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Guest TeKNiK

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Guest TeKNiK
Guest TeKNiK
Guest TeKNiK

I am going to leave this thread to all the rockers out there. I notice Wilco having an obscene amount of cd's and I must say I love the collection.


Metallica has been a band that (if you don't mind me saying) revolutionized rock music today. Almost all of today's bands I know of have all been influenced in some way by Metallica. In fact, MTVIcon is finally making an episode featuring Metallica just like they did Aerosmith and Janet Jackson. Theres a contest on MTV.com about showing you being the biggest Metallica fan and they'll send you out there.


Now with every good side comes a bad. Many people felt the rage as did me when Metallica landed their lawsuit on the ever so famous company "Napster", which we all know has been shut down for over 2 yrs now. Many fans became outraged and boycotted Metallica cause of this.


I am curious as to peoples views towards this as I am sure many of you have a view either way. Post up your views and plz don't flame one for not having the same view as yourself. Thx and I look foward to reading your responses.

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And Justice for all and down...are my favorites....i dont know if maybe my tastes changed or what....but i dont enjoy any metallica after those albums...


Master of puppets, and Fade to Black are easily 2 of their best songs...my opinion of course

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Guest Smoke
Guest Smoke
Guest Smoke

any band that sue their fan deserves to have their CD's burned.


Metallica is corporate rock, they don't do it for the music or a message, they do it strictly to make money.. they sicken me

If I hear there music i usually demand to have it turned off.


Supporting metallica is supporting the RIAA, 1 of the most evil organizations in the US, in my book.

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keep in mind, that is their day job. All musicians are in it for money! Rock is defined and sex, money, drugs. Not our societys best looked upon qualities, but its true. Metallica is an amazing band, musically, lyrically, and in any other area they persue. Yes, the napster thing sucked, they might have even taken it to far, but to get mad at someone for that is weak. Would you like your hard work given freely to the people? If that is your job, you livelyhood, it shouldnt come cheap, not by any means. Then again they are millionaires :rolleyes: , but you shouldnt stop liking their music for that reason alone. That in my opinion is closed minded thinking, which is where alot of problems arise from.


and i must say "call of ktulu" does pwn ind33d, gg cowboy

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Guest Smoke
Guest Smoke
Guest Smoke

hmmm closed minded thinking, not something that sticks to me very well.


I'm sorry but like you said Metallica are millionaires, and most of the people downloading their music are not millionaires and probably owned their CD anyway. So for metallacrap to sue them, well that just shows what they really are, capitalist pigs, not musicians.


Don't even try to defend them, they aren't worth it. Metalacrap and its cohorts the RIAA are making the last decades the most musically uninspired decades that I can remember.

mainly cause people blindly follow them and don't realize they are just putting out junk product to make a fast buck. speaking of which, I'm sure you buy what ever they tell you is good music don't you?

probably got the latest avril lavigne.


I'm sorry but the RIAA and metalica and its ilk make my blood boil!!

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Smoke i have a question for you.


Are you a musician?


cuz the way you post i think your not. Why do i ask? because i understand what they did. I am a musician i play a variety of styles and have recorded CD's before and even written music. I know what it's like to spend days in a recording studio trying to fine tune a song by playing it correct and just gettin the feel you want for it. I know what it's like spending sleepless nights over a song that you just wrote and wanting to find lyrics for it.


This is true for any artist, especially musicians. I agree that Metallica has enough money and they dont need more. But the law-suit wasn't made for more money it was made because Copyrights were infringed. Music was being distributed for free, music that they wrote and record. Some of the songs that were on napster were not even released by Metallica and yet they were already out in circulation. Do you know what it feels like when someone takes something you own that you made, spent countless hours on and gives it away for free


My friend is a sound Engineer, he's worked with many bands one example are the Tragically Hip. He knows the music industry, and recently he got screwed over. He wrote two songs for a band that he's trying to produce and they signed a contract with a record company. The company is screwing him over by taking his songs, re-recording them and he gets no profit out of it. Is that fair? tell me someone else making money off your creation.



this is stupid. Metallica did this for all artists, to stand up for their rights, gees if they didn't do it someone else would have and then they'd be labelled the bad guys.


how come no one talks about the other artists that were along side Metallica in the law-suit?

