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Stolen Credit Card


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So apparently I lost my credit card at 711 yesterday when I bought a taquito and an Arizona green tea. I tend to put the card in a random pocket after I use it sometimes and when it wasn't in my wallet later that night when I went out for dinner, I didn't think much about it. I log into my account this morning and see two charges for $105.36 at 711. Seriously who spends $105 at a 711, twice? What could you possibly buy for that with a credit card at a 711? Sort of makes me think a shady employee took it if I left it on the counter.

Edited by .fx
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$200 is just a drop in the bucket on what I have charged and paid off since I've had that card for the past 6 years. I buy everything with that card and pay it off every month. I called them up immediately and Im not going to have to cover any of the fraudulent charges.


Now that I think about it, there were two shady chicks in front of me who had to swipe three different cards before one allowed them to buy their black and milds. When I walked out to my motorcycle, they were standing in front of it smoking. In the store, I was going to pay with my card, but then decided to pay cash since it was only 2 bucks. Im not sure what I did with my card, but If I threw it in my helmet and it fell out when I went outside, I could see those two using it..

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That is a bummer! I wonder if they made those purchases to keep it under a certain amount to avoid a felony charge. Were they under surveillance there?


Something like this happened to me a few years back - I left my debit card in an ATM, and the next person that grabbed it went immediately to the liquor store and spent $29 on it. The back of my card said "see ID" and everything, but that didn't stop them from using it. My bank covered the charge. If you think about it, that's a pretty sweet deal. I left my card somewhere like a fool, yet I'm not responsible? It'd be like leaving a pile of hundreds, and the bank saying "no biggie, here's a new stack."

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