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Guest Stoned 24/7

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I know this happaned a while ago, and I wish I would have responded earlier, but I just came back to the .gc forums! That was hillarios, yet infuriating at the same time.


I pride myself on being a non-sterotypical writer, I don't do drugs, I don't even drink, and I am not mad at society for producing mindless automatons assured so completely of their supiority when linked similarly with the beliefs and interests of the majority.


So the reason the post irritated me is that the guy is a stereotypical artist, and that makes me angry. He probably believes that being stoned opens up his mind to all sorts of wonderful plains of thought and existences that is unattainable for us poor mediocre individuals who refrain from such exestential transitions. I'm also certain that he believes every christian accepts the bible as fact absolute and reads it literally word for word. I'm sure he also believes in free speech and the right to state one's opinion no matter what, heedless as to whether or not he is actually impairing or quashing the rights of others, when in reality, he is actually against free speech.


See, he disagrees with any belief structure that is not his own, thus closing his minds to alternative forms of though and seeking to destroy the opinions of others because he sees them as untrue. True belief in freedom of speech implies that such opinions should be discussed, not quashed. Therefore his closed minded opinion on what a video game should or should not be is hypocracy at its finest.


Oh wait, there's more. Now, he automatically assumes that everyone who plays here thinks and acts the same, lumping us as one conformist entity that moves as one with no independant thought or motive. That's also hypocracy because if one were to truly promote individuality, one would seek it out instead of ignoring the fact that it exists.


Now to the point that made me write all this because I'm simply too irritated to not do so. Writers of "modern fiction" and "modern poetry" all write about the same drivel. I took a class in college entitled "modern fiction" in which we read short stories. EVERY SINGLE ONE had something to do with alcohal or drugs without exception....all of them. That's pathetic! Can't "modern writers" come up with something more original? Obviously this guy thinks that being a stoner makes him an individual, when in reality he's doing nothing more than striving to conform to the current stereotype that is the modern writer.


Also, with such a stunted vocabulary (he used fancy words, but the connation and flow was off) I'm sure that his music sucks, and his writing is dry. Proving the Bible wrong is an idiotic thing to say for the simple fact that "wrong" is a realative term, and what one person sees in the Bible, andother person may see something altogether different.


A REAL writer would notice these things and acknowledge them. Getting modern poetry published in some form of another is quite easy. I coudl do it today if I wanted to, and all I would have to do is write something that makes absolutely no sense but is filled with dark ominous tones and words.


This guy needs to learn how to be a REAL individual and start thinking for himself. He's doing EXACTLY what society expects him to do without even realizing he's doing it. That, my friends, is the ultimate in mindless acts of conformity. Grow a brain and see reality for what it is.


Thanks...and that does it for Maverick's lecture on morons who think themselves superior.


Also, if any of you would like to read any of my writing, let me know, I'm always up for some good feedback! Just send me a PM or E-mail. :D

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