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weird temps and htt ratio


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Sup everyone, I have a soltek K8TPRO-939 mobo and a amd athlon 64 3000+ Iam overclocked to 9x 267(2.40ghz) with my vcore at 1.55v but my temps are kinda high, and I dont know if the probes are reading to high or what but my cpu temps is about 55c idle and 63c load, I have a great cooling case with 2 PSU fans, 3 fans in the back of my case, 2 on my video card, 1 in the clear side pannel, and 3 in the front and 1 on the cpu with stock HSF, 12 fans in all. My motherboard is 34c idle, I just dont get why I have such a high cpu temp, my vcore is not even that high, and when I do lower my vcore wich causes instability at 2.4ghz my temps dont lower much at all, I dont know if Iam putting to much thermal paste on I dont really think I am, or if the probes that read my temps are crappy or arent working correctly, also when I touch heatsync its like berly warm at all, its about as warm as touching the palm of my hand, I just dont know if I should raise my vcore anymore to oc higher, I know that a 64's turn off the pc when the temp reaches a certian point. Next weard thing is for my htt ratio, anything higher then 200(1x) I get instability at 2.4ghz, I should be able to put my htt ratio at 600(3x) and be stable, anyway, let me know. thanks in advance!

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thats not the point, lol

Huh? What isn't the point? You have the stock crap fan and Heatsink and wonder why it's too hot. "It's because you have the stock heatsink and fan" as far as the OCing problems you'll need to talk to one of the other guys. I do a little but I have an auto OC in my Bios that changes everything - called adaptive Overclocking.

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if the sensors are the problem then what is the question you are asking? check your amount of thermal paste. you should only have a very thin layer if using something like as3 or as5 or as ceramique. also, you could try updating your bios.


you probably can't go over for many reasons. i'm shocked you are at 267 using a via chipset. is it the k8t 890? head over to www.ocforums.com and read up.

Edited by *|CsLs|*Cujo
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