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The Bachelor party has begun


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Woke up at 9:12 AM with the mother of all hangovers.


Showered, drank water, ate toast. Felt like uter poo.


Got the group of 6 together at old roommates house. Drove downtown to Dark Side indoor urban paintball.


Down 2 Ibuprofin at 10:00 AM and start the game, 3 on 3 Team Deathmatch. The guys I'm with don't play FPS or Source...guess who is the last man standing. Yep, hungover Brillow.


Played free for all. Pwzonerized.


A group of regulars show up...have their own equipment, cammo. I'm a bit worried. So, 6 on 6. 2 of our guys taken out immediately. We camp, they camp. Another of ours goes out. We get one. Another of ours gets tagged. I'm camping the middle behind cover. My final teammate gets tagged but takes out one more.


I make my move. I flank 2 of them looking the same way. I get one, they other takes off around the corner...I follow. I nail him in the back. I see another one comming behind me. I book and do a full circle flank on him. Shot him in the back as well. I start recieving fire. I'm hit in the leg but no break. I do a half circle flank, then double back to my same position. He's waiting for my first flank and I come up behind me. BOOM HEADSHOT. I took out 4 of them.....


Played some more vairents.


Time for a shower and a drive down to Sioux Falls for actuall partying.


More to come....

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One of my funnier moments in paintball, was I just mad dashed into the enemy base (it was CTF) and the only people in my way was some guy and his stupid 10-12 year old girl. I take out the dad and 'mercy' the girl from behind, she freaks out and almost shoots me in right in the crotch, I'm like "DUMB KID, YOU'RE MERCIED! GET OUT!" (If you don't know what mercy is, it's yelling mercy while pointing your gun at someone within ten feet, eliminating them. (You're not supposed to shoot people at close range is why.)

Anyway, I run straight for the flag from behind, having come from the far left corner, and everyone on their team is camping it, but are in the middle. So I ran right up behind them and snatch the flag, (winning, ending match) and I'm like, "YEAH!" and despite the round being over, all the newbs spun to me, freaked out and pelted me with like, 7-8 shots in various parts of my body. Amateurs.... It was painful.

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