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A rusher here A rusher there, Rushers Everywhere!


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So while I know it seems like, Oh I'm a snitch or a tattle tale, well you know what SO BE IT! I'm tired of people rushing. This is a list of people and their rushing moments. Now personally I know you can't do a lot when admins aren't around but these people need to seriously have a talking to about their Rushing habits.


Incident 1) Saturday evening I was in a game with Elegant and Harrold on my team. Well our team wasn't do so hot, in dark carnival and towards the end of map one there were 4 tanks up only 4 ppl left alive and 3 people hunted, right at the bottom of the hill that leads up to the saferoom, well Korben ran to the saferoom, not really a lot he can do and the team was fine with it, Harrold tried to kick him, and we all said no because we thought it was fine.(this is an okay rushing moment imo and not so much rushing just going to the saferoom). But then in map 2 we were getting down the slides and fighting a tank and Harrold and Elegant ran ahead started the Merry Go Round thing and kept running and were killed trying to get to the button, I asked why they were rushing and their reasoning was oh they didn't expect it so we were trying to surprise them. Then in the 3rd map, we had people still trying to get out of the Swan love thing and they were at the Tracks starting it. I'm sorry but they know better and yet did it anyway, even though we were losing, we could of kept it some what close to have a bit of a fighting chance, instead they kept rushing ahead.


Incident 2) Saturday as well Cherry Flavored Antiacid and Irish Spring were rushing in map 1 of the parish, they were in the saferoom before there team was barely out of where the bar is, with the jukebox, not the building you go through that leads to the alarm car. Tirtul asked why they were rushing and Cherry said "Because we are just that F****ing good".


Incident 3) Tonight we were in No Mercy, Anuibus rushed 3 maps and got killed 2 of the 3 maps he did. The first map he went to the saferoom and didn't help us, in map 2 while we were trying to get our bots to move ahead we were just coming up the first set of stairs and he was already past the train where the spitter/charger choke point is, and was killed. Then in the 3rd map he rushed ahead up the ladder to the saferoom, while we were down below fighting 3 tanks.


Now my MAIN issue is not the Rushing, its a BIG part don't get me wrong BUT the BIGGEST issue I have is that Every single Person mentioned above has played on the server several times and is well aware of the rules and yet rushed anyways. Its like playing all the time and me coming on one random night and jumping off a building, I know better and yet I do it anyway because oh I don't like my team or OH there are no admins on. I just think this issue needs to be addressed especially with the above people involved as far as a warning or a ban goes.

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I with you on the annoyance level... the mornings have been so bad for rushers. Everyone keeps running off on their own and has little regard for anyone else around them. I try to be generous and give multiple warnings but some people just don't care. I know rushing is always going to be around but it seems worse lately. I haven't had many chances to get on the server at night to help police the issue, sorry Chick. But trust me you aren't the only one getting frustrated.

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Irish I am surprised a little at, but at least he wasn't the one with the nasty comment. The rest of them, well yeah they have had their own little incidents here or there at some point in the server. If i was friends with them on steam, maybe I'd say something, but the majority of those people I'm not, I think only irish is on my list. Best thing really is to keep an eye out when we are on and catch them in the act to handle the individual situations.

Something good for repeat offenders is getting a demo. Maybe when we have some hardcore proof time after time, we can give them a temp ban and post "This is why" and upload the demos.

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Sorry i'm not always on to help you Chick :( The server looks like it has been super busy with lots of people lately and the people you have mentioned above i do recognize too! Like you said, they should know better but unfortunately they still act in such that way. Sometimes I will come on during my mornings off and there are at least 4+ rushers that i kick. A lot of players think they can rush to the end but they dont realize that there are 10 infected. 10x the chance to die... I'll try my best to help out when I can, just give me a buzz if i'm on, i'm kinda obsessed with contacting people back asap xD whether it's phone, facebook, instant messenger. If i see them, i'll talk to them too.


Speaking of full, even during the summer at 8 am central time, there weren't even any players on... it's 20/22 right now!!! WOW!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yeah I've noticed quite a few players who think they can come in and just do whatever they want. What really saddens me is that the majority of online gamers come into a server, and the first words out of their mouth within 5 minutes are F*** and N****R. Like seriously, why? Maybe its the anonymity of the internet, but its just sad that people think they can act however they want just cuz they think no one is gonna hold them accountable. And then, if you tell them that its a clean server, and ask them not to swear and say that stuff, they reply with the same words they just got in trouble for. That's the quickest path to an Insta-ban for me.

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Had to temp ban 4 people this morning after a few warnings and their team screaming at them in voice chat... guess its gonna happen with such an awesome server, everyone wants to play here... even the people who are only in it for themselves.


Also with you on those foul mouthed bans Nightling.

Edited by Madvillain
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