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Let it die


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Not trying to sound mean, but Ebil... you've gotten valid advice here. You seem, to me, one of these socially inept people of the highest degree. You have to be able to tell when to burn bridges, when to make amends, and how to distinguish enemy from friend.


I would NOT attend this party. Don't even think about it.

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"A bit harsh, Gretch..."


Anyway, since everyone else gave their opinions, I want to jump on the Duke boat. Whatever you do, it's your choice and you have to live with it...but whatever you choose, make sure it helps you get right with yourself. You used a very strong word, "rape", to describe how she violated your trust. That suggests that it was a very violent betrayal, and whether or not you two can rebuild that trust it is a violation you will carry around. Negative feelings that strong will hurt you in the long-run...Make sure your choice, whatever it is, is in the best interest of healing yourself lest the wound infects your present and future relationships with others.

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If anyone betrays trust there is no reason for you to be around them. I wouldn't even try to be friends with a buddy who would backstab me. Trust is one of the main building blocks to friendship and if its not there, there is nothing to build upon! Besides you never know when the jerk would do it again.

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