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Guest Smoke
Guest Smoke
Guest Smoke

-why doen't anyone talk about the other artists

well mainly cause metallica was the most vocal about it.


I was musician for 13yrs and am trying to learn new instruments now.


I don't do it to make money, I do it to make music.

If I was in a band, I'd be more concerned with getting my music out, and by that I mean wanting people downloading and passing it around. Most bands make all there money touring and selling shirts, etc.. not by selling their actual music.


metallica is just the poster boy for the RIAA

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Guest TeKNiK
Guest TeKNiK
Guest TeKNiK

Now now kids play nice :=


I don't mind the debate. But plz lets not have this get out of hand. Also this is bringing in traffic to my forum :o .

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X, very well written post...many applause.


Yes you do it to get music out, but if its a job, money is involved. I take offense to the avril comment...thats just mean man lol. No, i dont have it..sheesh! :lol: but for you to not even keep an open mind about their music is wrong. To tell me that they are bad people is fine, thats your opinion. But when you just stop liking their music all together because they didnt feel like being ripped off is wrong, their music may be just as good if not better. I will forever love the band for their music...not how much they make or dont make of me.

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well said Jiffy. I've been a musician for roughly 13 years. I first started playing professionally (weddings, banquets, picnics) at the age of 16. And i was in it for the money. Now i do it for fun, the money is just another good side of the whole thing. I know my friends and other people that would get really angry if their music was released without their permission. See if metallica gave permission it would have been alright, but they didn't


someone had to draw the line.


Like Jiffy said i will also listen to their music because i still like them, i dont' care about their money and what they are striving, as long as they come out with awesome tunes i'm happy.

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Highly doubtful you were a good musician. Plus this is a thing saying good songs about Metallica, which I doubt you could play. If you want to make fun of them, then start a new topic.


Smoke's cons:

1) He's arguing a corporate battle with poor spelling.

2) His comments are heresay.

3) He's using absurd logic.

4) He's being biased.

5) He'll never be good with money, obviously.

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Guest TeKNiK
Guest TeKNiK
Guest TeKNiK

Keep the debate going kids. Play Nice :) .

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Guest Smoke
Guest Smoke
Guest Smoke

if your busting me on my use of there when it should be their, golly gee!


I am one of the most open minded music loving people I know.


its that I WON"T let myself

they could be gods gift to music for all I care, I still wouldn't buy their ( <---) music because they sue their fans.

pure and simple.


people who even owned their music, and downloaded metallicas songs were being sued, or cease and desist orders.

the worst part about it is that Metallica is fighting a battle they just can't win, ever.


you can cry to me all you want about not wanting people to steal your music, but I highly doubt if your music was even available online that anyone would DL it.


Can someone please explain the difference between taping your favorite video off of the TV, or taping your favorite song off the radio. compared to Downloading music?


please explain?


heresay, fine take the word of a multi million (billion) industry hell bent on ruining music and making a fast buck, instead of the musicians and people that really care about music as an artform


I'm not going to debate this anymore, its not an easy debate and I highly doubt I can change any of your minds.


If you wanna bash me go to my bashing thread, otherwise back the hell off



you highly doubt I was a good musician? wth do you know about me? until I mentioned I was a musician you wouldn't even have known. ignorant comments like that are exactly why I choose not to discuss this anymore.

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Guest TeKNiK
Guest TeKNiK
Guest TeKNiK

Plz keep the comments about one persons abilitys to yourseleves or PM's. This was just a debate about Metallica. Not a debate over who has more skill in music than the other. That was wrong of you, cowboy, to bash him skill wise as a musician or saying he's going to be bad with money is no where near on topic of this discussion. Now plz keep those comments to yourself and keep the debate about METALLICA going. Plz don't force me to close this topic as I do not want to. I like having heated discussions about this stuff.


So in final. Keep personal comments about someone else within your own ears or in the PM box of the other person. End of discussion. Plz go on.

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Use something without absurd logic Smoke and I'll listen. And once again, I'll speak for the public, I don't dislike you, nor do I want to 'bash' you, I personally couldn't give a rat's left testicle about you. No one cares if you play smoke, so get off whatever you're on. And how could I be the whiner when you have a thread dedicated to why everyone hates you?

