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Guest tWeAkEd

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Guest tWeAkEd
Guest tWeAkEd
Guest tWeAkEd

this weird thing happened when i went to go into these forums. this message popped up...




# Ultimate Bulletin Board (UBB), Version 6

# Official Release Date for UBB6: March 15, 2001


# First version of UBB created May 7, 1996 (by Ted O'Neill).

# This entire program is copyright Infopop Corporation, 2001.

# For more info on the Ultimate Bulletin Board and other Infopop

# Products/Services, visit: http://www.infopop.com


# Program Author: Ted O'Neill, with assistance from Michael Farris, Dave Dreezer

# Special Thanks to: Rosemary O'Neill, Mark Badolato, Charles Capps, Graeme, Jesus de la Garza, Joe Siegler, Hal, Brett Harris, Kristi Miller, Celeste Combs, everyone who beta-tested, and all of our support moderators!


# UBB6 is dedicated to Edward Kriz.


# You may not distribute this program in any manner, modified or otherwise, without the express, written written consent from Infopop Corporation.


# You may make modifications, but only for your own use and within the confines of the UBB License Agreement (see our website for that).


# You may not distribute "hacks" for the UBB without approval from Infopop.


# Note: if you modify ANY code within the UBB, we at Infopop Corporation cannot offer you support-- thus modify at your own peril :)


#use strict;

use Fcntl ':flock';

use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser carpout);

use CGI qw(:cgi-lib :standard);

#use vars qw(%vars_config %vars_misc %vars_registration %vars_forums %vars_styles %vars_display %vars_style %vars_email %vars_time %vars_search %common_words %vars_wordlets %vars_wordlets_err %vars_wordlets_email %vars_wordlets_img %vars_wordlets_date @ubber %vars_pm %GotTime @memberslist @login @session $username $password $last_login_dt $session_login_dt $last_login_j $session_login_j $days_prune $InfopopCopyright $ThisHTML %in %ProfileNumber $memlistopen $CurrentTab %template $template %template_match $Hiddens $Legend $LoginWording $LastLoginTime $MainButtonsLine $TableWidth2 $ContactLine $pubname $user_topic_view $user_number $direct_to $exact_path $TBT $TBB $Header $Footer $EmailHeader $show_logout $instant_jscript %weights $title_wording @memberslist_array $memlistopen $version $version_number $cache_cookie %member_profile $masterCharset $summary);


undef(@ubber); undef(@login); undef(@session); undef($username);

undef($password); undef($last_login_dt); undef($session_login_dt);

undef($last_login_j); undef($session_login_j);

undef($days_prune); undef($ThisHTML); undef(%ProfileNumber); undef($memlistopen);

undef($Hiddens); undef($LastLoginTime); undef($TableWidth2); undef($pubname);

undef($user_topic_view); undef($user_number);

undef($exact_path); undef($Header); undef($Footer); undef($show_logout);

undef(@memberslist_array); undef($memlistopen); undef(%member_profile); undef($cache_cookie); undef(%in);


eval {


# Get the script location: UNIX / or Windows /

($0 =~ m,(.*)/[^/]+,) && unshift (@INC, "$1");

# Get the script location: Windows \

($0 =~ m,(.*)\\[^\\]+,) && unshift (@INC, "$1");


# modify the path for vars_config.cgi if VariablesPath differs from CGIPath:


require "vars_config.cgi";


# no need to ever touch these statements:


require "$vars_config{VariablesPath}/vars_display.cgi";

require "$vars_config{VariablesPath}/vars_misc.cgi";

require "$vars_config{VariablesPath}/vars_email.cgi";

require "$vars_config{VariablesPath}/vars_time.cgi";

require "$vars_config{VariablesPath}/vars_search.cgi";

require "$vars_config{VariablesPath}/vars_pm.cgi";

require "$vars_config{VariablesPath}/vars_registration.cgi";

require "$vars_config{VariablesPath}/vars_template_match.cgi";

require "$vars_config{VariablesPath}/vars_wordlets.cgi";

require "$vars_config{VariablesPath}/vars_wordlets_err.cgi";

require "$vars_config{VariablesPath}/vars_wordlets_img.cgi";

require "$vars_config{VariablesPath}/vars_wordlets_date.cgi";

require "ubb_lib.cgi";

require "ubb_lib_time.cgi";

require "$vars_config{NonCGIPath}/Templates/public_common.pl";



if ($@) {

#use Data::Dumper;

