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Personally I think you should always heal yourself since its faster, especially on maps like No Mercy where if a survivor goes down it feeds the infected 15 points.  I hate seeing people walk around with 10 hp no points and a health pack its like man just health yourself jesus christ.  I think most people know this by now but you can just heal as charger and kill people who are incapped for easy points.

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I usually heal myself at the start of matches when I'm hurt, teammates are usually too slow or you have to take time to ask. Also, if someone is healing themself then maybe try to pull out your gun and cover them instead of smacking them with a med kit :D 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think the problem for newish ppl with the fireworks is the tooltip in the game says pick up the box.  But yeah it seems like some people just shoot them on purpose, I mean sometimes if theres 10 people shooting up an area its clearly a mistake but 60% it isnt. Anyway about tooltips...  I know most players have disabled these a while ago but I recently had to reinstall and they go on on default.  I kinda like it though because it says "soandso has saved you..." when you are trapped/pinned etc. 

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if someone's black and white or low on health or being healed or defibbed and they'er basically not moving and it's an open area with tons of buildings and roofs stand either next to them if you trust your aim and line up with hunters and boomers that are sure to drop on them, you're protecting your teammates and practicing your skeeting skills. two-in-one.


never stay with the crowd, always be slightly farther out to the sides or the back


make it instinctive not to immediately shoot the boomer when it comes, even if you have fantastic aim and want those points, if you shoot a 6-person boom that's 6 people on your team who can't see, you want to make sure you shoot the boomer only if it's necessary to do so or if he's not around anybody/very few people. instead, make it instinct to either hold off on shooting the boomer and let your teammates that are near him handle it when he drops, or m2 it quickly and jump/strafe backwards to safety and then pop him. the most annoying thing happens when you can safely shoot the boomer first but you're not given the chance to jump out of the way because somebody else is trigger happy. it's okay to have fast reactions and be good at killing SI, but be smart about it when it comes to boomers.


when boomed stay in the middle, in a corner, or somewhere where your teammates can see you and are close to you. always huddle up next to somebody if you get boomed.


if there's very few people left on your team when playing as survivors, and you want to maximize your chances of making to the saferoom, stay as close as possible to each other so that the SI landing animations will bounce off and give you godframes, e.g. when a charger charges you and stumbles te hunter can't pounce until the godframes wear off, or when a jockey lands on you there's a few seconds of a stumble godframe. take advantage of these godframes as survivors and use them to clear SI. in some situations it's better to m2 a jockey or hunter or smoker than it is to try and aim and kill them. a few milliseconds of timing is the difference between m2ing a jockey/hunter/smoker and getting wiped because you were too busy trying to aim for his head. unless of course you're confident enough you can kill them first, then by all means do so.


swing your camera view with an angle so it curves around screen, when m2ing or when meleeing. this lands more hits on the common infected.


if you have a melee and there's a map known for death charges/smokes, get really comfortable with being up and close to chargers and levelling them, or knowing when to time a tongue-cut. i find tongue cuts much harder than levelling chargers, so know your weaknesses and adapt. 


bind a boomer bile to your keybinds, disables the tank for effectively 10-15 seconds making him blind and pretty much ensuring he's dead in that time frame (if everybody focuses on him). if a tank is biled, never let him get away without doing damage, that's your primary opportunity to kill right there.


as infected, angle your rocket spawns so that you're curving the trajectory in mid-air. don't go in linear or straight lines, especially at popular choke points or obvious spawn locations. when playing as infected and trying to land a rocket spawn somewhere, think "where would I prefire or aim if I was survivors and trying to kill infected?" and do the opposite. basically, go for the rarest, unorthodox, least common spawn points, and get creative with what you can do. time your rocket booms so you can run around a corner and still reach your survivors when spawning by strafing in mid-air.


sometimes tank unannounce is unnecessary if you can rocket spawn a tank at the very last second so it only morphs when it hits the ground.


pills cost 5 points and med kits 8, but pills make you bleed out slowly. decide wisely when it's best to pill  and when you should just heal.


give priority when sending points to those who are asking for the least points. i always give people who !np 1 !np 2 or !np 3 because it's economically efficient for my team. if somebody is asking for 10 or more points on my team, they better know what they're doing or they better be important. otherwise it's hogging points (which I'm sometimes guilty of doing). if somebody gives you a large amount of points, make it a habit of returning the favor, especially when they ask for it too.


if somebody's low on health and they just popped pills, don't heal them. i know it makes sense since they're low on health and will bleed, but unless they're black and white, if they popped pills just recently then don't heal them. it's frustrating being healed after wasting 5 points on pills. let them take the pills and hold off on healing them until they really need it.

Edited by scubiedoobie
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  • 2 weeks later...

Most important thing is playing as good infected at right times, theres no point in trying to smoke someone who is right by 4 people unless they're all new and will just ignore the person who got smoked.  Also I always try to spawn as fast as possible especially with boomer and charger even if you get 4 points or so you still will have 2 times as many spawns as someone who holds their infected for the "perfect moment".  Lately i just charge randomly and not at chokepoints so I can suprise people and get easy points and wish spitters would do the same and follow where I am.  As tank when you punch in a closed in area you should turn around to see if someone is meleeing you while you recharge your punch, ive killed many tanks just by constantly meleeing them while they weren't aware.  Also learn how to hit cars and other hittables without crouching because its hard for the survivors to judge where it will go and i've surprised many good players with a lucky car hit.

Edited by VivaLaBrandon
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