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It Comes Back From the Grave

J. Dunlavy

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After a two and a half year lull from Counter Strike, I’m back. Don’t ask what happened. Between getting married and a 9 to 5 programming job (my last one was “choose your own hoursâ€), my home gaming computer had a hardware failure and then my interest in gaming waned (just a little). I played some single player games that I bought and shelved because I was playing mostly Counter Strike and did a lot of personal coding. Those things are complete, other parts of my life have settled down (I bought a big arse house, too), and I’m once again finding the jubilance that fragging n00bs has to offer.


You are all so dead.


Anyway, I wanted to know a few things:


What happened to Retrocedence? That server was always the premier place to go. I know Fatty was experimenting with server settings and lowering the available player slots to sixteen before I “left,†but now I find GC’s server selection to be a bit lacking. Am I missing something? Did someone set you up the bomb? What happen?


Does Stuttering John still play? Sushi? WhiteyFord? Kodiak saw me on CS and asked me if I remembered him, but everyone had different names so I’m, “Uh, no…†then I tried to spray my screen with mace. I live in a violent city so it’s reflex.


Anyway, good seeing you all again and the new website looks tops. I’m poking around trying to get current on things.


Much love,



J. Dunlavy

“Pwns Cheeriosâ€

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Welcome back! Yeah, Stutters still plays occasionally, as for the rest of the names you have mentioned, I dunno...haven't seen 'em. The server is considerably slower traffic wise than it used to be...maybe due to an aging game, or people just playing other stuff like Modern Warfare...not sure, but we are pluggin along and things have been getting a bit busier, so time will tell!


Anyways, welcome back, and um....well, I guess I am glad to have one more person to kill me on a regular basis...lol

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Welcome back! Yeah, Stutters still plays occasionally, as for the rest of the names you have mentioned, I dunno...haven't seen 'em. The server is considerably slower traffic wise than it used to be...maybe due to an aging game, or people just playing other stuff like Modern Warfare...not sure, but we are pluggin along and things have been getting a bit busier, so time will tell!


Anyways, welcome back, and um....well, I guess I am glad to have one more person to kill me on a regular basis...lol




Modern Warfare. I weep for the future of gaming.

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i think whitey went overseas on deployment.

sushi has been grounded by his mom for the next 15 years.

kodiak is now known as thrux, and he's still around. pat him on the rear next time you see him. with a p90.


the server is hurting, but it's not dead. it's hurting for love, attention, and your warm embrace. and also specific map rotation suggestions (juxtaposed to "this map sucks").


forever yours,



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Welcome back.

You'd remember me as "Stalin...without the soft underbelly"



I do.


Welcome back dunlavy! I at least remember you, whether you remember me or not. I still CS it up here and there, but i play alot of L4D2 and work a second shift job, so life is pretty busy. Hope to frag you soon!

Thanks for the warm welcome back. :-)

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SJ has also officially mated with his Apple products, he was legally married up in Canada to his MacBook.


Welcome back! I have been playing a lot of Dragon Age and Borderlands lately, but I've been feeling the itch for CS:S as of late, so I should play some in the near future.


I think CS:S is due for another face-lift to attract everyone back to the game. MW:2, I refuse to buy because of how they screwed with us PC gamers--I mean, getting people's ISPs to suspend their service? That's pretty lame.

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