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I'm Lazy

Sir Shertown Pimp

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I'm like an 18 year old college student with a FREE(sorta) $30 million dollar gym about a 1 minute walk from me. I would love to have some muscle definition but I just dont think it is possible. I weigh about 170 and im 6'4 but I so not toned or in shape it is embarassing. I haven't lifted since I was in 9th grade and I can probably max out on benchpress at 100 lbs. I'm not looking to get jacked or anything crazy, but some ideas on keeping motivated would help. The girls down here are so beautiful you would not believe it, which is a motivation within itself; however, between beer and horrible college dieting I really don't see myself improving. I play basketball and probably some volleyball soon but I don't even know how to use half the equipment in the gym haha.


Maybe I'm just crying like a little girl but any wisdom would be appreciated.

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GC Alumni

use the gym.


i always got intimidated by the dudes benchpressing a house. remember, you're there for your own goals, not to compete with the meathead working out next to you. doesn't mean you can't watch their workout from time to time...steal some of their excercises to get you started.


when i'm lifting, i do the good ole fashioned weight pyramid. start light and focus on technique. something like 12 reps @ 35lbs, 10 reps @ 45 lbs, 8 reps @ 50, 6 reps @ 60, 12 reps @ 40lbs. 60 second rest between each set. after your final 12 rep set, don't rest, work the same muscle but with a different excercise. one light set of 12, but slow...and focus on the technique. don't try to do too much, either. work just your upper body one day, lower body the next, rest the third. repeat.


don't forget to grunt and make your mean face, just for added effect.


Edited by stuttering.john
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It doesn't matter how much you can lift - you're not there to impress anyone. Start off at what you can do, and go from there. I see ripped guys at my gym lifting 80/90 pounds sometimes - it's all about toning. Do as many reps as you can do with it, until your arm gives out. Do that for about a week or two, then try adding some more weights.


When I first started at the gym, I could probably only benchpress 100. I can benchpress 220 now, and it's only been about a year. So, start small - grow big.

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ive been lifting with this buff friend of mine and its working pretty good, I'm sore all the time so I guess he knows what hes doing. He's aimed toward gaining muscle instead of toning, so he recommend lifting more weight with less reps for a few weeks, then dropping the weight a little and increasing the reps for toning. Does this sound right to anyone?

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ive been lifting with this buff friend of mine and its working pretty good, I'm sore all the time so I guess he knows what hes doing. He's aimed toward gaining muscle instead of toning, so he recommend lifting more weight with less reps for a few weeks, then dropping the weight a little and increasing the reps for toning. Does this sound right to anyone?


Sounds like a plan. I have done the opposite, started with low weight and more reps and worked my way up. Not noticing much. I am going to try what you just mentioned. As for being sore, stretch before and after you excercise. The keeps you from getting sore. Stretch when you wake up and stretch before you go to sleep. Benn a long while since working out has made me sore.

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Sounds like you have a chance to catch the lifting bug. I hope you do.


Some key tips,


1. reread DirtyBird's post on lifting at your own level to meet your own goals.


2. Set your goals several months or even a year out and then backtrack. (i.e. I want to get BIGGER for now, and TONED later).


3. EAT EAT EAT!!!! If you want to get bigger, just eat anything you come across. If you want to get toned, that is a whole different ball of wax.


If you lift heavy and you tear up your muscle, you will get sore (lactic acid buildup and muscle damage). If you FAIL to provide your bloodstream with the nutrients (namely proteins and amino acids) necessary to rebuild the muscle, you are MOVING BACKWARDS.


Dont be catabolic, that is a bodybuilder's nightmare.



I think at your stage cycling routines and plans any faster than every 4-6 months would be counterproductive.


Here is my personal advice. Learn the main, big movement excercises. Learn to perform them PROPERLY. I'm talking Bench Press, Military Press, Curls, Rows (upright and bent), Tri Press, SQUATS.


Set yourself up on a routine that hits one main muscle group a day. Hit that group and then rest it for at least 3 days before hitting it again. Your workout should be no longer than 1 hour. I am thinking maybe 4 excercises per workout. 4ish sets per excercise. And about 6-8 reps for the first 3 sets (more for a burnout on the fourth).


Your routine might look like Chest (Monday), Arms (Tuesday), Legs (Wed.), Rest (Thursday). You can combine Chest/Tris (do chest first) and Back/Bis (Do back first).


Again. REST your muscles after a workout. STRETCH before and repeatedly after a workout. And EAT EAT EAT.


I was a hard gainer right out of high school and I put on about 35 lbs in 1 year. Even more in the next 6 months. Then I toned up. Now I have toned down and am trying to get that tone back!!! ;)

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