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Oh, and I forgot something else, you should try adding a new CSP thats out. Its called Z-Block, and I've never had any registration problems with it. You should try adding it and see if people complainzorz.

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Oh, and I forgot something else, you should try adding a new CSP thats out. Its called Z-Block, and I've never had any registration problems with it. You should try adding it and see if people complainzorz.
yah, you'll see people complain. there's a really, really, really bad exploit circulating with zblock, csp, and...and...one other, but can't remember. whenever that gets sorted out...might be worth trying again on some servers.


just curious--we used to run csp. people thought it made things feel "laggy." any explanation?

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There is no "laggy" problem with CSP. If anything, its a "registration" problem. Now the explination for that is, on the CAL.csp they have locked cl_interp to .01 and cl_interpolate to 1. This takes away some of the model accuracy from the game, however makes the gameplay much more fair, because people with low end computers can't handle cl_interpolate 0. CEVO.csp however has cl_interp at .01 and cl_interpolate 0/1. This means that if you have a good/decent computer and you want more accurate models, you can use 0 and if you have a low end computer you can use 1. This does however give a very slight advantage to people with better computers using 0. As for ZBlock, I do not know what the locks are for interp/interpolate, however, I have played on quite a few ZBlock servers, and have had no registration problems. As for the new bug going around w/ the CSP's, I have heard that ZBlock has already solved the problem, or never even had the problem. CAL, and CEVO however won't fix it for a few months, and you shouldn't use it. I have never seen any public complaints about any of the CSP's lagging anyone in 2/3 seasons of online play. If it is lagging you, then you probably have an autoexec config that has some really wierd commands, or your rates are set too low.


Oh yeah, thanks for fixing the clan stat page. <3

Edited by NorgmaN
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interpolate has to do with model accuracy? like smoothness, hitboxes, etc.? i think the complaints were coming from people with pings in the 40-60 range. locking interp @ .01 assumes a ping of 10, right?


<--- asking, not arguing. thanks for the input :)



ps - no problem on teh stats.

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Ok, interp and interpolate both decide where your models are on your screen to where they REALLY are on the server. The default for these commands is interp .1 and interpolate 1. I dont' know if you have seen any of the interp videos that were out these last 2 CAL seasons, but client and server hitboxes are different. Interp/Interpolate help even out between the two and make the game "smoother". However your models are farther apart from the hitboxes on the server. Its hard to explain, but say you see a guy standing in front of you, and you can see the boxes that the gfx department made him out of. Then you move him to the left suddenly. You'll notice that the modle lags about .10 seconds or so, then will catch back up with the hit boxes when it stops. Or vica-versa, I forget which. With interp/interpolate both at 0, then the hitboxes line up "perfectly" with the model on your screen. I say "perfectly", because, you can't have "perfect" client/server alignment. However, when you turn your interps to 0, your client side has to work harder to put the model right on the hitboxes. Which gives the "laggy" effect, but in fact actually gives better "registration" to where you are shooting at the model.


I probably just confused you more. I'll try and find the video, its on putfile I believe.

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i think i've seen the video, but might be fun to share if you can find it. (edit is this it? COMMENT LANGUAGE WARNING)


but if interpolate is on (1), and cl_interp is locked at .01, that's good and ideal for players with a 10 ping, and non ideal for everyone else. it does make it fair (although not ideal) because everyone is locked to the same setting.


from gotfrag "cl_interpolate makes your screen shake a little. It is nothing drastic but this may annoy some people. When interp and interpolate are both set to 0 your hitboxes will be perfectly on the player model. I can tell you from experience that after you play with interpolate on 0 for few days, you totally overlook the little shake."


i'm getting more and more confused by this, especially after reading this:



either way, has cal patched CSP with that whole "i can steal rcon by exploiting csp" thing yet?

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Hopefully I reply to everything you asked =)


1) Yes, that video. Notice that is with interp .01 and interpolate 1. See how the Hitboxes (the color boxes) are way ahead of the model when it moves. Now, what they didn't show you is what happens with interp 0 and interpolate 0. The hitboxes align up with the model perfectly. This "in sense" gives you better "registration". What I mean by registration, is people shoot at the models, not at space before or after the model, you shoot at the model. With these two commands at 0, the bullets actually hit what you shoot at, unless your spraying. (which is really never accurate no matter what)


2) Interpolate 0 does give you a weird game shaky feeling, which is why many people dont' use it. The reason for the shaking is because of the client trying REALLY hard to line up the model with the hitboxes. And because it is running so many numbers so fast, its hard to put out an accurate reading.


3) Don't worry about all that stuff in that webpage, I dont' even know what half of it means


4) CAL and CEVO have both not fixed their CSP's yet. However, ZBlock has theirs fixed.


5) Wether you guys add it or not is up to you, I as a hardcore scrimmer/matcher am used to fair play. There are many commands that haven't been turned into cheats by valve yet, that the CSP's can turn off. Personally, for pubbing I think the CAL csp would be the best, but they haven't updated it yet. ZBlock as I have said, I have had no problems with registration or command abuse.


As for players pings being low giving them better registration. Yeah, of course. Better ping gives you a close connection to the server. The only reason people would have been complaining about registration when you added the CSP the first time, is because everyone was using interpolate 0, and CAL locks it at 1.


Any other ?'s just ask.

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I think he's talked to someone, but Penguin isn't showing up on the clan page for some reason ;(

I talked to him on the server about it... dunno why some are not showing. I thought maybe it stopped recording last week with what went on, but should be back recording if that was it. I would assume he plays with the same format tag? I will ask someone nearer to knowing anything about the stats if they do not reply here at all.


*is it getting stats for him at all and not registering for the clan?

Edited by farmerisme
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I think he's talked to someone, but Penguin isn't showing up on the clan page for some reason ;(

I talked to him on the server about it... dunno why some are not showing. I thought maybe it stopped recording last week with what went on, but should be back recording if that was it. I would assume he plays with the same format tag? I will ask someone nearer to knowing anything about the stats if they do not reply here at all.


*is it getting stats for him at all and not registering for the clan?

Should be all good now. Somehow penguin's stats got switched to hidden. SJ fixed it.

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after watching that video i am going to have try the hitbox thing out.


i tried it. It really does make it a bit choppier, but the registry is perfect.


i also tried interpolate 1 and i started shootin infront of people. More shots registered and it was pretty cool.

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If you have your rates set to 66 or 100 there should be next to no choppiness with cl_interpolate set to 0.


If your cl_interp is set correctly you shouldn't need to aim infront of people. That video is EXTREMELY old. The person who made it had their cl_interp set incorrectly.

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