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do religions follow the Old Testament?


just wondering....? i know that this is prob in other topics, but i am just curious. i think i read something somewhere around here that said that christians take from the OT but do not follow it.


My question on it is something like this: Jesus preached the old testament as a child...so if this is something that Jesus tought then why isn't it followed today for all religions of they stand by the new so much than why not the old testament?


i know that stoning is out of date, but this realy doesn't make sense to me.

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honestly Knock...I don't think there is a definate answer here...

I'd say 99% of Christians follow what's in the OT that makes sense to them simply because God said to do it (at one time)...i.e. the Ten Commandments...I mean, those make sense don't they?

Basically Christ said the greatest commandment was love the lord your God with all your heart soul and mind and love your neighbor as yourself. So, when someone in the OT makes sense with the love thing...we follow it (10 commandments) but things like not eating pigs...not marrying people of other race (technically I AM people of other race since I'm not jewish), etc...those just don't really make sense in the "love" department


as for other religions that don't believe in Christ...don't ask me

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Ahem, that "don't marry people of other races" comes from the scripture "don't be unequally yoked" and honestly had nothing to do with race or ethnicity. My understanding of that passage is more along the lines of a Christian not marrying a non-Christian (because more often than not the Christian's spiritual life will suffer) or someone who feels called to stateside marrying someone who feels called to full-time missions work overseas.


The whole "don't marry outside of your race" is stupid and is a misinterpretation that has just been perpetuated throughout the generations.

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we follow it (10 commandments) but things like not eating pigs...not marrying people of other race (technically I AM people of other race since I'm not jewish), etc...those just don't really make sense in the "love" department


"Thou shall not kill."

Are you ready to go to Iraq and kill someone if called?


"Thou shalt have no other gods before me."

Are we worshipping Jesus? Is Jesus God?


""Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me. And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments."


No depictions of Jesus or God? Actually some beliefs still prohibit photographs because they view them as a "graven image"..



"Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's."


How humble are we? This states we must not yearn for what is not ours right?


I don't know, I guess I don't see very many people really living by these laws.. Unless you are Amish, Mennonite or some other ultra-conservative branch, you're breaking commandments left and right. Then it goes back to the Jesus said this.. And then back to the OT, and then you get my point? So what is one supposed to do? Obviously choose what's best for you and what you've been taught. Because you obviously aren't taught everythin all at once while a child. Your latter decisions and opinions will most likely have to be based off and correlating with your original premise. A totally encompasing internal bias in which shapes all of your views. It's pretty thorough. Basically saying if your parents are Amish, you will most likely hold similar beliefs, and would probably take a whole lot of "relearning" to disassociate with that worldview. Sorry got off track.. Getting late after a whole day on "the boards" :twitch:

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you forget one simple fact Watch.

none of us claims to be perfect

yep, I break commandments left and right...and I feel like I have let God down when I do and I ask forgiveness and do my best to never do them again.

(by the way, Jesus IS God...it's just hard to understand as a human how 3 beings can be 1 and yet 3)

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Christianity is not a life of perfection. It is a life of forgiveness and a striving for perfection, with the understanding that we will never reach it in this lifetime. Paul says we should "run the race as if to attain the prize, putting off all things that encumber." Like any race, we can be expected to stumble, fall, and skin our knees up but the goal is to continue running until the finish (Jesus' return). The running of the race is the important part.


There is a good song by Steve Taylor ("I wanna be a clone" guy) named "The Finish Line" that depicts the running of a race as living the Christian life.

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All I'm saying is I don't see many people at all following Any of the "rules".. None of the "Commandments" or very little. Just as the case of the examples I'd given you can take any of them really. We've made beliefs out of the very things that we are telling people you shouldn't do. And justifying them somehow. Take for instance the "sabbath". In the original teachings wasn't it Saturday? Then the switch was made to Sunday how? We can change Gods words? What are the ramifications of practicing something in which we know is not true?

Let me ask, if you are conscious of following the ten commandments, what are some of the things that come of it.. Or um, how do you actually practice them? Or tell me instances where you obey them..

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because God never set aside a specific day of the week...the sabbath was only the 7th day of the week used for rest (just like a field was only planted in for 7 years then it was left alone for a year)

it's all about the resting and the sabbath was used for rest and contemplating God...God never said it had to be done on a specific day...if I wanted thursday could be my sabbath

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the Seventh Day Adventists don't specifically believe that God said that Saturday was the Sabbath...they are more concentrated upon the fact that there IS a Sabbath...they just happen to feel that Saturday is the day they use as the Sabbath...

at least that's what the SDA's I know believe (my parents rather small and poor church meets on Sunday in a SDA building and the SDA's use it on Saturday)

for them it's more about spending that entire day in communion with God and resting from the real world (they spend sunup to sundown inside that tiny building just fellowshipping with each other)

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havn't seen this version of the 10 commandments :) heh i just learned it simple


1. I am the lord your god there shall be no other god before me

2. Never take the lord your god's name in vain.

3. Remember the sabbath day and keep it holy

4. Honour thy father and thy mother

5. Thou shall not kill

6. Thou shall not commit adultury

7. Thou shall not steal

8. Thou shall not bare false witness against thy neighbour

9. Thou shall not covet your neighbours wife

10. Thou shall not covet your neighbours goods.


to answer your question Knock. Yes we still do follow the old testament, but we follow the new testemant as well. The old testament is more so focused on during easter such as the 3 readings of the old testament, and then the 3 readings of the new one. But still usually every sunday there is a reading from the old testament and the new testament. So both are being used equally. Bah that's enough outta me

Edited by Xterminator
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