#print qq%Content-type: text/html\n\n%;

$masterCharset = "ISO-8859-1" unless $masterCharset;

print header(

-charset => "$masterCharset",

-type => "text/html",


print "<pre>Error including required files: $@ $!\n";#, Dumper \%vars_registration;

print "Make sure these files exist, permissions are set properly, and paths are set correctly.</pre>";






my $templatefile;#, $summary;

#if we've gotten this far, we have template_matches

if(($in{ubb} =~ m/^(newtopic|submit_new_topic|get_topic|reply|submit_new_reply|get_ip|delete_topic|close_topic|open_topic|next_topic|transfer|transfer_topic|edit_post|submit_edit|forum)$/) && ($in{f} =~ m/^\d+$/)) {

my $forumnumber = "forum_" . $in{f};

$templatefile = "$vars_config{NonCGIPath}/styles/vars_style_$template_match{$forumnumber}.cgi";

} elsif($in{ubb} =~ m/^(recent_user_posts|get_daily|search|do_search)$/) {

$templatefile = "$vars_config{NonCGIPath}/styles/vars_style_$template_match{search}.cgi";

} elsif($in{ubb} =~ m/^(get_pm|private_message|submit_private_message|pm_prune|pm_delete|pm_reply|submit_pm_reply|ignore_list|buddy_list|do_ignore|do_buddy|update_ignore|update_buddy)$/) {

$templatefile = "$vars_config{NonCGIPath}/styles/vars_style_$template_match{private_message}.cgi";

} elsif($in{ubb} =~ m/^(faq)$/) {

$templatefile = "$vars_config{NonCGIPath}/styles/vars_style_$template_match{faq}.cgi";

} elsif($in{ubb} =~ m/^(get_profile|edit_profile|my_profile|my_rating_list|edit_my_profile|rate_member)$/) {

$templatefile = "$vars_config{NonCGIPath}/styles/vars_style_$template_match{profile}.cgi";

} elsif($in{ubb} =~ m/^(agree|coppa_agree|register_page|underage_register_page|show_coppa_form|submit_registration|login)$/) {

$templatefile = "$vars_config{NonCGIPath}/styles/vars_style_$template_match{registration}.cgi";

} elsif($in{ubb} =~ m/^(ubb_code_page)$/) {

$templatefile = "$vars_config{NonCGIPath}/styles/vars_style_$template_match{ubb_code}.cgi";

} elsif($in{ubb} =~ m/^(email|send_topic|lost_password|find_lost)$/) {

$templatefile = "$vars_config{NonCGIPath}/styles/vars_style_$template_match{email}.cgi";

} else {

$templatefile = "$vars_config{NonCGIPath}/styles/vars_style_$template_match{summary_page}.cgi";

$summary = 1;

} #endelse


do $templatefile;


# If we grabed a template file, reassign the character set

# Otherwise, $masterCharset is called in from ubb_lib

$masterCharset = $vars_style{thisCharset} if $vars_style{thisCharset};



$cache_cookie = $vars_config{cache_pw};


$template = \%template;



# set main buttons options

$MainButtonsLine = &MainButtonOptions; # in ubb_lib.pl


# set date/time



# counter



# for misc actions --

my $doer;

if(($template_match{summary_page} ne $template_match{transition}) && ($in{f} ne "")) {

#one last fix - we need to load the transition template if it's set differently from the summary_page template, which we already loaded

$doer = "$vars_config{NonCGIPath}/styles/vars_style_$template_match{transition}.cgi";



do $doer if($doer && ($summary == 1));


# standard argument

my $ubb = $in{ubb};

my $skip_cookie_check;

my $logoff;



# is forum closed?

if ($vars_misc{BBStatus} ne 'ON') {


#print qq%Content-type: text/html\n\n%;

print header(

-charset => "$masterCharset",

-type => "text/html",




&StandardHTML("$vars_misc{BBClosedMessage}"); exit;



if ($ubb eq 'clearcookies') {

require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_lib_misc.cgi";

&clear_cookies; exit;

} #end clearcookies


if ($ubb eq 'forum_pw_check') {

require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_forum.cgi";

&forum_pw_check; exit;

