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National Do Not Call Registry


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This doesnt stop 100% of calls though. I've been on it for a couple years and I still get the occasional recorded message call. I hate those, you say hello, twice usually, and then a recording starts that first says "Do not hang up the phone, this is not a telemarketing call...." then its something about refinancing your home or something stupid.

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I only get wrong numbers, I'm not even worth telemarketer's time. :(


See, people with purchasing power generally answer the phone like "SPEAK TO ME" rather than "FRAAAAAND?" so the autodialer knows you're cheap and lonely almost immediately and doesn't waste precious playbacks of the recorded message.


The worst is I get one that starts off with a ocean liner's horn "HHHRRRRRRNNNNNNNN" - I've never stuck around to see what they're selling me, or if it's actually a friend being held captive at sea, but they call at least once a month.

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I only get wrong numbers, I'm not even worth telemarketer's time. :(

The worst is I get one that starts off with a ocean liner's horn "HHHRRRRRRNNNNNNNN" - I've never stuck around to see what they're selling me, or if it's actually a friend being held captive at sea, but they call at least once a month.


I'm guessing it's the latter, personally. They want to trade your friend's life for some phat beatz.

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