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Introducing Curse


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whats up guys! this is great we have a muscle forum here! im a bodybuilder first and gamer second, so i thought i would come introduce myself to my brethren of the iron addiction. ive been lifting steadily for about 5 years, learned a lot in that time and have much more to go! im also a member of several bodybuilding forums and i use the same username everywhere. keep it up dudes, the only secret to you making your goals is consistency!




Keep lifting!

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Welcome, your input will definately be appreciated. I was heavy into lifting in my college days. So my info is about 4 or 5 years old. LOL Anyway, thanks for stoppin by. There are probably several threads already going you could weigh your input in on.


Oh, and is that you in your avatar? I thought you said you were a bodybuilder? Kinda weak.... :tongue2:


LOL, jking. :hug: Looks like you know what's going on.

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yo bubblegum! thanks for the welcome man, i enjoy the GC community and find most if not all members to be dam cool (hey wait a minute ... i cant say dam in the server ...) ok dang cool .. :luxhello:


i love fitness, and im no spring chicken either (well, 30, thats old enough for me) so its definatly not just for the younger guys and i am here to encourage everyone to pick their arses back up off the proverbial training room floor and keep going!

i love helping people with anything i have learned and i love getting new information to add to my stockpile :smiling2:


you guys have cool smilies here :wiggle2:


im one of those skinny guys who had to learn to gain weight (im 6'1, started at 155 pounds at 25, now im 215, never used gear {steroids} yet) so thats where my focus has been for the last few years. lifting bigger weights and watching the scale go up.


keep on trucking!

remember, its not how much weight you lift its how you lift the weight!

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Welcome TheCurse!!


That's awesome that you enjoy our forums!

And also Game :D


They aren't the most popular in the community, but we're always looking for great input and more viewers/posters.

Especially with ones that can be very credible such as yourself.


Hope to see ya around.

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sounds like you got a great start capt coconut, i wish i started lifting at 14 :(


how old are you zester? if you are lifting weights and trying to gain some weight, the most common mistake people make is not eating enough. i had to turn eating into a job and i still do, its not that fun, but hey thats where my goals are at.



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I'm 20 years old.


I use to wrestle for about 6 years in school... so I developed a lot of minimal eating habits.

I realized about 2 months ago that I've been not eating enough, or properly. So since i started working out.. I eat more when I eat, and have been pretty good with it. But I guess I could eat more times a day, but it's rough with classes and the times I can eat.

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hey zester

yea man its hard, ideally you want to eat something decent every 3-4 hours, it doesnt have to be a lot, just try and get 500+ calories. at your stage in the game you dont have to worry about what you eat so much, that doesnt mean mcdonalds will work but dont worry so much about counting fats and things like that. one thing that helped me a lot is eating a ton of tuna sandwiches. here is an example of a diet that helped me start putting pounds on:


breakfast: 4-6 eggs (use only 1-2 yolks, the rest only the egg whites) plus some toast or something and sausage or bacon if you can, i used to use those frozen jimmy dean patties which take like a minute in the microwave.


go to work


go to gym at lunch hour


immediatly after working out drink a protein shake. do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars, get the shake as soon as you can. there is a one hour window (approximately) after you finish working out where your muscle cells will uptake glycogen and nutrients which they will use to rebuild later when you are resting. this one hour window is crucial. i used to buy my shake right there at the gym. this can be kind of expensive, 3-4 dollars a pop where i live, but you can bring your own stuff and cut that price down if you are on a budget. this is one thing people dont really realize, building muscle can be expensive. just get the shake in as soon as you can.


after you get home or back to work from working out eat lunch. this should be not too long after your protein shake. tuna sandwiches on wheat bread are great here. deli sandwiches too.


eat a mid afternoon snack if you can. another sandwich, cottage cheese with fruits, there are a lot of things that will do fine, just aim for a good amount of protein (35+ grams) and carbohydrates (70 +grams)


dinner, something good of course, protein and carbs and dont forget veggies.


