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Member only server


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Paying members do have a say in things. Things are changed all the time on the L4D2 server, based on the requests and input of members posting in the forums. The way points are used, new buy options, etc are all changed. New servers and games are introduced based on membership. Additional admins are brought in, based on requests from members. Some of the rules in the game are changed based on it. However, this post is asking for a major change in the philosophical ideas of GC. It is up to the board members. If someone posted that we should be able to curse in the games, and most of the member replies agreed, it still would not bring a change.

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Er... calm down. Fact #1 - You will not get a member only server. It's a terrible idea. Let it go. Fact #2 - People are generally interested in the idea of a 'Members only' night or event. If you are so hot and bothered about it, come up with a tournament, special event, competition, whatever. Flesh it out, and approach Jackie or Crash about its feasibility.


You do have a say, and the ability to affect change. But not in regards to forcing people to pay to play on a server. That is not what we are about.


So please, do get involved, come up with monthly, weekly events that will allow you to play with the experienced members without the babysitting.





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I'm sorry but the ability to make suggestions is not the same as having a say, the only reason I asked for a vote was because I heard that a member only server was a possibility and every member who plays on the server that I talked too about it thought it was a great idea. I had read on another GC page that there are match servers and assumed they were for members so I didn't think it was a change in the philosophical ideas of GC.


The real problem is I had no idea that paying members didn't get a vote or I never would have asked for one or probably come here in the first place, the "BOARD MEMBER" tags only became apparent to me today and it was also the first I've heard of it. I was naively under the impression with all the words like "member" and "community" being thrown around, that all things were voted on by the members in the community like other groups that I have belonged. I think if it was more obvious that we are really just customers it would help with mitigating confusion in the future when new customers pay for the reserve.


"Er... calm down"

I'm not sure what would make you think I am not calm, but I assure you I am. All I asked for was a vote since many members think it is a great idea, and I only asked again because the original request for a vote was ignored. I am not "hot and bothered" about anything, a simple misunderstanding is all. Now that I have found out paying customers don't get a vote I see no point in the forums for me. I can be told my suggestions are "terrible" ingame LOL.

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I don't think you understand how nearly every society/group works. True democracy does not work, never has. You do have a say simply because you have the ability to suggest changes. I told you to calm down, because you were so quick to pull the plug on the conversation and abandon the forums. The truth of the matter is that when it comes to major changes we do get a voice. The Board regularly comes to the members and asks our opinions and thoughts on ideas and concerns.


I stated that a members only server was a terrible idea, and it is. Don't take it personally. I also said that there was a lot of support for an extension of your idea, which was member only nights/events. Its called having a conversation and compromising to come to a result that is deemed acceptable by the whole. Yes, your main idea was shot down, however in return you have an opportunity to have exactly what you want, just in a more limited way. I would think that would be a win for you.





Edited by shaftiel
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"I don't think you understand how nearly every society/group works"

While you are of course entitled to your opinion, that I find mildly insulting, I beg to differ.

What I didn't have knowledge of is how this group works.


"True democracy does not work, never has"

While I believe that statement is debatable, I have no interest in doing so.


"I stated that a members only server was a terrible idea, and it is. Don't take it personally"

As I've said it wasn't my idea, I heard it on the server and along with many other customers thought it was a great idea so I don't take it personally. Although I do find the way you phrase it as if your beliefs are a matter of fact, somewhat amusing.


"I told you to calm down, because you were so quick to pull the plug on the conversation and abandon the forums"

My belief that the forums are not for me has nothing to do with my level of calm. The top down dictatorial style of "community" I am just fundamentally opposed too, I don't want to debate wether or not it is the right way to do it, it's just not for me. Also a recent email from GC reminding me that "reserve holding customers that have not been acting all that great" get their money kept while getting banned from the servers, leads me to believe I should just stick to the game servers.


"I would think that would be a win for you"

Any wins would be for the paying customers that think a member only server would be a great addition.

Edited by LRWarrior
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if all is dictated from the top.

The top down dictatorial style of "community"



Warrior, did you not read Peanut's post? Tons of things have changed from member feedback or suggestions. Members have been bumped to admin and a select few to board member due to their contribution to the community. If this community was really a "dictatorship", then the numerous suggestions made by the community to change the buy plugin on the L4D2 server would NEVER have gone through. The buy plugin has evolved immensely over the years due to the community. Just because the idea of a "members only server" getting shot down does not equal dictatorship. I've put up dozens of vote for the community to vote on for changes regarding servers that I, and others, have felt was a good idea and have benefited because of it. Like I said before, I'm open to the idea of having member only nights, but I don't feel that a dedicated server for members only would benefit the community any.


Plus, it is evident that a lot of people are just "buying membership and not looking back" because of the amount of bans the server has for misbehavior. Those who take the time to be a part of the community get the most out of it...which from what it sounds like you don't want to do.


In a community, you choose your own level of involvement. If you only want to involve yourself in the servers, that's fine.

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"You keep using that word I do not think it means what you think it means"

When a group of board members arbitrarily make rules and then impose them on the rest of the paying customers they are dictating what the rules are, are they not? maybe decree would be less offensive? I don't believe I called it a dictatorship my intention was not to be insulting, sorry if you were.


The problem of people "buying membership and not looking back" I would be willing to bet has more to do with the lack of voting rights than anything else.


As the originator of this topic I feel obliged to respond to replies and since there clearly will not be any voting on this subject could we please close or delete this topic so I don't have to keep coming back.

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I had a couple ideas...


1) admin vs member night - maybe we can set a day and time soon, to have admins vs members? We could use Mumble to communicate, make teams and rotate people in and out. We could turn off all talk for admins.


2) member team night - again set a specific night and time, join in mumble maybe and choose up teams, or assign people to a team.

There aren't that many admins to make a 10vs10 game, also, you're peanut so your fellow admins will leave you behind!

About the member "team" night... isn't that actually "stacking"? :P


There used to be nights that were packed with members and regulars, you had to wait for someone to leave in order to join... those days are becoming less and less frequent, maybe because GC has two servers and sometimes members doesn't really know where is the server with more members on it or just because most regulars are less interested in the game/server.

I think we should call the attention of those who doesn't play that often by doing a "well known GC regulars 'night'", so those really __long__ join time comes back


EDIT: I actually quoted an old post... silly me for not reading the pagination first LOL

Edited by Jose
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The problem of people "buying membership and not looking back" I would be willing to bet has more to do with the lack of voting rights than anything else.

It more or less has to do with the fact people don't want to get kicked for reserve slots because people join the forums, buy membership, then go back to playing. It's not that they lack "voting rights", they lack the willingness to participate in a community outside of the game servers. Every kind of Pay 2 Play game is like that. Probably less than 50% of Left 4 Dead 2's customer base couldn't give two craps about the forums or any kind of community discussions. You gotta understand that sometimes you can't have your cake and eat it too.


We are also not arbitrarily making rules either. If a paying member waltzed in here and demanded that we allow inappropriate language or porn sprays because it's a "Mature" rated game or a handful of people said that we should allow it and we say, "No. End of discussion", are we considered dictators because it's going against what the community was built off of? No. If a business said "No, absolutely not" to an employee's suggestion, does that make them dictators? No. They're doing what's best for the business. We're doing what we feel is best for the community by not segregating new members from everyone else. Membership is a privilege. A privilege that can be taken away if necessary (not a threat).


As you wish though, I'll close this topic and end it here.

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