the text I have to manually go to each letter or number and change the color. There has got to be a way to keep the color. If there is another document program that will please point me to it.
  19. Some may already know this but it was news to me today after reinstalling Windows. Firefox Sync now uses some random private key, instead of a phrase you type in when you set it up. When you set it up on a new computer, you need to get this key from one of your other computers (attached to Firefox Sync). So if you're using this more as a backup than a sync, be aware that you need to store this key somewhere.
  20. So I decided to try out the free version of spotify and it's a pretty neat piece of software but question for anyone else here that uses it. Is it worth upgrading at all, and if so would you recommend getting a premium account, or is the $4.99/month one perfectly fine?
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