before bed eat something. this is important too. your body goes into fasting mode when you sleep, and it will burn lean muscle tissue and store fat if it has to. remember lean muscle tissue takes energy (calories) just to exist, even if you are just sitting there or sleeping. Fat (adipose tissue) takes no energy to exist. our bodies were not designed have a lot of muscle mass so you are trying to counteract some of these natural proccesses.


you can add in additional shakes throughout the day if you are so inclined.


i think you said you are in school, so you will have to figure out what works for you, but you can do it man just keep at it. nothing happens over night, and it takes months of consistently doing this to start seeing results. the good news is its easier to maintain the muscle than build it.


the basic equations are you need to take in more calories than you are expending. aim for 3500+ calories a day, depending on your weight. a lot of people say one gram of protein and 3 grams of carbs per pound per day. so if you weigh 155 thats obviously 155 grams of protein, and about 450 grams of carbs. if possible always err on the side of more.


when i was hardcore into eating like i listed above, i put on 40 pounds in about 11 months. of course you want to do the right workouts, but like i said earlier most people make the mistake of not eating enough when they are not getting results. i mean, where do we expect all these mountains of muscle to come from? thin air?


/curse diet ramble off



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<stands up and applauds>

<throws roses while TheCurse bows>


Wow. that is definitly a lot of eating.

I will def. have to consume more in the morning.


MWF Routine:

6:30am get up and eat

8:00am class

usually at a bagel sandwich after that class (but i might now b/c im eating os much during breakfast.)

then I have a break where I can eat a good lunch... usually brought from home. (school is expensive!)

12:20pm class

After class I lift... roughly 1 hour to 1 1/2 hours.

Go home, protein shake and tuna, yes I love tuna too!

Gaming or w/e on my computer until Dinner.

Usually a good dinner b/c my parents make it.

Then another protein shake b4 bed.


TTH Routine:

Is almost the same, just different times for classes and I eat at different times, and lift around the sametime.


As of now I dont work, but will be in 2 weeks when im done being laid off. My routine is going to change... so hopefuly Ill figure out anothe pattern or something!

I drink a lot of water. I'm good with no junk food or mcdonald's. If i snack it's either cheetz its or granola bars or something like that. but Ill try to eat something with more carbs.


Thanks a lot for the input. Ill definitly put it all into consideration.

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Interesting. I've always heard don't eat after 6 or 7 PM. Although that was predominantly for shedding weight more than bulking up. I used to go through phases. About September or October (when it started to get to cold to walk around with your shirt off...he he he) I'd start eating like crazy, change my routines to more of a mid/high weight to mid/low rep. Then about Feb. or March (plenty of time before spring break!!! See opposite of above about shirt) I'd start slimming, more cardio, mid/low weight mid/high reps. Many around here have heard before. Best "Body Building" shape of my life was the spring break I met my wife:




210lbs 7% bodyfat 6' tall. I'm in the white tank.



As Paul Harvey would say, "and now for the rest of the story"


go here: http://www.gamrs.co/forums/in...showtopic=21086



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lookin pretty swole bandit.

its funny how after you get into a relationship with a broad who meets your specifications its easier to miss a day of lifting :biglaugha:


yea zester, no one has all the answers so its good to take from many sources, try things out and see what works for you. we's all different.

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Lately I've been eating a lot more. I've noticed myself full and slow from eating so much.


My abs.. are fading!! I think Im gonna cut back on so many calories, and just focus on eating better.

It was only 3 days ago that I uped my calories even more.. and I dont know if I want that just yet.

I've been slowly gaining weight, which is fine with me. I'd rather slowly gain it, so my body adjusts than too much too soon.

The rest of your post is helping though. I overstocked myself with tuna and love it! Whenever im hungry b4 dinner, I have 2 sandwiches.. which is about 36 extra grams of protein on top of my meals and 2 protein shakes.

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Glad to hear it zester

and contrary to poplular belief, you cannot bulk and cut at the same time. your either bulking, or cutting. if your trying to gain weight, dont worry about a little extra fat, its actually good to have it there. ive been trying to get back up to 220 myself, and am carrying more around the midsection than i'd like, but its all part of the process. as long as you know what your goals are and how you are going about getting there.


so if you what your doing is working for you, thats all that matters.


:peace: curse

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