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Lights on or off?


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Well, here we are.


I stand by my liking the game but I do share many of the complaints made here and on other forums (and that's not even including the nightmare that is server setup and admin right now). The problem for most of us is that the game, in it's current state, doesn't have that "one more pls." feel to it.


Some things of note:


Some of the old-timey map makers who made maps for the retail release (and other maps) of UT2K4 and still have ties to Epic have commented to some extent on a few UT3 things.


One is that there are supposedly some really good/substantial changes coming down the pipe in the form of patches. Doesn't help us now but it does suggest that UT3 is going to be very much an evolving thing.


The other is in regards to map size, compression, and redirects and that is not the most pleasant news. They suspected this (noted, said, etc) months ago as they were playing with the editor and such. The bottom line is - next gen game - next gen maps - maps are going to be big - period. That's 30 to 100+ meg on average. The kicker is that although we do not have compressed redirects right now, it will likely matter very little regardless; at least the compressed part. The map *as is* is already substantially compressed. Meaning those 30 to 100 meg downloads are not going to change. Even redirected to an off game server host, 30 to 100 meg files do not exactly appear instantaneously. Custom maps are going to be a large problem until pubbers get into the habit of downloading them ahead of time (not to mention that the first time you load a map in the game, it actually does some building/uncompressing that can take a few minutes...)


What's left of the sane competitive community hangs at www.zerofrag.com - check them out. IRC pugbot and the like are all there.


I really don't want to hang those of you guys really into UT3 out to dry but the fact is, given player numbers right now in North America, we might be better off *not* having a server until there is truly public demand for what we at GC usually offer. The number of empty warfare servers at night is truly astounding. It seems that there really is way too much server space for the warfare players right now and the game might be better off if there were fewer choices (believe it or not)


My recommendation is to shut us down. There are only three or four of us that I can discern playing it at the moment and that's not really enough to justify our own server (not to mention the fact that many of you see our server empty and go to one of the few servers that does have peeps on it)


Appended to that is that we'll give this game and our having a server for it another look in three and six months from now, plus with each patch that they release. Like I said, I'm not trying to abandon this. Financially we can swing a UT3 server pretty easily but paying for a predominantly empty server is just bad.


It is ridiculous how fast we can fill the server at night if a few of us are on there but with none of us playing consistently and the lack of *any* forum traffic back to us is kinda indicative of the state of the game.


No polls or the like - just post up your thoughts but please make clear whether to keep the light on or not. Additionally, is there enough of a call to start up a private/public FREON/ONS voteable server? Again, the same rules apply - having that server be empty most of the time is kind of useless.




EDIT: 5pm and there are less than 130 people playing online in *all* of North America for *all* UT3 gametypes. I'll post what the numbers are at 9pm but just to compare - what do you think those numbers were when ONS and 2K4 were just out?

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Interesting post, I think I heard a little about this also

I wouldn't mind a private/public freon/ons voteable server. We had some real decent maps to choose from and face it, there are thousands out there for ut2004. I don't mind chilling till the UT3 guys get their act together. Also, I like some of the mods on Carcass factory regarding map HUD. Any way to get that mod for us?

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I suggest that we revert either of our current servers to UT2004.


I play, Pat plays, X plays, Cannon plays, Lex expressed some interest, Bush plays...


I bet everyone would play a few nights a week.


I plan to, and regardless of previous ISP problems, our server was most reliable for FPS and ping for many of us.


I give two rips right now about UT3.

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I'd play ut3 as well Flitter, but I guess I'm one of the 3 or 4 you mentioned that would. I vote we close the server as well - it's a waste right now, even if it's 42nd or whatever it is.


I vote we dont get a 2k4 server. There are enough servers that if we wanted to play we could find one easy enough. Just my opinion.

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Personally I don't have the desire to play UT3 at all so it doesn't matter to me what happens to our server as long as everyone agrees on it. I think this game fell short of consumer expectations and thus will experience a short life online.

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I have to say lights off. =( I have the same feelings as Wentz plus my computer just can't handle it. Like Flitter said, maybe we can try again in about 3-6 months. Hopefully somebody will make a mod or something that will bring back the die hard fans or maybe there will be a UT2008ish... I wouldn't mind playing some 2k4 ons or freon with you guys.



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I just finished looking at Thunderchild's stats for the past week. Ultimately there's about 6 or 7 servers that stay active and it's not ours.

