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Back After A Long Time


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Hey guys, I haven't played in a while but have been back on recently because I really missed playing l4d2 with everyone! With that being said, I really would like to play more often and be more involved with the community, one of the things that have been making it really hard for me to do this is not being able to invest in a better laptop or pc. Mine is about dead, I've had it since I've been in middle school and it runs below 35 fps. Honestly the only game I'm able to run on it from steam is l4d2, and barely lol. Because of my financial situation throughout the years I haven't been able to make this investment, but some of my gamer friends suggested I try out a go-fund-me to see if anyone wants to help out from the community, give it a read if possible and anything is helpful! I really want to start streaming on twitch! :)

go-fund-me:  gf.me/u/xsfvpw

Edited by JodaHero
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GC Server Admin

Welcome back Joda.  Unfortunately like many people, I am now out of work due to the corona situation - I will have virtually no money coming in for the next 3 months (lockdown) - this is going to be a severe strain as I have my disabled mother living with me - my bare bones living requirements (food and bills etc) is at an all-time low (approx $50 per week).  If the situation gets any better after this period and if I can help, I will try.

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2 hours ago, Limi said:

Have you had a look at GeForce Now? - https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce-now

Might be a cheap way to hold you over until you can get a new machine. (If your machine can run GeForce Now anyway)

I tried GeForce Now recently, and unfortunately it doesn't save your settings because the game itself will be installed on Nvidia's cloud.

That means your resolution, game settings, binds, etc. will reset each time you start the game up, regardless if you have Steam cloud synced.

Edited by Shafee
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