} #end forum_pw_check


# perform user login?

if ($ubb eq 'do_login') {

$skip_cookie_check = 'true';


require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_lib_2.cgi";


my @user_info = &verify_id("$in{username}", "$in{password}");

my $pubname = $user_info[0];

my $dp = $user_info[1];

my $profile_number = $user_info[2];

my $mod_q = $user_info[3]; chomp($mod_q);


if ($vars_display{MembersOnlyAccess} eq 'YES') {

if ($mod_q eq 'Q') {

# user is registered but not approved!


#print qq%Content-type: text/html\n\n%;

print header(

-charset => "$masterCharset",

-type => "text/html",








if ($dp eq '') { $dp = "$vars_display{DaysPruneDefault}"; }


my $cookie = cookie(-name=> "ubber$vars_config{Cookie_Number}", -value=> [$in{username}, $in{password}, $pubname, $dp, $profile_number], -path=> '/', -expires=> '+2y');

$username = $in{username};

#print header(-cookie=>[$cookie]);

print header(


-charset => "$masterCharset");


# display refer page

my $clean_cgi = quotemeta($vars_config{CGIURL});

if (($in{refer} ne '') && ($in{refer} !~ /logoff$/) && ($in{refer} !~ /cookies$/) && ($in{refer} !~ /find_lost$/) && ($in{refer} !~ /password$/) && ($in{refer} =~ /^$clean_cgi/) ) {


# take viewer back to topic


&Transition("$in{refer}", "$vars_wordlets{thanks_for_login}", "$in{refer}");


} else {

$ubb = '';


} # end do login


# perform user logoff?

if ($ubb eq 'logoff') {

$skip_cookie_check = 'true';

my $cookieA = cookie(-name=> "ubber$vars_config{Cookie_Number}", -value=> ['', ''], -path=> '/', -expires=> '-2y');

my $cookieB = cookie(-name=> "session$vars_config{Cookie_Number}", -value=> ['', ''], -path=> '/', -expires=> '-2y');

my $cookieC = cookie(-name=> "forumpw$vars_config{Cookie_Number}", -value=> ['', ''], -path=> '/', -expires=> '-2y');

#print header(-cookie=>[$cookieA, $cookieB, $cookieC]);

print header(

-cookie=>[$cookieA, $cookieB, $cookieC],

-charset => "$masterCharset",);




# confirm logoff


&StandardHTML($vars_wordlets{logged_off}); exit;


} # end logoff


# retrieve cookies!

@ubber = cookie("ubber$vars_config{Cookie_Number}");

if ($ubber[0] ne '') { $username = $ubber[0]; }

if ($ubber[1] ne '') { $password = $ubber[1]; }

if ($ubber[2] ne '') { $pubname = $ubber[2]; }

if ($ubber[3] ne '') { $user_topic_view = $ubber[3]; }

if ($ubber[4] ne '') { $user_number = $ubber[4]; }


#make sure the user is not forging his cookie to get into a protected area

if (($vars_display{MembersOnlyAccess} eq 'YES') && (@ubber)) {

my @checkTheProfile = &verify_id_num_2($username,$password,$user_number);

unless($checkTheProfile[4] =~ /Write/) {

print header(-charset => "$masterCharset",);





@login = cookie("login$vars_config{Cookie_Number}");

if ($login[0] ne '') { $last_login_dt = $login[0]; }

if ($login[1] ne '') { $last_login_j = $login[1]; }


@session = cookie("session$vars_config{Cookie_Number}");

if ($session[0] ne '') { $session_login_dt = $session[0]; }

if ($session[1] ne '') { $session_login_j = $session[1]; }


# in case this is a new visitor!

if ($last_login_dt eq '') { $last_login_dt = 'NEW'; }


# set login cookie, if necessary


if ($skip_cookie_check ne 'true') {


if ($session_login_dt eq '') {


# set session cookie:

# this is a temp cookie that stores previous last login


my $cookie1 = cookie(-name=> "session$vars_config{Cookie_Number}", -value=> [$last_login_dt, $last_login_j], -path=> '/');


# set new last login

my $cookie2 = cookie(-name=> "login$vars_config{Cookie_Number}", -value=> [$GotTime{LastLoginDT}, $GotTime{LastLoginJulian}], -path=> '/', -expires=> '+1y');


my $cookie3;


# reconfirm user data- in case profile details were changed

if ($username ne '') {

my @this_profile = &verify_id_num_2($username, $password, $user_number);

chomp($this_profile[1]); chomp($this_profile[0]); chomp($this_profile[21]); chomp($this_profile[15]);

if ($this_profile[15] eq '') { $this_profile[15] = "$this_profile[0]"; }

$cookie3 = cookie(-name=> "ubber$vars_config{Cookie_Number}", -value=> [$this_profile[0], $this_profile[1], $this_profile[15], $this_profile[21], $user_number], -path=> '/', -expires=> '+2y');