Pull the plug for a few months. No patch is going to make this game flip it's personality. It will be a new release and should be around $30.

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GC Board Member

Well, I think you can throw me in there as well - esp. with UberBoards (man I love those things - the way they should have released the game)


Been all but dead the last week. Lights soon to be off. Us that play can try to find a regular server or hook up with the pickup game (pug) bot over at ZeroFrag.


We'll give it another look in a month or two.



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Well, I think you can throw me in there as well - esp. with UberBoards (man I love those things - the way they should have released the game)


Been all but dead the last week. Lights soon to be off. Us that play can try to find a regular server or hook up with the pickup game (pug) bot over at ZeroFrag.


We'll give it another look in a month or two.





So the three or four of us that are playing UT04 on a regular basis are SOL eh?


I wonder why nobody chimes in, but I think our (albeit meager) yearly dues should go to something related to what we like to play.


I think we need a server dedicated to UT04 again.


I think we had a strong following before, and now that MANY of us have played and are dissatisfied with UT3, we should go back to what we know...


Hell, it's not like it's wasting money or something...

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GC Board Member
Been all but dead the last week. Lights soon to be off. Us that play can try to find a regular server or hook up with the pickup game (pug) bot over at ZeroFrag.


That's for UT3, not UT2K4.


As mentioned before, if there is demand, yes, we can turn the UT2K4 lights back on but only as long as we are going to have folks playing it. Server off (on, whatever) will happen this weekend.



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** clap off **


I think waiting for "future changes" might be an idea. However, it might be nice to keep something small and private on the side.


It seems when I have played it *has* been a ghost town, and I have to agree with the sentiments regardring the stats and usage.

Get the feeling that they pulled the trigger just in time for Xmas? I know that would NEVER happen, but....


Granted, I have been uber-busy since the beginning of December, but even when I have some downtime I find that I'm doing other things.

If anyone feels their competitive streak urge up inside them, we could always take over the A.S.S. server! :)


Just my $2 (allowing for inflation)

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Well, I think you can throw me in there as well - esp. with UberBoards (man I love those things - the way they should have released the game)


Been all but dead the last week. Lights soon to be off. Us that play can try to find a regular server or hook up with the pickup game (pug) bot over at ZeroFrag.


We'll give it another look in a month or two.





So the three or four of us that are playing UT04 on a regular basis are SOL eh?


I wonder why nobody chimes in, but I think our (albeit meager) yearly dues should go to something related to what we like to play.


I think we need a server dedicated to UT04 again.


I think we had a strong following before, and now that MANY of us have played and are dissatisfied with UT3, we should go back to what we know...


Hell, it's not like it's wasting money or something...


The T5K server is almost always sitting empty and I get a decent ping there. It's limited to 16 players so it doesn't get totally crazy and the map selection seems reasonable. If this server works for others I'm sure we could congregate there and maybe even attract some T5K people versus just noobs. How about Sunday evening 8PM eastern??? If we can't get a few people together with advance notice it doesn't seem worth the effort to start a GC dedicated 2K4 server. Anyone know how to invite the T5K people?

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So far in two days, I've played UT2k4 with dingy, bush, pat, and cannon...


Most of this was on the A.S.S. server, and it sucked the entire time...high pings and huge p/l for a couple of us.


It is too bad that nobody is posting on this matter, b/c I feel like the lone voice saying


"let's get 04 going again!"


We all dropped off UT2k4 in late Oct, b/c we had such high expectations for UT3...when those were not met, we drifted apart into other games.


I've played dozens of games, but by far, UT2k4 has been the most fun...and I'm pretty sure that with some time, a lot of us will return and if the GC server is not here...that itch will never get scratched...


It is a shame to see 8-9 of the remaining GC UT guys drift into nothingness, because we can't be bothered to get a UT2k4 server up...which is already in existence and which we all paid for.




ftw, for real. :unsure:

Edited by Tek-Almighty
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Hehehe, TF2 = nothingness! Hear that Wentz!? EAT IT! lol


Yeah yeah, I'll get 2k4 installed again, gimme a break. I never wanted to quit it in the first place - I even tried to get a TAM team going if I remember correctly.

I'd like to but I don't think I could do TAM competitive with my new LCD. I just cant get used to it, I can't swipe and hit anymore. :( I've played some ONS and do well but its with newbs running into combos, my hit scans went down the tubes. I can play TF2 however and I don't really notice the LCD blur.


I can't wait till LCD response times get in the nano seconds.

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