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Guest Smoke
Guest Smoke
Guest Smoke

Posted on Apr 8 2003, 09:51 PM


Use something without absurd logic Smoke and I'll listen. And once again, I'll speak for the public, I don't dislike you, nor do I want to 'bash' you, I personally couldn't give a rat's left testicle about you. No one cares if you play smoke, so get off whatever you're on. And how could I be the whiner when you have a thread dedicated to why everyone hates you?


-whats absurd is you attacking my persona because I don't like some band, thats dumb. I'm not sure how me disliking a band because they are capitalist pigs needs more explanation then just that.

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Guest TeKNiK
Guest TeKNiK
Guest TeKNiK

Summer sanitarium tour Mamma. I was REALLY thinking of going to see it near me at Giants Stadium. Decided against it. Don't have the money right now. But make sure you post up how the concert was and let us hear your review. Have Fun.


NOWWWW on a side note. I will not see Cowboy and Smoke go at it anymore. If I see any personal attacks against each other again I'll close the thread which I really don't want to do. I didn't think this topic was going to start attacks between 2 people but god. Keep the comments about one another to each other and not the board. No one on this board quite frankly cares what grudges you hold against each other. I don't want to see another comment bashing each other from either of you again. Take it up between the both of you and not on this forum directed strictly for music. If you 2 so feel the need to continue the flaming plz do it elsewhere and not a forum I am trying to have some fun with and listen to new music. End of discussion. Let the METALLICA talks continue.


I recently just listened to and watched the Live box set the guys put out a couple of years ago. The concert was strictly Metallica and they played for about 5 hrs. That must have been a wicked concert to goto and I enjoyed it a lot.

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Guest Smoke
Guest Smoke
Guest Smoke

this thread was suppose to be about your likes and dislikes of metallica, which I have followed through with. I don't see where I have personally attacked cowboy once. Not to mention I don't even know who he is other then the guy talking trash to me. I swear to gawd


I'm leaving this forum to , bloody hell you can debate about your music all you want , but the only people here that are small minded are the ones forcing me to leave for stating my opinion in a thread ASKING for opinions about Metallica.

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Guest TeKNiK
Guest TeKNiK
Guest TeKNiK

Don't leave Smoke. I understand what your saying. You have your right to opinion no matter what just like everyone. I never thought this was gunna blow up like it did between 2 ppl. I apologize.


Cowboy is a Metallica fan.

Smoke is NOT a Metallica fan.


We'll leave it at that and not to be discussed ne more. I do however would appreciate some more feedback from others on the topic. Thx :) .

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Can someone please explain the difference between taping your favorite video off of the TV, or taping your favorite song off the radio. compared to Downloading music?


please explain?

The main difference is that you are degrading the quality of the music when you get it from analog sources. With the advent of CD's the music was all digital. To further this digital media, MP3 file format was developed to decrease the file size and preserve the digital copy. In this way, you are getting the exact (or a much closer representation) media that was originally laid down as tracks and stored on DAT in the studio. There is little to no degredation in quality from one copy to the next.


On the flipside, when you record a cassette, or record from the radio, there are all sorts of quality problems, and the media is inherently different from the audio laid down in the studio. The music industry has major beef with the fact that you can download an entire CD with none of the quality loss. The reasoning is, you have the actual CD now minus the graphics, whereas before you got a crappy analog bootleg. Now I think the music industry screwed up by not embracing Napster. Had they charged a low monthly fee, I would have gladly paid for it. The methods they are trying to put in place are rediculous, and the artists are not benefitting from it nearly as much as the record companies.


I think my major beef with Metallica would be that they went to bat for the record companies moreso than artists, because, let's face it, artists are not the ones getting the lion's share of the profits from record sales.


I also believe that a lot of the people who claim the intellectual property argument are hypocrites (Not pointing the finger at anyone, just presenting an argument) because they feel it is wrong to download music, but do it anyway, or pirate software. I write software, and hopefully will soon be working in the industry, and a program is just as hard to write and debug and as much my intellectual property as any song ever written. Once agin, I am not trying to say anything about anyone in this particular Forum, this is just another side that I feel is constantly ignored.

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