#print header(-cookie=>[$cookie1, $cookie2, $cookie3]);

print header(

-cookie=>[$cookie1, $cookie2, $cookie3],

-charset => "$masterCharset");


} else {


unless (($ubb eq 'submit_registration') || ($ubb eq 'edit_profile')) {


#print qq%Content-type: text/html\n\n%;

print header(

-charset => "$masterCharset",

-type => "text/html",






} #if not do_login


# members only acess check

if ($vars_display{MembersOnlyAccess} eq 'YES') {

if (($username eq '') || ($logoff eq 'true')) {

unless ( ($ubb eq 'agree') || ($ubb eq 'coppa_agree') || ($ubb eq 'register_page') || ($ubb eq 'underage_register_page') || ($ubb eq 'submit_registration') || ($ubb eq 'lost_password') || ($ubb eq 'find_lost') ) {


do "$vars_config{NonCGIPath}/Templates/public_login.pl";


} } }


# all ubb options:


# forum summary

if ($ubb eq '') {

require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_forum_summary.cgi";

&forum_summary; exit;



if ($ubb eq 'login') {


do "$vars_config{NonCGIPath}/Templates/public_login.pl";




if ($ubb eq 'agree') {

require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_registration.cgi";

&do_agree; exit;

} #end agree


if ($ubb eq 'coppa_agree') {

require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_registration.cgi";

&coppa_agree; exit;

} #end coppa_agree


if ($ubb eq 'register_page') {

require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_registration.cgi";

&register_page; exit;

} #end register_page


if ($ubb eq 'underage_register_page') {

require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_registration.cgi";

&underage_register_page; exit;

} #end underage_register_page



if ($ubb eq 'show_coppa_form') {

require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_registration.cgi";

if ($vars_registration{COPPAType} eq 'COPPADenied') {


} else {


require "$vars_config{NonCGIPath}/styles/vars_style_$template_match{registration}.cgi";




my $COPPAInstructions = &ConvertReturns($vars_registration{COPPAInstructions});

do "$vars_config{NonCGIPath}/Templates/public_reg_confirm_kid.pl";




} #end show_coppa_form


if ($ubb eq 'submit_registration') {

require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_registration.cgi";

&submit_registration; exit;

} #end submit_reg


if ($ubb eq 'forum') {


if ($in{f} =~ /CAT:/) {

my ($j, $cat_number);

($j, $cat_number) = split(/:/, $in{f});

$in{category} = $cat_number;

require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_forum_summary.cgi";


} else {

require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_forum.cgi";




} # end forum


if ($ubb eq 'newtopic') {

require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_new_topic.cgi";

&new_topic_page; exit;

} #end newtopic


if ($ubb eq 'submit_new_topic') {

require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_new_topic.cgi";

&submit_new_topic; exit;

} #end submit_new_topic


if ($ubb eq 'get_topic') {

require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_get_topic.cgi";

&get_topic($in{f}, $in{t}); exit;

} #end get_topic


if ($ubb eq 'reply') {

require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_new_reply.cgi";

&reply_page; exit;

} #end reply


if ($ubb eq 'submit_new_reply') {

require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_new_reply.cgi";

&submit_new_reply; exit;

} #end submit_new_reply


if ($ubb eq 'get_profile') {

require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_profile.cgi";

&get_profile; exit;

} #end get_profile


if ($ubb eq 'edit_profile') {

require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_profile.cgi";

&edit_profile; exit;

} #end edit_profile


if ($ubb eq 'get_pm') {

require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_pm.cgi";

&get_pm; exit;

} #end get_pm


if ($ubb eq 'private_message') {

require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_pm.cgi";

&private_message; exit;

} #end private_message


if ($ubb eq 'submit_private_message') {

require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_pm.cgi";

&submit_pm; exit;

} #end submit_pm


if ($ubb eq 'pm_prune') {

require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_pm.cgi";

&pm_prune; exit;

} #end pm_prune


if ($ubb eq 'pm_delete') {

require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_pm.cgi";

&pm_delete; exit;

} #end pm_delete


if ($ubb eq 'pm_reply') {

require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_pm.cgi";

&pm_reply; exit;

} # end pm_reply


if ($ubb eq 'submit_pm_reply') {

require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_pm.cgi";

&submit_pm_reply; exit;

