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World of Warcraft


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I saw a lot of the other games in here were MMo's and another diablo, I love blizzard.


So on that note, is anyone in World of Warcraft Beta

Any angry people who didn't get in the beta?


I am one of those angry people...grrr.


Anyone not care?



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  • 3 weeks later...

From a Lose Your Life compatriot:


I finally got it DL'd and installed about 10pm. I pretty much wore holes in my carpet pacing during the process. But after much impatience, here my first impression...




Why this is still beta i'm not quite sure. From the time you start the install, it appears to be incredibly pollished and ready for the shelves.


The login screens and charachter building screens are very well planned. The only complaint I had about the character model screens are...If you dont like the "Village People" look, you wont much care for the choices in human designs. All the hair choices seem big and feathered, while all the facial hair definitely makes you look ready for a night at the "Blue Oyster".


Best I could do was a well tanned Freddy Mercury.


The games feel is less realistic, and more cartoonish then all its competitors. Its more of a Zelda look then an AC one. However, this is probably what attributes to the ZERO lag I was experiencing in towns FULL of people. The game REALLY has the feel of being in a Warcraft version.


Get ready for some looooong nights. The game will definitely take some time to build your character up. The number of quests in the starter towns alone must be in the dozens. I think I did about 20 last night. If I could have found a good group I would have done many more. They became too dificult to complete on my own. I will find a group today for some action.


After 6 hours of SOLID game play, I was only able to reach level 5.


The game play is still slash and kill fashion, but the skill tree has more of an AC1 feel. If you use your sword to kill, your sword skill goes up. If you use a shield while fighting, your blocking skill goes up. Etc. The other thing I did train last night was leather crafting and animal skinning. This allowed me to make my own armor from the animals I was killing. Very helpful.


The buildings are well laid out, with multiple floors and rooms (and no glitches to get hung up on). Mines and caves LOOK like mines and caves, with no having to portal in and out of them.


The audio is a bit drab at times, but when you are out in the hills listen for the Coyotes howling in the distance, and the wind rustling the trees. Its sound very cool.


The foes are a bit run of the mill. Some Wolves, some Giant Spiders, Some ugly little trolls thingys called Kobolds, etc. What is not run of the mill is the way they react. If you attack an enemy that is in sight of his friends...look out, it's game on. Also, if the baddies start to feel outmatched, they may try to retreat to where more of their buds are. But, if you can take them, chase em down. Because unlike every other game we have played like this, you dont get locked into some combat mode when you decide to attack. Yes going combat does cause you to draw your sword, shield, or anything else you need at the time, BUT it doesnt send you in a lag induced slide at the enemy. After going into combet mode, you must physically move your player into range for the weapon you have, and make sure you face him in the right direction. Move him in close, but leave him facing away? You just get clubbed in the back til you're dead. It gives it a bit of 3rd person action feel.


Well...enough writing. Must go kill.


On the ol' ALL_9 scale, this baby is off the charts.


I'm in for sure!


PS- on my 1.6 gig, G4, 512mg RAM box....it runs smooooooth as silk.

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