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How long before Nepenthe kicks idlers?

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180 seconds (3 minutes)


Had it set lower b4 but GC members said that was too little (wanted some more time to drain the lizard as it were and still come back to the game)


*Sometimes* the kick idlers does not work correctly and they just hang around - nuthin I can do about it - kick idlers is turned on and...well..thats all I can do. Admins if they are on the server can kick idlers if they are made aware of them FYI



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*Sometimes* the kick idlers does not work correctly and they just hang around - nuthin I can do about it - kick idlers is turned on and...well..thats all I can do. Admins if they are on the server can kick idlers if they are made aware of them FYI


I noticed exactly that on a couple of occasions, but wasn't able to do anything at the time.

It was a real pain to - two idlers, efefctively taking a team of 5 down to a team of 3. :biglaugha:


The other thing is that I have seen a couple of instances where you have a player that is idle and

moves a very little amount (sort of liek standing in the same spot, but looking a different direction).

Again, something for an admin to do something about.

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180 seconds (3 minutes)


Had it set lower b4 but GC members said that was too little (wanted some more time to drain the lizard as it were and still come back to the game)


*Sometimes* the kick idlers does not work correctly and they just hang around - nuthin I can do about it - kick idlers is turned on and...well..thats all I can do. Admins if they are on the server can kick idlers if they are made aware of them FYI




Do we drink a lot???


I know I do...


*Prescribes catheters...

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Ya, just let us know about it. Keep an eye on the score from time to time and Admins can work around it. I know I've gone spec from time to time to take care of stuff like that so we don't mind. We generally don't like to send the peeps packin unless waranted but there are times where people just have to go afk and get tied up with things.


Just let us know. By the way --- it was nice to get back to things with the gang last night, I'll be trying to get in more often here with everyone. It was alot of fun. Talk to you all soon. :peace:

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