} #end submit_pm_reply


if ($ubb eq 'ignore_list') {

require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_pm.cgi";

&pm_list('ignore'); exit;

} #end ignore_list


if ($ubb eq 'buddy_list') {

require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_pm.cgi";

&pm_list('buddy'); exit;

} #end buddy_list


if ($ubb eq 'do_ignore') {

require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_pm.cgi";

&pm_do_list('ignore'); exit;

} #end do_ignore


if ($ubb eq 'do_buddy') {

require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_pm.cgi";

&pm_do_list('buddy'); exit;

} #end do_buddy


if ($ubb eq 'update_ignore') {

require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_pm.cgi";

&pm_update_list('ignore'); exit;

} #end update_ignore


if ($ubb eq 'update_buddy') {

require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_pm.cgi";

&pm_update_list('buddy'); exit;

} #end update_buddy


if ($ubb eq 'my_profile') {

require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_profile.cgi";

&my_profile; exit;

} #end my_profile


if ($ubb eq 'my_rating_list') {

require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_profile.cgi";

&my_rating_list; exit;

} #end my_rating_list


if ($ubb eq "recent_user_posts") {

require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_profile.cgi";

&recent_user_posts; exit;

} #end recent_user_posts


if ($ubb eq 'get_ip') {

require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_get_topic.cgi";

&get_ip; exit;

} #end get_ip


if ($ubb eq 'delete_topic') {

require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_topic_maint.cgi";

&delete_topic; exit;

} #end delete_topic


if (($ubb eq 'close_topic') || ($ubb eq 'open_topic')) {

require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_topic_maint.cgi";

&topic_open_close; exit;

} #end close_topic/open_topic


if ($ubb eq 'next_topic') {

require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_get_topic.cgi";

&next_topic; exit;

} #end next_topic



if ($ubb eq 'email') {

require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_profile.cgi";

&email_user; exit;

} #end email


if ($ubb eq 'edit_my_profile') {

require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_profile.cgi";

&edit_my_profile; exit;

} #end edit_my_profile


if (($ubb eq 'transfer') || ($ubb eq 'transfer_topic')){

require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_topic_maint.cgi";

&transfer_topic; exit;

} #end transfer


if ($ubb eq 'edit_post') {

require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_edit_post.cgi";

&edit_post; exit;

} #end edit_post


if ($ubb eq 'submit_edit') {

require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_edit_post.cgi";

&submit_edit; exit;

} #end submit_edit


if ($ubb eq 'rate_member') {

require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_profile.cgi";

&rate_member; exit;

} #end rate_member


if ($ubb eq 'get_daily') {

require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_search.cgi";

&get_daily; exit;

} #end get_daily


if ($ubb eq 'search') {

require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_search.cgi";

&search; exit;

} #end search


if ($ubb eq 'do_search') {

require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_search.cgi";

if ( ($vars_search{IndexMethod} eq 'PERFORUM') && ($in{search_forum} eq 'ALL') ) {


} else {




} #end do_search


if ($ubb eq 'send_topic') {

require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_friend.cgi";

&send_topic; exit;

} #end send_topic


if ($ubb eq 'faq') {

require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_lib_misc.cgi";

&faq; exit;

} #end faq


if ($ubb eq 'ubb_code_page') {

require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_lib_misc.cgi";

&ubb_code_page; exit;

} #end ubb_code_page


if ($ubb eq 'lost_password') {

require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_lib_misc.cgi";

&lost_password; exit;

} #end lost_password


if ($ubb eq 'find_lost') {

require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_lib_misc.cgi";

&find_lost; exit;

} #end find_lost


# default error-- obviously they do not know where they are going



exit(0); # comply with SafePerl


im so lost.. whats it mean?

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Guest alias
Guest alias
Guest alias

OH NO !!!!!!



RUN AWAY !!!! :(

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Guest machine-head
Guest machine-head
Guest machine-head

what the.......what do all those letters and numbers and symbols mean!!!!!!!! o0o:huh:;):blink::angry:

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Guest tWeAkEd
Guest tWeAkEd
Guest tWeAkEd

i dont know thats why i asked.. and yermother it was from these forums. i clicked on the link and it went to that

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Guest alias
Guest alias
Guest alias

so here we go....


when the stats page is loading the link to the forums will take you to this pearl code. that is due to the link pointing to




when it loads it will then work correctly thus pointing to




so we can conclude the following...

who the heck knows!


but i bet a 5 dollars and a candybar that y3rmoth3r can fix it :D

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