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Hiya! Been awhile, need some advice

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Woke up the other night to my psu sparking.


Bought a new one (EVGA 860 supernova). I hooked it up and thought it was going to start ok. Then the mobo error-coded with 85 ((EVGA 132-LF-E655-KR) - Display errors. If no display check video card/monitor.

Replaced cabling and re-seated. Same. Tried the other slot, same.

Put in my old gtx 275 (know it works) - same.

Does this sound like a fried mobo to you?
Kind of a big deal. Its the older 2-step style mobo (ram is in 4/8/16 rather than 6/12/24 etc...), so I prolly wouldnt just replace the mobo it would have to be a whole new rebuild.

Kinda stuck so looking for any advice I can get.

I think most of the info is in my sig (udpated ram to 8 gigs and video to evga 660ti sig 2)


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Man, was really hoping someone would have some good news. Getting ready for another move (Im in South Cali now btw, just south of San Diego). If I have to do the whole cpu/mobo/ram thing....might be 6 months to save up.


MAYBE I could swing another of the same mobos, but then if the cpu or ram are also fried, I jsut threw that money in the garbage.

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board is past warranty. Think it was only a 3 year one. Might call em to see if they have any ideas....theyve always treated me great.


Heya Stutters! Sorry, meant to type North. Im near Oceanside, bout 30 mins north of SD. Beautiful place! ... crazy rent though...ouch.

We're staying in this area, just need to upgrade the homestead.

We get a laugh out of the weather channel....rest of the country's getting all torn up, then Oceanside's radar. Totally blank, looks like a map. Everyday. This weeks forecast? 70-something.

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new info.

Got it past that point and to post.

Kept telling me to insert a boot device (uh oh )

Recognizes the dvd rec, but neither of the HDD. tried switching cables, sata ports, power cables, everything. Reset Cmos.

Inserted Windows dvd....its acting like it should, except that it doesnt see either of the HDDs, so cant pull up a recovery image or anything like that, much less load windows...


Is it possible that a power surge or something happened to destroy both HDDs? Not just erase....it thinks they dont even exist.

This one has me totally stumped.

ANY ideas would be helpful!

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continuing from post right above, is it possible that some bios setting got borked when the psu went? Or even that sata cable? I jsut cant think of any possibilities that would DESTROY both HDDs at the same time, so that they dont even exist anymore. Erased? I could understand that. But Gone?

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continuing the two posts above....

Not the sata cable. I tried the sata cable that runs the dvd burner. No change. And that cable obviously works....

I'll take any suggestions, even if they sound nuts.

I would get one fried, or both erased but still there, or one erased on ok, etc etc. But both totally destroyed?

I dont wanna give up and buy a new one and reinstall and lose EVERYTHING unless its the only possible option.


BTW- if I do have to do that, will my copy of windows still work since its the same computer? Or will I need a new one of those too?

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mobo "seems" ok. I re-cabled everything and started from scratch with the new PSU. Other than it thinking theres no HDDs attached seems to work fine.


I dont have another system to try them in, but I did find a couple old sata drives lying around. They wont boot it I assume, but I ASSUME it should at least recognize that they are attached and give me an option to reformat and install windows if all the other hardware is ok.... i think. I wont do that, but this should tell me the drives are borked and not the board/cables/etc.

Ill try that later today.

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I have nothing particularly to add regarding your computer issue, just wanted to say, "Hey! Welcome to sunny California!" I'm just 40 minutes north of you in Orange County, Brea/Fullerton area :) *wave*






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heya shaft!!! wow been a while. Ive been with dirtyguns.us Mostly a BF4 clan. The fam and I are looking at Big Bear, NE of here, east of LA. Looks amazing with cheap housing. And 5 or 6 locations I could transfer to. We're heading up there Thurs to check it out.


On a PC note, I tried the old HDD. Of course it didnt boot, BUT it recognized it and I could browse through it byu telling the Windows boot disk I wanted to look for a driver.

So, both my HDDs are totally toast along with everything on them. Yay! >:


So, any advice on a new HDD? Im still using old Sata 3gb/s so Im not sure if a SSD would even be of use to me. Hybrids are looking interesting.

What do you guys think on 1 vs 2 drives? Ive always gone 2 so I can have a data drive, but with 3+TB drives, thats kinda silly now.

I jsut always have a fear with a single drive system that if C: craps out Id have to re-install windows and destroy EVERYTHING since its all on one drive...

Wanna buy soon so let er rip.


BTW, walkingcat, windows "account"? You mean my dvd-key? Still have all that...

Edited by Laz.e.rus
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When you reinstall Windows it will probably fail online activation. But you call the number on the screen. You read the numbers to a machine and they give you an activation code. I had to do it about a week ago when I got a new piece of hardware and Windows said it wasn't the same computer.


Edit: For hard drives I would get 2. An SSD and a standard HDD. Or you could do the hybrids, I guess they work the same. Use the SSD for your Windows install and the HDD for your games. SATA 2 will probably hold back a SSD but the standard HDD will be fine. They do make SATA 6gb/s PCIe 1x cards to get yourself some SATA 6gb/s ports. Or you could get real fancy and buy a PCIe SSD, but those are pricey.

Edited by VooDooPC
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When you reinstall Windows it will probably fail online activation. But you call the number on the screen. You read the numbers to a machine and they give you an activation code. I had to do it about a week ago when I got a new piece of hardware and Windows said it wasn't the same computer.


Edit: For hard drives I would get 2. An SSD and a standard HDD. Or you could do the hybrids, I guess they work the same. Use the SSD for your Windows install and the HDD for your games. SATA 2 will probably hold back a SSD but the standard HDD will be fine. They do make SATA 6gb/s PCIe 1x cards to get yourself some SATA 6gb/s ports. Or you could get real fancy and buy a PCIe SSD, but those are pricey.

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