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supersize it


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Anyone seen this movie.

some documentary (comedy) on some guy who pledges to eat at mcdonalds for like 40 days (breakfast, lunch and dinner).


He gains like 300 pounds and his cholestorol goes off the charts...

his doctors are begging him not to eat at mcdonalds anymore...

he becomes an addict...


I've got to rent this movie.



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It is an amazing movie. It really is. He does it for 30 days. In the first 12 days he has gained 17 pounds. The downside is they seem to push the idea that Fast Food is responsible for people eatting it and should be sued for being so unhealthy....which I think is competely ridiculous, but hey, the age of personal responsibility has apparently left us all behind.

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hah, i didn't wanna fess up that i rented it too. lol.


i though it was kinda neat, but at the same time i should have looked into it before i watched it. Wasn't what i was expecting but was ok. It's pretty much like Soul said, plus you watch him eat Big Mac's and drink coke for 2 hours.

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was a good movie. He does over eat though. It was a lot better doc. then that crappy and boring movie Michael Moore put out this year.

3/4 stars


Oh and the title is "Supersize Me"

Edited by YoMamma
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