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Any Rammstein Fans?


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I've been listening to them off and on for a while, but recently I got really interested in one of their songs.


Keine Lust is a great song, and the music video is a riot to watch. I don't know the German language, so it's difficult to understand what they are saying. On the other hand, this is hard-core metal so I guess it dosn't matter what they are saying, Rammstein just sounds awsome. :peace:

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I heard they did some weird things live.  Weird as in I can't say it on here...


That is correct. Can't say it here. Rammstein is awesome.


Rashad, you should listen to Mein Teil(My Part). Great song. Other good songs are: Du Hast (You Have), Engel (Angel), Du Riest so gut (You smell so good), and Mein Hertz brent (My heart burns). Those are some I really enjoy, but they still have a bunch of other great songs that I cannot think of at the moment, too.


I am learning German. Ich lerne Deutsch.


Keine = No


Lust = Lust (I think)


Tough language to learn. It is a root language so the sentence structure is backwards.

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In Du Hast the english version they say You Hate from what I remember.  What's up with that?


They are saying you have, but when they pronounce 'have' they say 'a' just like it sounds in the english alphabet. So, it sounds like they are saying hate, but they are really saying have. Till (the lead vocalist) has a fairly thick accent. That, and when the song came out in the US, Mtv assumed that they were saying hate instead of have. Go Mtv, gotta love what they are doing to our country's youth.

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Rammstein RUlez!! They have many good songs, my favorite would have to be Mein Teil.


Mtv sucks :boo: The only thing worth watching is Head Bangers Ball on Mtv2. How can they call it Music tv when they never play any music videos??

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I thought he was saying hate myself lol.  Thanks for clearing that up for me.


Hehe, it took someone from Germany to explain that to me. I also thought it was "hate" at first, too. He explained it to me then I listened to it carefully after taken German and learning their alphabet.


He is pronouncing it like 'Hayf' and with all the music going on, it is far to easy for an english speaker to think 'Hate'. That, and I am sure that 'Hate' sounded cooler too all the metal heads out there ;)


The German 'V' makes an English 'F' sound. Kinda like how the German 'W' makes an English 'V' which is why most people going from German to English say "vat" instead of "what."


It's such a fun language and sounds awesome for heavy metal :D

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  • 7 months later...
Rammstein RUlez!! They have many good songs, my favorite would have to be Mein Teil.


Mtv sucks :boo: The only thing worth watching is Head Bangers Ball on Mtv2. How can they call it Music tv when they never play any music videos??


I switch between Mtv, Mtv2, and VH1 in the mornings to watch music videos.


Rammstein is schweet though. That one song they did in Spanish wasn't quite right though.

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